2008: you thought the GOP field couldn't get any more pathetic?

Stewbert 08

Aug 27, 2007
Alan Keyes is in the race!

Yes, THE Alan Keyes. And he wants you to know that THIS TIME he will totally crush that Oprabamasama fellow and serve an EXTRAORDINARILY DIGNIFIED eight years in the White House.

Also, Pat Buchanan is mulling a run for the Senate!

I would do a thing about how GOP stands for the "Crazy Old People" party, but crazy doesn't start with a g!

Gay, on the other hand...
You really need a hobby....

btw, isn't Buchanan an independent? He's ran as an independent anyway.
In related news today, Keyes announced he will continue his tradition of carpetbagger campaigning - having run for Senator of Illionois from his home in Maryland - by conducting his presidential race from his new home in Bulgaria.
You really need a hobby....

btw, isn't Buchanan an independent? He's ran as an independent anyway.

I think he was a part of the Reform Party...but then again, I also believe he ran for the GOP nomination sometime in the '90s.
I'm not the only one who noticed this, you know. Tom Tancredo is coming out with a press release tomorrow trumpeting the fact that he's no longer in last place.
So it's pathetic for an African American to run for president? You racist jerk!

Go fall in a ditch if you would!
As a big market liberal, even I couldn't support the carpet bagger in 2004.

Probably was the only time I will vote for Obama.
I remember Alan Keyes's biggest hit...blasting Hillary Clinton for carpetbagging in 2000.

I suppose he would fare better trying for another run of Alan Keyes is Making Sense.

I mean, heck, Buchanan seems to do well enough in punditry. The scary thing is that I've agreed with him from time to time.
I remember Alan Keyes's biggest hit...blasting Hillary Clinton for carpetbagging in 2000.

Yes, the irony is blinding. I believe he also called Dick Cheney's daughter a selfish hedonist. Not exactly the best way to get elected in Illinois. :)
You just don't like the thought of an authentic black man running for the office.
My lectures on race relations were all done by the Reverend Jackson and his Entitlement/PUSHY Coalition.
Alan Keyes does not have any chance whatsoever. This is not news.
As proof that it is news, you & most others probably know exactly which Democratic non-hopeful I'm referring to here.

"Not news" is like, John Cox.
Would it be news if he had a hot wife?

No...because Kucinich has a 29-year old model wife and it isn't giving him the extra lift he needs in the polls.
No...because Kucinich has a 29-year old model wife and it isn't giving him the extra lift he needs in the polls.

The extra lift she gives him has nothing to do with the polls.

And who cares about Allen Keyes? Nobody I know. Stewbert just gave the guy more attention than any republican by creating this thread to discuss him.
Well let's see what you have to say on the subject:

When I first heard of Alen Keyes many, many years ago, I really liked the message he brought to the table. He was 100% about the family, and how to support and grow healthy, productive families. What he said was entirely correct also, and back then I agreed with his position pretty much 100%.

Somewhere along the way, the wheels popped off that bus more than just a few times.

Now he has just said to much crazy stuff that people have a really hard time supporting. He can still say something very profound and true about families every once in awhile, but most of what he says these days is kinda strange and just odd.

Strange and odd, that's one way to describe Alan Keyes :lol:
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