3-D European Leaderheads (STATIC and Era-Specific)


Moo, baby. Moo.
Nov 30, 2002
CFC or playing DyP
This thread is for the static leaderheads being created for King Arthur's North Atlantic Archipelago Scenario which is a continuation of gael's Atlantic Archipelago Scenario Please note that although they were originally created for these scenarios, they are being posted here so that anyone who wishes to use them in their own mod/scenario may do so. All we ask is that you give appropriate credit in the documentation of anything which you distribute.

Gael does all the hard work of creating the heads in Poser; I then turn his rendered images into static FLiCs and the proper PCX files and hog all the credit since I write the Readme file ;) This post is an index containing download links and links to later posts which have the original previews created by gael. The first nine are posted all in a row right after this while the last three are quite a bit later in the thread, although they are together.

Note: To reiterate, these are static leaderheads, not animated leaderheads. They are created in Poser but the FLCs themselves are simply an unchanging neutral expression for each era which keeps the filesizes small and allows gael to cut&paste the clothes for them. (There has been confusion about this so I thought I'd try to make it a bit more clear :))

Index of Completed Heads
  1. Ceaulin of Wessex -- Post & Preview || Download v1.1 (466KB)
    (posted on 3 April 2003; updated to 1.1 on 3 April 2003)
  2. Kenneth mac Alpin of Dal-Riada -- Post & Preview || Download v1.0 (424KB)
    (posted on 8 April 2003)
  3. Calgacus of Pictland -- Post & Preview || Download v1.0 (466KB)
    (posted on 10 April 2003)
  4. Vortigern of Powys -- Post & Preview || Download v1.0 (454KB)
    (posted on 10 April 2003)
  5. Ceretic of Strathclyde -- Post & Preview || Download v1.0 (450KB)
    (posted on 10 April 2003)
  6. The Ard Ri of Connacht -- Post & Preview || Download v1.0 (358KB)
    (posted on 17 August 2003)
  7. Dermot MacMurrough of Leinster -- Post & Preview || Download v1.0 (384KB)
    (posted on 17 August 2003)
  8. Niall Nóigiallach of Ulster -- Post & Preview || Download v1.0 (347KB)
    (posted on 17 August 2003)
  9. Vorimorus of Dumnonia -- Post & Preview || Download v1.0 (398KB)
    (posted on 17 August 2003)
  10. King of the Normans -- Post & Preview || Download v1.0 (398KB)
    (posted on 17 August 2003)
  11. King of Gwynedd -- Post & Preview || Download v1.0 (351KB)
    (posted on 17 August 2003)
  12. King of Deheubarth -- Post & Preview || Download v1.0 (355KB)
    (posted on 17 August 2003)

Edit: 25 April 2003 -- Tried and failed to change thread title at Gael's request and added an icon
Edit: 17 August 2003 -- Added the remaining seven heads, bringing the total number to twelve. Added link to the new scenario thread and changed some wording to reflect the new postings.
Ceaulin of Wessex

This is the Wessex leaderhead, Ceaulin; the first bretwalda "Ruler of Britain", (anglo/saxon highking) from Wessex.

Download Version 1.1 (466KB)
Edit: Updated to version 1.1; frame delay reduced from 10 to 1 on animations at the advice of GIDustin

Composite preview:
Kenneth mac Alpin of Dal-Riada

This is the Dal-Riada (Scot) leaderhead, Kenneth mac Alpin; "He was the first king of Dal-Riada to be crowned king of Alba (modern day Scotland), giving the Scots dominance over the Picts."

Download Version 1.0 (424KB)

Composite preview:
Calgacus of Pictland

This "Calgacus, a Pictish leader. (Indiginous people of Scotland)
The Picts are a bit of an enigma as far as historical information goes, but Calgacus seemed to make an impression on the invading Romans."

Download Version 1.0 (466KB)

Composite preview:
Vortigern of Powys

"This leader is 'Vortigern'. His kingdom is Powys in Wales. He invited Hengist and Horsa, two Jutish brothers and their mercenaries, to Britain to help him defend Britain from the Scots and Picts of the North.
The Jutes revolted, and later formed the Jutish Kingdom of Kent.

Vortigern is a bit of a Welsh anti-hero, who has been credited with getting the ball rolling for the Anglo/Saxon invasion of Britain."

Download Version 1.0 (454KB)

Composite preview:
The Ard Ri of Connacht

This is the Ard Ri (Irish High King) of Connacht; no specific name had been picked for him upon leaderhead creation.

Note: The neutral ancient images have a slightly different background from the other ancient images. I didn't notice it until I started converting the head and knew that any attempt by me to change the background at that point would look awful. Hopefully, it is close enough to not hinder gameplay as I don't think gael will be able to rerender it.

Download Version 1.0 (358KB)

Composite preview:
Dermot MacMurrogh of Leinster

This is Dermot MacMurrogh of Leinster. "He enlisted the help of Anglo/Norman forces to help him regain his kingdom, and has been blamed for getting the ball rolling for the later invasion of Ireland."

Download Version 1.0 (384KB)

Composite preview:
Niall Nóigiallach of Ulster

"This is Niall Nóigiallach, or Niall of the Nine Hostages. He is the leader for the Ulster kingdom (Ireland). He consolidated the northern region of Ireland and created a dynasty that kept his descendants High Kings of Ireland for 600 years.

It was during one of his raids against the Romans in Britian that Niall's forces took hostage the boy Succat for a slave, who escaped and later returned to Ireland and became known as St. Patrick."

Download Version 1.0 (347KB)

Composite preview:
I thought you said these were static flcs? It looks like Ceaulin of Wessex is animated due to the previews, but I guess I will ahve to download to find out. It looks great though.

ok I downloaded and found out that they arent animated. BTW I do have a suggestion for you. WHen creating the flcs you need 121 frames which you have, BUT make the delay 1 milisecond instead of ten. Trust me, it reduces file size. I got your ancient one from 85,690b to 53,020b just by using this method.

Thanks GIDustin. I never got a good answer on frame delays before so I just went with what I had seen on others. I'll be sure to update it :) Edit: Files updated. Thanks again!

I believe the heads are static because gael was cutting&pasting the clothes on, but he'd have to comment further on that.
Glad I could help. I planned on going through all the leaderheads in my archive and changing all the delays to 1 to see if I could get any small enough to re-host. :p

I understand about the clothes thing. When I tried poser, I couldnt even get the guy to look human, yet alone clothe him, so I envy what you are doing. I look forward to seeing the rest of 'em.

They will all be pretty much generic looking Euro leaders.
So you can name them whoever you want.

I'm doing these 9 along with pdescobar because it will take me a while to make the scenerio. People can use them as they like.
The other 9 will become available with the scenerio.

PS. Theres a new Scottish leader next.
A little bump noting that 3 more heads have been added bringing the total complete to 5.
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