2020 US Election (Part Two)

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I think that it will be lucky if Trump loses.

Trump is behind in almost every battleground state he won in 2016 (Michigan, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Ohio, North Carolina, Florida, Arizona, Georgia, Maine 2nd district, Nebraska 2nd district).
Trump will be lucky to win, unless the polls are wrong again. :hide:
And there weren't any.

Kamala: We will decriminalize marijuana.

Can't she agree with Kamala Harris? :/

More seriously, though, you hear Kamala say all sorts of "we will do this, we will do that", as slogans. You don't do that when you aren't on the defense. There was also the very clearly failed idea to have her speak (in trying to lure republican voters) of how the "rest of the world" laughs at Trump and the US loses. The republican voter isn't the crowd for this kind of argument...

As I said a lot of times already, I hope Trump gtfo, cause he is involved in various scams in this region, with his dictatorship pals. (Not that Biden winning will automatically change the balance, but Trump staying in power won't). But I can't see how Biden or Harris are a winning ticket. They both are terrible candidates.
Trump is behind in almost every battleground state he won in 2016 (Michigan, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Ohio, North Carolina, Florida, Arizona, Georgia, Maine 2nd district, Nebraska 2nd district).
Trump will be lucky to win, unless the polls are wrong again. :hide:
As anyone who has played XCOM will know, you miss 80% chances 80% of the time.
Look, one can't even call it a tie
More like some sport you watch, then ask "why?"*
When the whole thing's so boring
You don't care who's scoring,
And the star of the show is a fly.

*like curling, say
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Skipped the debate, interesting to read about the hot takes.

Since it's still a matter of debate, fine, I went and looked. She's in the wrong on Hyde, too. So there's your answer.
I think this was a better line:

Of course this is the type of argument which has no substance regarding a politician's ability to do good for people. It is nice as a reply, though - rhetor-wise.
Butt will probably be funded by all the billionaires and dnc when he runs next, against AOC.
Pence didn't help Trump at all. He just looked lame and rude and seems to have a problem with women who don't defer to him.
And he's making things up almost as aggressively as Trump. I'm losing my patience with both the moderator and Harris for letting Pence run all over her in extended commentary. As others pointed out though, Harris is in a tough spot because if she's aggressive, she'll be slandered by the misogynisphere.
Forceful men are assertive, forceful women are bossy.
I'm sure it will be the only joke in the SNL cold open this weekend.
They should just switch to a Zucker-Abrahams-Zucker format. It's the only way you in which you can keep pace with reality these days. Today both Airplane! and The Naked Gun 2½ were on the box and it was awesome.
Can I vote for the fly that landed on Mike Pence's head?

Arguments for President Fly
  • proven decisive leadership in turbulent times
  • not beholden to special interests
  • can fly
Arguments against President Fly
  • easily squished
  • poor command of the English language*
  • flies are icky

*while a valid argument against the fly, the fly is not exclusive to this demerit
Forceful men are assertive, forceful women are bossy.

They should just switch to a Zucker-Abrahams-Zucker format. It's the only way you in which you can keep pace with reality these days. Today both Airplane! and The Naked Gun 2½ were on the box and it was awesome.
I gave up and watched the Dodger game...meaning I missed the ending where Mrs. Pence rushed onto the stage wearing no mask. :eek:
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Anybody else see Kamala Harris kinda looking like Lily Tomlin working at the phone company?

A terrible person, and that AOC and Stewart are in no way comparable, and all you can say is that it's dumb to bring up bigotry?

You really do intensely hate people purely due to their origin. There's just no other explanation. Just the same old, "we farmers are salt of the earth and you city slickers are scum" drivel, over and over.

Hate to say this, but called it so many years ago. Looks like things haven't changed.
Good debate, both did well with minimal interruptions... But I dont like the head shaking

Maybe I had lower expectations for Pence, but he did better than Harris. He did talk over his limit far more though.
I'm pretty sure that's a hypothetical for 12-16 years down the road, so not really relevant.

She's the nominee in either 4 or 8 years, depending on the next time there is a democratic primary. Everyone who has ever said "If only Bernie Harris looked like Gavin Newsom, he'd be the nominee" was on to something.
As a Brit, I've got to say (even with the sorry state of our own politics) that it's absolutely wild to see "well I guess Pence won" in the same thread, page, or even post where people are pointing out how stacked the deck was in Pence's favour.

That's, uh. That's not winning. It's depressing, but it's not a win.
Barring a knock-out closing argument, I think Kamala lost the debate. She failed to overcome Pence's lies or throw him off balance, while he was allowed basically unlimited time to make things up about her and Biden that she couldn't parry.

I thought she looked weak and stupid. I thought the debate looked dumb and sexist. Pence is as much of an ass as his boss.
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