This is a thread that I will keep updated so I can keep this organized, and so everyone is clear on what is going on. The board is a little bit all over the place for me, and it gets annoying trying to keep track of where everything is. This will be a list of a variety of things condensed into one post.
Note* Team colors are based on their "national colors" to best correctly match as many as possible. There will have to be 6 total colors that are "repeated" because civBTS only comes with 44 possible civ colors (at least until I learn to add more if possible). Colors are up for debate. As well as modifying (and finishing) civilization traits. **For those not aware, civ traits are based on national ideologies instead of actual leader traits.
Please use the appropriate threads in the forum to discuss issues you have with any information/list you find on this page. This is more or less to keep things organized. Comment in this thread only if something is missing/vitally important, etc.
List of Civilizations, team colors, leaders, and civ traits:
List of Building types in various cities:
Coming Soon
List of various unique units:
Coming Soon
List of units & unit types & unit ratios to appear on map:
This was done on research from wiki about every country's military & military units. I believe IanInsane (I think) did similar research. The ratios I used do a couple of things: #1 They keep the armies in line with real-term strength. And #2 - They break down the units a bit to keep the mod from having 10+ minute wait times. There are (not including regular infantry/marines) about 2500 units represented. So, with regular units, we may approach near 4-5,000 I'd guess. If anyone has any REAL disputes, please refer to the unit ratios thread and we can have a discussion about it. But this was done using fairly exhaustive research and I believe is fairly accurate as is. The link below is a link to an Excel spreadsheet showing unit ratios as of 9/01/2009.
Note* Team colors are based on their "national colors" to best correctly match as many as possible. There will have to be 6 total colors that are "repeated" because civBTS only comes with 44 possible civ colors (at least until I learn to add more if possible). Colors are up for debate. As well as modifying (and finishing) civilization traits. **For those not aware, civ traits are based on national ideologies instead of actual leader traits.
Please use the appropriate threads in the forum to discuss issues you have with any information/list you find on this page. This is more or less to keep things organized. Comment in this thread only if something is missing/vitally important, etc.
List of Civilizations, team colors, leaders, and civ traits:
Spoiler :
Civilization # - Country - Team Color - Leader Name - Civilization Traits
0 USA - dark blue - Barack Obama - AGG/IMP
1 Canada - white - Stephen Harper - ORG/FIN
2 Mexico - green - Felipe Calderon - SPI/CHM
3 Brazil - light green - Lula da Silva - FIN/PRO
4 Argentina - light blue - Cristina Kirchner - EXP/CRE
5 Peru - dark lemon - Alan Garcia - AGG/CHM
6 Chile - cyan - Michelle Bachelet - FIN/CHM
7 Colombia - dark orange - Alvaro Uribe - CRE/SPI
8 Bolivarian Alliance - light yellow - Hugo Chavez - IMP/FIN
9 UK - red - Gordon Brown - FIN/PRO
10 Spain - red & gold - Jose Zapatero - FIN/CRE
11 France - dark indigo & white - Nicolas Sarkozy - PRO/CRE
12 Germany - gold & black - Angela Merkel - IND/PHI
13 Italy - middle cyan - Silvio Berlusconi - CHA/CRE
14 Sweden - dark cyan & lemon - Fredrik Reinfeldt - FIN/PHI
15 Poland - light orange - Donald Tusk - PRO/PHI
16 Turkey - yellowgreen - Recep Erdogan - PRO/IND
17 Ukraine - middle blue - Yulia Tymoshenko - PRO/IND
18 Caucasus Union - dark pink - Mikheil Saakashvili - AGG/PRO
19 EFTA - dark indigo - Hans Merz - FIN/PRO
20 EU - blue - Peter Balkenende - ORG/CRE
21 Libya - middle green - Muammar al-Gaddafi - AGG/SPI
22 Egypt - brown - Hosni Mubarak - FIN/CRE
23 Morocco - light brown - Abbas el Fassi - PRO/PHI
24 Algeria - dark green - Abdelaziz Bouteflika - PRO/SPI
25 West African Alliance - olivedrab - Umaru Yar Adua - AGG/PRO
26 Belarus - pink - Alexander Lukashenko - PRO/PHI
27 East African Alliance - teal - Meles Zenawi - AGG/PRO
28 South Africa - black & green - Jacob Zuma - EXP/CRE
29 Saudi Arabia - dark dark green - King Abdullah - FIN/SPI
30 Palestine - orangered - Mahmoud Abbas - EXP/PRO
31 Syria - olive - Bashar al Assad - ORG/PRO
32 Israel - dark cyan - Benjamin Netanjahu - PRO/EXP
33 Iran - green & black - Mahmoud Ahmadinejad - PRO/AGG
34 Vietnam - yellow - Nguyen Minh Triet - FIN/PRO
35 Russia - dark red - Vladimir Putin - PRO/FIN
36 CACO - cyan & gray - Kassym Tokayev - CRE/ORG
37 Pakistan - green & white - Asif Zardari - SPI/AGG
38 India - orange - Manmohan Singh - IND/EXP
39 China - dark yellow - Wen Jiabao - IMP/FIN
40 Thailand - purple - Bhumibol Adulyadej - ORG/CHM
41 Indonesia - peach - Susilo Yudhoyono - PRO/PHI
42 ASEAN - light purple - S.R. Nathan - FIN/ORG
43 North Korea - dark gray - Kim Jong Il - AGG/IMP
44 South Korea - middle purple - Lee Myung Bak - FIN/IND
45 Japan - crimson - Taro Aso - IND/ORG
46 Australia - orange & green - Kevin Rudd - EXP/ORG
47 Balkan Union - dark purple - Stipe Mesic - CRE/PRO
48 Taiwan - goldenrod - Ma Ying-jeou - IND/ORG
49 Minor States - gray
Failed States - black
0 USA - dark blue - Barack Obama - AGG/IMP
1 Canada - white - Stephen Harper - ORG/FIN
2 Mexico - green - Felipe Calderon - SPI/CHM
3 Brazil - light green - Lula da Silva - FIN/PRO
4 Argentina - light blue - Cristina Kirchner - EXP/CRE
5 Peru - dark lemon - Alan Garcia - AGG/CHM
6 Chile - cyan - Michelle Bachelet - FIN/CHM
7 Colombia - dark orange - Alvaro Uribe - CRE/SPI
8 Bolivarian Alliance - light yellow - Hugo Chavez - IMP/FIN
9 UK - red - Gordon Brown - FIN/PRO
10 Spain - red & gold - Jose Zapatero - FIN/CRE
11 France - dark indigo & white - Nicolas Sarkozy - PRO/CRE
12 Germany - gold & black - Angela Merkel - IND/PHI
13 Italy - middle cyan - Silvio Berlusconi - CHA/CRE
14 Sweden - dark cyan & lemon - Fredrik Reinfeldt - FIN/PHI
15 Poland - light orange - Donald Tusk - PRO/PHI
16 Turkey - yellowgreen - Recep Erdogan - PRO/IND
17 Ukraine - middle blue - Yulia Tymoshenko - PRO/IND
18 Caucasus Union - dark pink - Mikheil Saakashvili - AGG/PRO
19 EFTA - dark indigo - Hans Merz - FIN/PRO
20 EU - blue - Peter Balkenende - ORG/CRE
21 Libya - middle green - Muammar al-Gaddafi - AGG/SPI
22 Egypt - brown - Hosni Mubarak - FIN/CRE
23 Morocco - light brown - Abbas el Fassi - PRO/PHI
24 Algeria - dark green - Abdelaziz Bouteflika - PRO/SPI
25 West African Alliance - olivedrab - Umaru Yar Adua - AGG/PRO
26 Belarus - pink - Alexander Lukashenko - PRO/PHI
27 East African Alliance - teal - Meles Zenawi - AGG/PRO
28 South Africa - black & green - Jacob Zuma - EXP/CRE
29 Saudi Arabia - dark dark green - King Abdullah - FIN/SPI
30 Palestine - orangered - Mahmoud Abbas - EXP/PRO
31 Syria - olive - Bashar al Assad - ORG/PRO
32 Israel - dark cyan - Benjamin Netanjahu - PRO/EXP
33 Iran - green & black - Mahmoud Ahmadinejad - PRO/AGG
34 Vietnam - yellow - Nguyen Minh Triet - FIN/PRO
35 Russia - dark red - Vladimir Putin - PRO/FIN
36 CACO - cyan & gray - Kassym Tokayev - CRE/ORG
37 Pakistan - green & white - Asif Zardari - SPI/AGG
38 India - orange - Manmohan Singh - IND/EXP
39 China - dark yellow - Wen Jiabao - IMP/FIN
40 Thailand - purple - Bhumibol Adulyadej - ORG/CHM
41 Indonesia - peach - Susilo Yudhoyono - PRO/PHI
42 ASEAN - light purple - S.R. Nathan - FIN/ORG
43 North Korea - dark gray - Kim Jong Il - AGG/IMP
44 South Korea - middle purple - Lee Myung Bak - FIN/IND
45 Japan - crimson - Taro Aso - IND/ORG
46 Australia - orange & green - Kevin Rudd - EXP/ORG
47 Balkan Union - dark purple - Stipe Mesic - CRE/PRO
48 Taiwan - goldenrod - Ma Ying-jeou - IND/ORG
49 Minor States - gray
Failed States - black
List of Building types in various cities:
Coming Soon
List of various unique units:
Coming Soon
List of units & unit types & unit ratios to appear on map:
This was done on research from wiki about every country's military & military units. I believe IanInsane (I think) did similar research. The ratios I used do a couple of things: #1 They keep the armies in line with real-term strength. And #2 - They break down the units a bit to keep the mod from having 10+ minute wait times. There are (not including regular infantry/marines) about 2500 units represented. So, with regular units, we may approach near 4-5,000 I'd guess. If anyone has any REAL disputes, please refer to the unit ratios thread and we can have a discussion about it. But this was done using fairly exhaustive research and I believe is fairly accurate as is. The link below is a link to an Excel spreadsheet showing unit ratios as of 9/01/2009.