1421 The Year China Discover America


Space Time Keeper
Feb 17, 2005
1421 The Year China Discover America

This Scenario Presented By Stargate

The China History :
Early 15th century, Emperor Zhu Di is a wise Ming Emperor at that time, his use foreign trade to make the empire finance to became even stronger, so the Emperor send voyagers led by Admiral Zheng He to extented foreign trade for Ming Empire of China (1405-1433). The Armada Star Fleet which numbered more than 200 ships, sailed on a series of voyages across South China Sea, Indian Ocean, Arabian Sea and the east coast of Africa.
The places they had visit are Melacca, Sumatra, Java, Calicut, Ormuz, Zufar, Jiddah, Mogadishu and other's places. The ships returned laden with goods and exotic plants. Also some Civs pay tribute to China for exchange of protection and secure trade.
Zheng He's fleet used force on three occasions: in Sumatra 1404 and 1413 , in Ceylon (Sri Lanka) 1410. Mainly againts Chinese pirates and King of Ceylon been captured as prisoners of war to China.

The Gavin Menzies New Theory:
Now with Gavin Menzies new Theory, the China fleet also cross Cape of Good Hope and continued journey across Atlantic Ocean to the Carribean Islands and reached America in 1421 before Christopher Columbus 1492 !
Theory start when, The Emperor Zhu Di's four great fleets left China for Melacca on the 3rd of March 1421 with around 100 ships. Then they set sail to Calicut (India).
At Calicut, Admiral Zheng He (Commander in Chief), returned home via South East Asia and reached China in November 1421. Three admirals Zhou man, Zhou Wen and Hong Bao continued their journey.
Admirals Hong Bao, Zhou Wen and Zhou Man sailed in company across the Indian Ocean and up west coast of Africa ,to Santo Antao in the Cape Verde Island.
They were to split up in Santo Antao with Zhou Wen's fleet sailing in the equatorial current westwards to the Caribbean. Hong Bao and Zhou Man heading south-west down to Venezuela.
Zhou Wen: After leaving Africa and setting Cape Varde, his fleet then crossed the Atlantic and arrived in the Caribbean, whereupon shortly after separating from the rest of other's fleet , nine ships loss in a hurricane in Puerto Rico.
The fleet took on survivors and deposited them on Cuba and Rhode Island before heading up the north-eastcoast of America. Some Chinese settlers also make settlement in America land. After that, they set sailed to Greenland and North Pole.
Zhou Wen split two yoyager ships , one advancing back home via Azores and Cape Verde island and other's sailed the Bering Straits (North of Russia) back to China.
Meanwhile, Hong Bao and Zhou Wan fleets had arrived in South America, and find the passage to Pacific Ocean .They split at the Straits of Magellan. ( nearly a century before Magellan arrived there)
Hong Bao courageous fleet set sailed into South Pole and reached south Graham Land.
They continued sailed via Weddel Sea to Kerguelen island and Western Australia , landfall at south of Bunbury. But three junks was loss there. After that , they set home via Indian Ocean and South China Sea.
Zhou Man meantime took the Humboldt and the south equatorial currents up the west coast of Peru, across the Pacific via the Marquesas and Tuomoto archipelagos and Norfolk Island before landfall in east Australia (north of Newcastle). Then they sailed to south to Campbell Island and loss one ship.
Then they reach New Zealand and go back to Brisbane. But loss 6 ships there. Then they went back to China via the Great Barrier Reef. They landed at Arnhem some 250 years before Captain Cook.
Zhou Man made extremely step not to heading back home, he sail north-easterly course via Kuroshio (Japanese current) to North America and land in west Canada and Vancouver Island. Then they sailed south to Peru and went back home across Pacific Ocean and returned to China.
Yang Qing fleet only sailed around Indian ocean. He trained many astronomers all over Indian Ocean three centuries before John Harrison's invention of the chronometer.

Others Civ History:
When Edward III, the young king of England, challenged his cousin Phillippe de Valois, king of France, and demanded for himself the throne of France, Valois laughed. However the English were decided to fight for their king, and the result was the longest war ever fought betwee the two nations. The year is 1337, the first year of the conflict.
The Byzantines at war with the Ottomans for many years ,the third walled city of Constantinople are build to protect the city from Ottomans offensive new weapon cannon. But the history are not sided with Byzantines, which Constantinople had been captured by Ottomans and the city name change to Istanbul by year 1453.

The Scenario :
This scenario is a exploration scenario and start at golden age.
The game have 56 turns and count in months start at 1405 till 1433.
Luiz's earth map 256x204 with 26 civ and barbarians.
China Ming Empire is the only player that can play in this scenario. (Optional: others Civs can edit to play with C3C editor)
China make voyages to South China Sea, Indian Ocean, Arabian Sea and the east coast of Africa.
Then cross Cape of Good Hope, across Atlantic Ocean to the Carribean Islands and reach America about 1421. (Gavin Menzies Theory)
Travel around the world via Pasific Ocean, Arctic Sea and Antarctica Sea. (Gavin Menzies Theory)
Make some sea and ocean trade with new civilizations along the voyages.
Tartar and Manchu barbarians are active in the north of China land. But it's a bit save protected by The Great Wall of China.
Sumatra pirates in South East Asia and Ceylon pirates in the Indian ocean also make some concern to the China fleet.
English at war with French in the Hundred Years war.
Turki Ottomans at war with Byzantines with the last city of Constantinople.
Settlers can't be build. But given 1 settler to the new world (America) to settle there. (Gavin Menzies Theory)

1.make 1st voyage to Africa.
2.make 2nd voyage to America.
3.make some voyages around the world.

Recommended CPU 1.5 Ghz above and RAM 512Mb above.

How To Install:
1. Choose the huge file and the biq file to download.
2. Unziped the biq file to CivIII/Conquest/Conquest.
3. Copy the unziped biq file to CivIII/Counquest/Scenario.
4. Unziped the huge file "1421 China Discover America.zip" to CivIII/Conquest/Conquest.

1. Scenario creator from Stargate.
2. New theory from Gavin Menzies.
3. Map creator from Luiz's earth map.
4. Unit creator from TVA22
5. Map pic and info from www.1421.tv
6. Technical adviser from Colonel Kraken
6. Thanks to all civfanatics.com member and guest who had view, play or give suggestions to my scenario.

Download 2 files here!
1. The Huge file 1.2MB (1421 China Discover America.zip) are only download once.
2. The biq file (CDA1.0.zip) is now at version 1.0 , later version will update soon.

please give some good suggestions about this scenario, Thanks.


My game went more or less like this:

I left a few units home to protect it and used the extra units & navy to get money from the barbarians in the islands. I thought there would be some sort of special treasure in America, so I immediatly sent 2 ships (with the settler) straight to America (through the Pacific). It took a while (I made a detour via Australia) but eventually I landed in South America. After looking around for VP's spots or some treasures laying around, I gave up and decided to build a city in the coast.

Realizing that the America's was just a dream (no real gain) and having decreased the number of barbarians, I decided to attack my neighbours - Korea, Vietname and Java were eliminated from the game. I started a war with India, but the game ended soon after the beginning of the war. I won by VP's. I had around 12% of the world population.

My comments and suggestions are the following:

- The game it's too easy. China has a strong tech lead, strong units in the beginning, developed cities and a very strong navy. I've played in Demi-God and won easily because China is too strong for their closeby neighbours. Only Japan can make a stand with the Samurai. My suggestions are:
* Make iron a scarce resource and don't put it near China (so that they have to protect colonies far from the Capital).
* Make the Chinese ships weaker (max 2/2/4).
* Make the Junks sink more in sea and ocean.
* Give a few strong units to the neighbours.

- How about placing some VP's spots in North America to incentivate going there? Or putting Treasures there, to incentivate going and coming back? If I would play the scenario again (as is) I would just forget America and start a huge land conquest towards Europe. I started late and made it to India.

I had fun playing the scenario. But it's not very balanced so it doesn't motivate me to play it again. I think it's a good effort, but some improvements (specially making it more difficult) are in order.
I'll try playing this game later; but the historical fiction makes me want to cry. :( They only made it towards Zanzibar. So why on earth is there a route that navigates from China around Russia? I mean, the fact that they touched every land mass except Europe makes perfect sense.
Very interesting idea! When I saw your thread I thought the map would have South East Asia and the western edge of America with Incas, Aztecs, and Inuit tribes. Where do the Portuguese fit into your mod? They were also exploring Africa, India and even Japan in the mid to late 1400's?
My friend Luthor, thanks for your comments and suggestions.:goodjob:

Emperor of China Empire in that time want to extent foriegn trade by peaceful relationship (historical)... So...China will not attack others country by others means except some country or barbarians who dont want to be friend with China.

err.. Luthor you going to America the wrong way !!!....not by historical term.. think as if you want to go explore the new world from China.. where you will go first without the chance of losing your priceless ships at sea.:crazyeye:

Chinese ship are the strongest at that time, if the Europe galley attack China junks at that time.. the galley will lose terribly.:p

China is the first country to build big ship, gunpowder, clock, printing press and etc.. historical strong tech lead compare to others.

Iron resource colonies to put far away from China territory is a good idea... mmm it will be update in my next version.

Special Treasure and Victory Points spots are the best idea, how can i miss that part...i will take my best effort to make this happen :thumbsup:

If Europe can be conquest by China...then how can Christopher Columbus go to America? :lol:
davbenbak said:
Very interesting idea! When I saw your thread I thought the map would have South East Asia and the western edge of America with Incas, Aztecs, and Inuit tribes. Where do the Portuguese fit into your mod? They were also exploring Africa, India and even Japan in the mid to late 1400's?
My friend davbenbak, this scenario is play in year 1405-1433, China Ming Empire are historical explore the world early than European expeditions.
The Portugese only start series of expeditions from 1415 to explore the west coast of Africa. Only arrive at Sierra Leone around year 1460. By 1488,Bartholomew Dias finally reached the Cape of Good Hope.:rolleyes:
Around year 1497, Vasco da Gama found the sea route to India. Japan reached at year 1542. So the China ships can't meet Portugese ships in historical term. :lol:
I honestly wont play rhis scenario. I dont think there is any beleife that the chinese discovered america. they should have set up colonies and things in america, not let everyone from europe. sorry.
I guess this makes an interesting What If scenario, but the historical fiction unfortunately also makes me want to cry :cry: Gavies didn't really back up his ideas with hard data though, it was pure sensationalism. Still, its just a game :p

What if you just had a map of the Pacific area with coasts, put various civs in their places, and set VPs in the New World as Luthor_Saxburg says? That way you can still do the "what if china discovers america" but not have all the other civs to mess around with. Or, even more interesting, what if New World discovers China?

This idea would have just Japan, China, Aztecs, Inka, Australian Aborigines, and say 1-2 Polynesian groups. Might make for tighter gameplay, maybe?
Anyway, just an idea...
You've put together a nice map - layout of cities and nations, etc. especially in Europe, I thought that that was done quite well, the area was just the right size that I think it would be awesome to see a European-only medieval scenario (the one that came with conquests was a little too big). But I doubt I'd play this scenario here, as it is a little too huge for me.

The concept is nice, but when I first saw the title I thought of the novel The Years of Rice and Salt by Kim Stanley Robinson. While the idea of China discovering the Americas in 1421 might have some academic merit, this book is a complete alternate history where Europe is basically wiped out by the plague, leaving China, India, American Aboriginals and the Muslim world to dominate the earth. That might be a setting for a more dramatic alternate-history style scenario.
My suggestion: Add the Mongols. Attacks from the north were the reason that the Chinese stopped the voyages of Zheng He.
Balam said:
Gavies didn't really back up his ideas with hard data though, it was pure sensationalism. Still, its just a game :p
i agree :D
Balam said:
That way you can still do the "what if china discovers america" but not have all the other civs to mess around with.
This not follow Gavin Menzies Theory...what the fun of it if not include all civs, right?:lol:
Balam said:
Or, even more interesting, what if New World discovers China? This idea would have just Japan, China, Aztecs, Inka, Australian Aborigines, and say 1-2 Polynesian groups. Might make for tighter gameplay, maybe? Anyway, just an idea...
mmm...interesting idea... :)
The Byzantines had spent the years fought with the Ottomans wisely, building up a third wall to add to the double walled city of Constantinople, but this wall was a new innovation to defend against a new weapon: Bombards.

I seem to remember seeing this somewhere...


The Old Empires PTW & C3C By Sarevok

What If Tamerlane Had an Heir? A Legitimate, Strong Heir who took over the Mongols after he died in 1405? It Happened and the new Great Khan, Nayuk chose that instead of advancing to China, they should advance into Anatolia against Osman's Rising. Although the Ottomans managed to defeat the Mongols and drive them back to Persia where they would remain for the coming centuries, the Mongols had unexpectedly given hope to, instead of terror to all: The Byzantines of Constantinople.

The Byzantines had spent the years the Ottomans and Mongolia fought wisely, building up a third wall to add to the double walled city, but this wall was a new innovation to defend against a new weapon: Bombards. By 1453, when Mehmed II assaulted Constantinople, his Jannisary's and Bombards were routed by a heroic defense and Mehmed II died during the struggle. A treaty following made peace with the turks and allowed them to pass through Byzantine territory so long as they were independent. The treaty was never threatened until a new monarch rose to the throne: Suleyman I. in 1520, He forced the Byzantines back to their fortress city and bypassed them while his forces stormed into the Balkans but were finally stopped at Vienna.


A little note ripped off of my "The Old Empires" Scenario? Youre a funny guy.

Dont worry, I wont kick youre ass. Next time though be sure to ask first before you take a scenario creator's ideas.

(I cant really blame you for doing that though. TOE is still the largest scenario thread in existence. Its natural for people to borrow from what is #1.)
Sarevok said:
I seem to remember seeing this somewhere...
sorry Sarevok friend, your scenario is great...i like your statements about Byzantines untill i forget to ask u about it, so next time i will ask u first if i borrow your ideas ...i will correct the scenario statements...thanks for correct my mistake. :)
Tomoyo said:
My suggestion: Add the Mongols. Attacks from the north were the reason that the Chinese stopped the voyages of Zheng He.
may be in my next version will include Mongols civ as Tartar and Manchu Barbarians who at war with China... the scenario will be a bit balance. Thanks for your idea, Tomoyo. :goodjob:
Stargate said:
sorry Sarevok friend, your scenario is great...i like your statements about Byzantines untill i forget to ask u about it, so next time i will ask u first if i borrow your ideas ...i will correct the scenario statements...thanks for correct my mistake. :)
Its alright.
QuoVadisNation said:
I'll try playing this game later; but the historical fiction makes me want to cry. :( They only made it towards Zanzibar. So why on earth is there a route that navigates from China around Russia? I mean, the fact that they touched every land mass except Europe makes perfect sense.
may be Gavin menzies know the Chinese people won't go to Europe because of the Plague in Europe.:rolleyes:
Andrew_Jay said:
The concept is nice, but when I first saw the title I thought of the novel The Years of Rice and Salt by Kim Stanley Robinson. While the idea of China discovering the Americas in 1421 might have some academic merit, this book is a complete alternate history where Europe is basically wiped out by the plague, leaving China, India, American Aboriginals and the Muslim world to dominate the earth. That might be a setting for a more dramatic alternate-history style scenario.
The Black Death Plague (1330-1352) is a mutation virus carry by fleas on rats. The Plague virus can transmited from rat fleas to human which promote outbreak of pandemic plague. The Plague had outbreak to all Europe and Asia by trade roads. Some example of population collapse like the population Oxfordshire village of Tusmore in England was wiped out in 1348 and never restored. Some Europe empire also had loss many taxpayers and suffered many finances problem. Also some empire got effected by the Plague like Byzantine who had loss many man power and got defeated to Ottomans in Balkans at 1354, Mongols redrew his invasion of Europe, Yuan Empire (Mongols Dynasty in China) were ousted in 1368 to Ming Empire. Gavin Menzies think Europe may be at that time had wiped out by the Plague until China Empire don't know Europe existence or not? :lol:
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