(2-15a) Counterproposal: Merge logging camps with lumber mills


Lost the game
Jul 17, 2018
Counterproposal to and
Also kind of in conflict with
Proposal details:
1. Remove logging camp, lumber mills now buildable on both forests and jungles
2. They keep the same base yields as they are now (+1 :c5production: on forest, +1 :c5gold: on jungle)
3. Adjacency bonus buffed to +1 :c5production: +1 :c5gold: per two adjacent lumber mills (as they're the same improvement, they can get adjacency bonus with each other)
4. Lumber mills get +1 :c5production: +1 :c5gold: (currently +2 :c5production:) at Metallurgy, +1 :c5production: +1 :c5gold: (currently +2 :c5production:) at Combustion. Policy and building bonuses stay the same (those don't distinguish between lumber mill and logging camp to begin with)
5. Workshop only gives +1 :c5production: to forests (+1 :c5gold: removed), but gives 1 production per 4 :c5citizen: (up from per 10)

1. Jungles are worse than forests to begin with, and logging camp vs lumber mill further augments that. This will keep them roughly on the same pace (3 :c5production: on forest vs 1 :c5food: 1 :c5gold: 1 :c5science: on jungle with the respective booster building built)
2. Mixed adjacency now works without extra code. You would no longer be disappointed at the 1 forest 2 jungle triangle.
3. Overall lumber mills are stronger with adjacency but weaker without compared to now. This encourages tactical improvement.
4. Workshop loses the gold on forest to keep the forest/jungle balance. The population scaler is bumped up to compensate (it's trash right now).
+1 :c5production: +1 :c5gold: per two adjacent lumber mills is really strong. I see there's some nerfs elsewhere, so maybe it's okay, but that's a very strong adjacency.

Definitely my favorite proposal of the 3 tho
Overall this seems a pretty strong nerf to forests. they will be weaker at metallurgy and combustion, they will be weaker with workshops. And now jungles will still be weaker than forests due to their base yield. Sure they will get a bit more adjacency, but I think you overestimate how much adjacency they will get...and even with the extra adjacency, I would argue this mill is still weaker overall.
I sponsor this.
Proposal sponsored by azum4roll.
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