Conqueror of Cacoons
After a great year of story telling, the people have decided the winners of the S&T world! I present to you.... Your favorite stories!
An Illustrated History of the Noyyau by Noyyau
Interesting Times - The AI Side of RFC by CFCoasters
Sri Lanka 2 by mrrandomplayer
America: Write Your Own History by Royal Tenenbaum
The Rise of Brazil by CaterpillarKing
The Ports of Portugal by constantinople
The Young Turks by constantinople
Character-Based Interactive
Dawn of Russians by citis
A Tryst With Destiny by adhiraj.bose
Ethiopia: Land of Wonder by CaterpillarKing
RUNNER-UP The Democratic Caliphate by Sanguivorant
Thank you everyone for such a great year. You all truly are the best. Please keep up the writing, I know we will all be looking forward to some great stories in 2015.



Character-Based Interactive

RUNNER-UP The Democratic Caliphate by Sanguivorant
Thank you everyone for such a great year. You all truly are the best. Please keep up the writing, I know we will all be looking forward to some great stories in 2015.