2 Weeks to Primaries. Can Dean be Beaten?

I don't think he is beatable at this point. He's made himself to big of a name.
Dennis Kucinich!!! :D
But I seriously think Dean is the man to beat at this point.
Dean can only be beaten by himself and Dubya, in that order.
Of course he can be beaten. Never underestimate the power of an angry mob somewhere.

But seriously, I think it is possible. Though it would take longer thnm most people would like. It wouldn't simply phase out by South Carolina like they usually do. I kind of like the idea of an extended primary season a bit...you know, past Iowa and NH.
Theoretically, Dean can still be beaten to the nomination, but judging by the rest of the Democratic field, its unlikely. The only reason Dean has gotten so much support is that he's got one thing none of the other candidates have: charisma. He steps up to the microphone and says what he thinks at that moment, even if it gets him into trouble. People respect that and find it refreshing. The other serious Democratic candidates are running the same old tired, cookie cutter campaign that couldnt get a dog to wag its tail, let alone compell large numbers of people to go out and vote for them.
Dean will get the democrat nomination.

Dean said he would break up Fox because they're too big and powerful. as a result, he does not have a snowball's chance in hell at being president. It is really as simple as that. The smart democrats who know how to play the game are focused on 2008. Bush is here to stay, and his brother Jeb is next in line.
Love Powell, he'd make a great president. Unfortunately he's too p-whipped to run. His wife wont let him.
Aye. I don't see eye to eye with him on everything, but I think he'd make a terrific President. [/threadjack]
I agree on both Dumb Pothead and Laughing Gull statements. Howard Dean will be the democrat candidate because he has charisma and gutts. That was the main defect of Al Gore compared to Bush at last election. Now, I also agree with Laughing Gull, most serious democrat and at the head of them Hillary Clinton are waiting 2008 quietly because they bet on a victory of Bush.

The worst for Bush would be to get over-confident about the campaign. The more we'll say it will be easy for Bush, the more people will want to vote against him because, as an individual, we don't like when the electoral choice is done before we give our advice. Well, maybe it doesn't work this way in the US... but in here it's working this way... the candidate which is the favourite 6 months before the election is never elected because we don't like to read in the press it's already done when we didn't already put our envelop in the ballot.

Howard Dean is the best chance for the democrats. I would still say he has not more than 20% of chance to get elected. The democratic party needs someone ready to face Bush directly. However, Bush will still have the Economy with him. If the unemployment rate decrease, he's elected... whatever happens.
Originally posted by Marla_Singer
Howard Dean is the best chance for the democrats. I would still say he has not more than 20% of chance to get elected.
Even less if Ralph Nader runs again. About the impact of the economy on Bush, I think its important, but the situation in Iraq at election time will have a much bigger impact.

@sarevok: She might win in '08 if she's running against Jeb. By '08 the electorate will be more fed up with Bushes than with Clintons.
Dean can be beaten. All you have to do is sneak up on him in the middle of the night, wrap him in a big blanket, and start smacking the <obscenity deleted> out of him.

OOHHH, not that sense of beaten, the other sense.

Dean could be beaten if he commits a major gaffe. Like if he comes out in a debate and says that if elected, he will imprison and torture all Repubicans and conservatives, and pronounce himself tyrant-for-life.
No other candidate can beat Dean. All they can do is try and keep up and hope he makes a mistake. He's known for his temper, so its possible. If he missteps badly enough, then maybe the pack can gangbang him and allow another frontrunner to emerge. But only if Dean screws up.
Originally posted by Little Raven
If he missteps badly enough, then maybe the pack can gangbang him and allow another frontrunner to emerge. But only if Dean screws up.
If the other candidates are going to gangbang Dean, it'll be the highest rated debate ever.
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