2 Questions: upgrade & battles


Dec 7, 2003
2 easy question. (please help the n00b!)

1. How come in some cities I can not upgrade a unit, where as in other cities (larger, older) cities I can? All cities are connected via RR, and all cities sho the strategic resource required. :confused:

2. How do battles work?? ie Spearman has 1.2.1. His D is stronger than his A. So if he was to attack Pikeman, is it a 1A (from the spearman) vs 3D (from the pikeman). Meaning he would win 1 out of 3 times? Simple explaination of how battles would would really help me! :confused:

Thanks guys!
First, Welcome to CFC! :band:

For your first issue, you can only upgrade units in cities with "barracks", even if they are hooked up with all the required resources, etc.

As far as battles are concerned, it's a combined factor, in essence. A 1 attack versus a 3 defense means that you would have a 1 in FOUR chance of winning each little battle (reducing a hit point). Hit points affect your chances of actually killing a unit(elite units have 5 hp's, whereas regular units only have 3 hp's). There are also terrain, city size, and fortification modifiers, making some of the calculations quite complex (at least for me.... :rolleyes: )

-- From The Cellar :smoke:
ah thanks on the Barracks answer! thats going to make things a little easier.

ignoring fortifications etc I understand your example. spearman vs pikeman 1.2.1 vs 1.3.1. each roll for a HP is 1A vs 3D - so 1 in 4. A follow on question, does the spearmans 2D come into consideration at all? What if I had a unit that was a modified spearman with 1.9.1 vs a pikeman at 1.3.1. Is it still 1A vs 3D? the 9D from the spearman makes no difference (as he is the attacker).
correct, it took me a while to realize this, an attacking 1.999.1 has just as much chance to win as a 1.1.1
So does it follow that an archer defending a city has as much chance of success as a warrior defending that city? 4.1.1 & 1.1.1.
There is 3 type of ground soldier.

1.- defender, like spearman,pickman,musketer,riffleman,infantry.

2.- foots attacker, like archer,swordman,longbowman.

3.- Fast units ( i.e move 2 or 3 ) like horseman,knight,cavalry,tank, modern armor.

what it tell ?

It mean in the old age, that you have to use a combination of units to be effective: like stacking 3 spearman with 5 archer. the spearman will defend the stack, and archers will attack when its your turn to play.

This is why i prefer to wait until chevalry to wage war, knight have an attack of 4, defense 3, and move 2. so they dont need slow moving defender.

A little hints, attack with stack, at least 6 attacker in old time, or 12 knight in medieval time. And laways move your units in such a way that you will end your turn on hills,mountain or forest, you will have defensive bonus if you are under attack.
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