(3-13d) Counterproposal: Authority Shakeup


Lost the game
Jul 17, 2018
Counterproposal to https://forums.civfanatics.com/thre...-2-swap-some-imperium-tribute-bonuses.681464/
and https://forums.civfanatics.com/thre...th-barracks-requirement.681465/#post-16397123

This proposal moves some abilities around and adds a new ability. It aims to give Authority some passive :c5science: bonus for having units instead of needing to use them, shifting it to major Unit focus instead of Conquest focus.

Opener: Unchanged

Imperium: now the first policy on the left
Free settler
30 (instead of 40) :c5culture: Culture and :c5science: Science when found or conquer cities, scaling with era, and population if conquered
:c5gold: Gold maintenance for Routes reduced by 50%

Tribute: now the second policy on the left

Killing military unit gives :c5science: Science equal to CS of defeated unit
Melee units heal 15HP after killing military unit
Unit supply generated by :c5citizen: population increased by 10%

Each city with garrison generates +1 :c5happy: Happiness and +2 :c5culture: Culture
A supply-free military unit spawns near Cities that reach a multiple of 8 :c5citizen: Citizens for the first time
+1 :c5science: Science for every 4 military units on Empire
(use same counting method as Fiefdoms)

+10% :c5strength:CS on units
:c5war: War Weariness reduced by 25%
:c5gold: Gold maintenance for Units reduced by 15%


Overall this gives an extra +5 :c5science: Science per turn if you have 20 units on Empire (should include the free units from Militarism, which are supply-free). Still less than what Tradition and Progress give (+3 :c5science: Science per city plus other sources), but doesn't require war or actively farming barbarians.
Tribute and Imperialism are swapped to encourage settling earlier, at the cost of slightly reduced founding/conquering yields.

Moderator Action: Added counterproposal links. - Recursive
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It's an interesting proposal, but I do wonder how much impact the science will make: it's an early steroid at best that quickly diminishes in importance as army size grows slower than most things in the game. I guess it does help you power through the very worst of the science doldrums if you get into them which is nice.

Flipping the left policies will probably make the tree play better, though missing the free hammers on the first instant border expand makes your expos significantly worse, and you may find yourself trying to delay some cities for a timing on that anyway (though you will take your free one immediately certainly.) It almost makes all Authority civs like Venice in how quick they grab that 2nd city and I'd have to see how that plays to see how much I like it I think, I can imagine it'd feel very obnoxious to have Shaka for example forward settling you super early like that.

This is a kind of significant nerf to borderblob strategy (needs 5 policies to start instead of 4) but that's probably not a big concern.
It's an interesting proposal, but I do wonder how much impact the science will make: it's an early steroid at best that quickly diminishes in importance as army size grows slower than most things in the game. I guess it does help you power through the very worst of the science doldrums if you get into them which is nice.

Flipping the left policies will probably make the tree play better, though missing the free hammers on the first instant border expand makes your expos significantly worse, and you may find yourself trying to delay some cities for a timing on that anyway (though you will take your free one immediately certainly.) It almost makes all Authority civs like Venice in how quick they grab that 2nd city and I'd have to see how that plays to see how much I like it I think, I can imagine it'd feel very obnoxious to have Shaka for example forward settling you super early like that.

This is a kind of significant nerf to borderblob strategy (needs 5 policies to start instead of 4) but that's probably not a big concern.
It's an ancient tree, so some bonuses are there purely for speeding up early game, and don't scale well like the other ancient trees.

Borderblob has already been nerfed in terms of stacking border growth bonuses. I think it's no longer a valid strategy to take Tradition + Authority for strictly the border growth yields.
Authority can open a second policy up to turn 20. This is a very early settler. And at this time, the Authority has no worker to build roads - the discount is completely useless. Don't even have money to buy a worker.
And it is also impossible to steal a worker at this time, because there are none.
It's not like you have to pick Imperium as your first policy in Authority. Getting Dominance first is just as valid.

No idea how you're getting Authority 2 on turn 20. Timing multiple barb camps on the turn you get the first policy?
It's not like you have to pick Imperium as your first policy in Authority. Getting Dominance first is just as valid.

No idea how you're getting Authority 2 on turn 20. Timing multiple barb camps on the turn you get the first policy?

Requires active ruins.

1) start building the monument with the first building
2) find ruins that speed up construction or give gold. For gold we buy the acceleration of construction.
3) it is desirable to find ruins with 15 culture
4) it is desirable to find a cultural city-state that will give about 7 culture
5) at the same time we make our way to the barbarian camp, usually you can buy a second warrior. It is also possible to lightly beat rogue barbarians without killing them, but leaving them with low health. It will be possible to finish off after taking the opener.
6) we get the second policy 2-3 turns after the first one. Approximately 18 turn.

You can even plunder the camp with a pathfinder. Promotions are required - double movement in forests and deserts, ignore ZoC and a bit of luck with the terrain. If you approach the barbarian camp, the barbarian will run up to the pathfinder and hit him. On the next turn, just run past and pick up the camp.
I need help on the +1 :c5science: Science for every 4 military units on Empire thing. All others I can do.
I'll sponsor this
Proposal sponsored by azum4roll.
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