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Lol - some of the quotes they have are fantastic. I <3 "What do you think of [insert leader name here]" feature.
Now, that's the best ever Duke :lol:
"Roosevelt is da bomb!";)

Also: "Barbarion State has won a Domination Victory"


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Duke Allan said:
Caesar - "Would you like some Salad? I made it myself."
Yeah, especially if your name is Saladin. Sometimes I'm actaully sorry I changed my name.

And of course, the religious ones: "Judaism has been founded in Berlin", "Islam has been founded in New York", ...
I like Catherines "Is that a treaty in your pocket, or are you just pleased to se me?". She should know by now that I'm always pleased to see her, even if she's declaring war on me.
I think it was Tokugawa
"I studied on killin you" is a quote from the movie Slingblade. Awesome movie.
Probably my favorite quote in the game. Might be a shot in the dark here, but South Park also used Slingblade quotes in one episode, the towelie episode. Cartman says "you shouldn't a done that to that boy!", lol, in a voice like Karls from the movie.

Sorry, back on topic: I like, "While defending, your mechanized infantry has killed a archer."
Ghandi adopts slavery
Isabella: If you want peace in our time, convert to Hinduism
Me (playing as Gandhi): No way!

Ok, my answer was made by me now, but I really saw the first one.

Also: Islamism has been founded in Paris.
Hmm...here's a couple off the top of my head:

Napoleon: "Greetings, I am Napoleon. You may call me the 'Little Colonel', but then I'd have to kill you."

Gandhi: "I studied on killin' you"

Various AIs: "Fear my (insert unit that's been obsolete for 3000 years here)!"
First meeting:

Greetings, Theodorick. It is a pleasure to meet you. Here: have a copy of my little red book. You might learn something. - Mao

Welcome to my humble home, Theodorick. India desires peace with all of her neighbors - even the really annoying ones like yours. - Gandhi

Welcome to Rome, Theodorick. Care for some salad? I made it myself. - Ceaser

Well hello there, Theodorick. It is a pleasure to meet you at last! I'm always looking for CLOSER relations with other leaders, if you get my drift... - Catherine

Refuses to talk:

Your words are but the braying of a jackass, Theodorick. Take them elsewhere. - Saladin

Forget it. I have wigs that are smarter than you are. - Louis XIV

Hello, this is Kublai Khan. Mongolia is not at home right now: please leave your name and number and we'll get back to you when pigs have wings. - Kublai Khan (First time I saw this I laughed pretty hard.)

I find you strangely unattractive, Theodorick. Do not return until you are better-looking. - Catherine

Refuses peace:

Certainly not! You've awoken a sleeping tiger, Theodorick, and I hope you choke on it. - Roosevelt (Oddly appropriate for him!)

There can never be peace in the unending war between the people and the bloodsucking bourgoise capitalist opressors who seek to enslave them! That would be you, punk. - Mao

I may be a pacifist, Theodorick, but I'm not an idiot. India declines your request. - Gandhi

I must refuse, Theodorick; peace is not in our best interests at this time. Besides, I think that men in uniform look totally yummy, don't you? - Catherine (God, even when she's mad at me I love her)


On behalf of the great and glorious Communist Party of China and of all of her horrible little peasants - I mean, "glorious workers" - greetings! - Mao

Germany salutes you, Theodorick. Come - sit down and admire my huge mustaches! - Bismarck

I, Huayna Capuc, do welcome you, Theodorick, leader of the Germans. Let us speak of the slow, painful deaths of our enemies! Care for a smoked hamster? - Huayna Capuc

Welcome, Theodorick. Is that a treaty in your pocket or are you just glad to see me? - Catherine

I studied on killin' you. - Anyone

What a surprise! I did not realize it was locust season once again. - Saladin

Remarkable: a politician who even I won't sleep with. - Catherine
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