22 december - a tribute for heroes ...

Mîtiu Ioan

Jan 30, 2002
Timisoara, Romania
... of Romanian Revolution 1989. :)

Sorry for delay. :(
Here are some pictures of those days ...

Joy in the darkness :

"The army is with us !!"

A picture form Timisoara during one night of "represive action" ... :(

Flowers for the soldiers ...

First aid for a wounded revolutionary

Unfortunately seems that the picture will be hosted there just ~1 week and after this will be changed ... :confused:

Anyway ... I feel necessary to present this picture as a tribute ( I can't do something else for them :( ) - even just for a limited period of time.


P.S. : And never forget their slogan - "We will die but will be free !!"
Very good first image. Many details of the Romanian revolution are still shrowded in darkness. To the heroes :beer: ! Maybe the truth will eek it's head some day.
And few more ..

The stupid bloodbath from Otopeni airport ... one major error during those days ... :cry:

Liberty !!

Timisoara is the first city free !!

The ( unfortunately ) cvasi-destruction of National Library ... where was suspected that so-called terorists is hiding.

Sorry Aphex_Twin - I still added images and you post the message ... yes, unfortunately that's true ... many aspects are still ( completeley ) unclear ... :(

But in one day ... ;)

Regards again.
Noi, autorii acestei Proclamatii, participanti la evenimentele dintre 16 si 22 decembrie 1989, nu consideram Revolutia încheiata. O vom continua pasnic,dar ferm. Dupa ce am înfruntat si am învins, fara ajurorul nimanui, unul dintre cele mai puternice sisteme represive din lume, nimeni si nimic nu ne mai poate intimida!

We, the authors of this Proclamation, participants in the events of 16th-22nd December 1989, do not consider the Revolution to be over. We shall continue it peacefully, but firmly. Having confronted and having gained victory over one of the world's most powerful repressive systems, nobody and nothing can frighten us anymore.

I can really sympathize with the last picture in your second post Mîtiu Ioan, since it looks so hauntingly familiar to a very similar event in Sarajevo.
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