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2.7.1 beta 2


Oct 7, 2016
I have finally found some time to publish my recent fixes. All changes listed under beta2 are new relative to the first beta (I kept all the changes).


GAME1: African slaves now have the same restrictions as native slaves with respect to allowed professions
BUG35: We will no longer attempt to make peace with ourselves!
AI15: Tweak AI to produce less coastal transports and more wagons
EVENTS3: The WHALING event is no longer recurrent since the event's logic cannot handle it correctly
BUG35: From K-mod: "Fixed a group pathfinding bug in the original bts code"
BUG34: Attempt to fix the issue where a wagon carrying sheep exceeded the import limit of the city, causing the excess to be taken to the capital (which did not even import the yield in question)
AI14: Prevent the AI from purchasing smuggling ships when offered since it doesn't know how to put them to use
EXP4: To receive revolutionary support, we now require the player to be on good terms with the potential supporter's king as well
EXP3: If war is declared on another European nation, the aggressor will receive a major diplomatic attitude penalty with its king as well
BUG33: Ships that enter the map after returning from a port will no longer risk being placed on impassable terrain (e.g. ice)
BUG32: The king will no longer offer civilians\colonists (e.g. doctors) when requesting military help
EXP2: The cap on negative attitude from requesting military help from the king has been lowered to prevent players from permanently being able to buy discounted military units
BUG31: Native players that are in a permanent alliance with Europeans will not be shown as the owner FFs
BUG30: The info screen demographics and graphs now only include the European players. The animals, church, kings and natives are excluded.
BUG29: Fixed issue that caused the foreign advisor screen to draw red lines even though the players were at peace


BUG28: Adapted from K-mod. Fixed an issue in getBestDefender that could make the AI think that a unit inside a transport was a valid defender. Additional optimizations (by refactoring some of the functionality into a separate and more effective hasDefender()
NOCHEAT1: Slaves and prisoners may no longer found cities (XML must be updated to disallow)
BUG27: Fixed the coastal ship teleport / chain capture bug (units were allowed to jump to enemy cities)
BUG26: Fixed the city import/export dialog issue (the columns were switched)
OPT3: From K-mod: "Made some minor efficiency improvements to CvUnitAI::AI_promote"
BUG25: Disable the European peace DLL event if the game option always war is enabled
BUG24: Citizens will no longer seem to disappear if re-assigned (by double clicking) to a plot with no apparent economic value. Removed testing/debug code.
BUG23: Pirates and other non-animal "barbarians"/wild-animals will no longer result in a warning about animals
BUG22: We only allow ships to sail to Port Royal if all units in the group are allowed to do so

From master:

Corrected sizes of furniture maker and butcher in Europe
Size of prospector in Europe amended.


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Compatible with 2.7 savegames (both 2.7 base and the first beta)
The previous beta is now obsolete and its DLL will be replaced by the beta 2 DLL.


Unzip (use "extract here", do not create another subdirectory!) the attached archive in the folder that contains the "Assets" folder. The included files from the archve should overwrite the existing files, then replace Assets\CvGameCoreDLL.dll with either the 1-plot DLL or the 2-plot DLL.
Remember to clear the cache when launcing beta 2 for the first time!
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Still have african slaves settling colonies for other powers - is this WAD?


Forgot to say that is is really great work continuing giving us updates. :)
Great joy for me and many others. :goodjob:
1-plot DLL or the 2-plot DLL. what do these do is ir relevant which one i use?
And which option AI handles better?

I recommend you leave it on default (2 plots)

I find it a far more satisfying game when you can build bigger cities. Some prefer the 1 plot limit - up to you. The AI sucks whatever you choose.

No offense intended to Rar modders. They have done a fantastic job with the AI considering the non-existent AI in vanilla.
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