2 Weeks to Primaries. Can Dean be Beaten?

Originally posted by Zarn
I think he will barely hold enough popularity then he will lose popularity before the election making it worse for the Crats. You would be better off with someone else.
Not me. I voted for both Bush's. I will say that this one is clearly the better of the two.

I don't know what you are getting at. I was talking about Dean in the Dem. primary.
Ahh I see. Well then it is the Crats that would be better off if Dean didn't run and win. ;)
Actually Dean's just becoming entertainment now.

Originally posted by Laughing Gull

Dean said he would break up Fox because they're too big and powerful. as a result, he does not have a snowball's chance in hell at being president.

He said that? What an idiot. Who tells these people what to say?
I don't care who's going to go for the other party, I just want Bush to win. It's a tough time coming, and I want to see him bringing the message. :D
i cant believe all you people actualy think that it MATTERS who the president is, not to even mention the candidates for president.
Originally posted by RoddyVR
i cant believe all you people actualy think that it MATTERS who the president is, not to even mention the candidates for president.
Many people agree with you, I hear that alot. Just keep in mind that their are other people out there who do care who the president is, and that those people and their candidate may not have your best interests in mind when they formulate their policies. Its better to act than to be acted upon;)
I doubt Dean ever said that.

No he didn't. But he did (since he's now entertaining southern voters in the coming primaries) decide to reveal how "deeply religious" he was by telling us that his favorite book in the Bible, Job, was in the New Testament.

I also dont see why Christianity in a president is some important.

According to a poll I saw just yesterday, about 60% of Americans disagree with you. Well, I think it did say "religious" not specifically "Christian."
Originally posted by Speedo

No he didn't. But he did (since he's now entertaining southern voters in the coming primaries) decide to reveal how "deeply religious" he was by telling us that his favorite book in the Bible, Job, was in the New Testament.

According to a poll I saw just yesterday, about 60% of Americans disagree with you. Well, I think it did say "religious" not specifically "Christian."

:lol: About the Job thing. Odd how your quick to leap at that and never catch Bush's mistakes.

America is mostly Christian. So religious equals Christian in American politics.
Odd how your quick to leap at that and never catch Bush's mistakes.

I've been laughing at Bush for 3 years, it's nice to have new entertainment :)

Besides it reveals the character of the man- self proclaimed "deeply religious" but not familiar with his own (also self proclaimed) favorite book of the Bible? :hmm:

I happen to love Dean's new strategy also: "have Dean's staff and supporters defend the former governor while Dean dodges the political media and remains in the safe embrace of friendly audiences." link

It is sad though, the way he trips all over himself to try and cover up things he's said before. Like his comments about the caucuses being dominated by extremist interests (completely true IMO), but now that he wants those extremists behind him, well....

Personally I think that if Dean had tried to be himself more, he would have been decent. Instead his only real appeal is as the "anti-Bush." He'll probably swing more towards moderate if he gets the nomination, but all his pandering to the far left now is alienating too many moderate Dems.
Originally posted by Speedo

Besides it reveals the character of the man- self proclaimed "deeply religious" but not familiar with his own (also self proclaimed) favorite book of the Bible? :hmm:

It is sad though, the way he trips all over himself to try and cover up things he's said before. Like his comments about the caucuses being dominated by extremist interests (completely true IMO), but now that he wants those extremists behind him, well....

Personally I think that if Dean had tried to be himself more, he would have been decent. Instead his only real appeal is as the "anti-Bush." He'll probably swing more towards moderate if he gets the nomination, but all his pandering to the far left now is alienating too many moderate Dems.

I agree about Dean's comment being humorous.
Dean speaks what he think, and I think thats a good thing. He didnt bow to those extremists. I actully saw an interview where he said they should "look somewhere else" for a candiate.

Dean's record as governor of Vermont is pretty moderate, actually.
Originally posted by archer_007
I doubt Dean ever said that. I also dont see why Christianity in a president is some important. Our three best president (Washington, Lincoln, and Jefferson) we not Christians.
Where do you get that they were not Christian. You can make the argument about Jefferson because he believed all the miracles in the Bible were fable. Washington was at least titularly a Christian and sometimes practicing. Lincoln on the other hand was downright devout.
Originally posted by Speedo
It is sad though, the way he trips all over himself to try and cover up things he's said before. Like his comments about the caucuses being dominated by extremist interests (completely true IMO), but now that he wants those extremists behind him, well...
That's a mouthfull, its a bad case of Quayle disease plus some Goritus. In fact, he makes Gore's double takes look like the straight and narrow. Clark has the same problem, but in his case some of the goofs can be atributed to not having thought through the issue yet.

Cute, Speedo. :p

Don't worry, we'll never run out of ammo for the President's campaign posters:


J: Jefferson was openly a deist which was about the limit of decency in his times. Secretly he was an atheist, a fact his private letters reveal. So were Ben Franklin and one of the Adams, by the way. Of course, just because they didn't believe in God didn't mean they got the essential point of Jesus's message. Jefferson even privately composed an atheist bible with all the religious elements taken out and only Jesus's human preaching left in.

Quayle and Gore are always the targets, but few remember the gaffes of Bush and Reagan. ;) Ah, politics.
He is unbeatable, unless he kills kittens on TV or something else that will make everyone hate him. He doesn't stand a chance at the presidency though.
When Bush raises 200 million dollars for his campaign and that his closest competitor has only 25 million, can we continue to call that a democratic election ? I mean that just before the elections, here's globally what the americans will hear on TV :


Moreover, it's certainly only me but I wonder if Bush isn't close to insanity. According to The Observer, he recently declared that God chose him to lead America. Click here to read the full story.
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