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3d animated Asian leaderhead pack (05.09.05) with pcxs

Rob (R8XFT)

Ancient Briton
Retired Moderator
Aug 11, 2002
Leeds (UK)
As the Asian civs have been dropped from the mod, I've been asked to release the Asian leaderheads I'd made for it. They're dual era (Ancient and Medieval), 3d animated, with pcxs.


Ghengis Khan


Songsten Gampo

Qin She Huang
Nice hat on Genghis. I like him much better than old prune face.
Thanks for the quick release. :) Now I can get rid of prune-face with a real Genghis Khan. I'll also use your Tibet leaderhead and Qin leaderhead for Dharmaraja Songsten Gampo of Tibet and King Gou Jian of the Kingdom of Yue respectively. :D
Uh....hey, Sorry to bump an obviously dead thread but the link is broken. I'm planing to use one of those leaderheads in my mod and I'd realy appreciate it if you could fix that. My honest apologies if this is thought of as spam. My compliments on the quality btw.
Thank you very much. :thanx: I've been needing these leaderheads. :)
Very nice i haven't seen these before. :)

But isn't the first emperor Qin Shi Huang Di. I'm not chineese so i dunno if there's any difference, but that's how i know him from the game Emperor - with Shi. :)
Actually, there is a difference. "Shi Huang Di" means "commencing emperor," which can also translate to the "First August Emperor."

"She" could mean "snake," depending on the pronouncation and intonation. So basically, it'd be something along the lines of "snake emperor." :p Considering what type of ruler he was historically, maybe that name isn't so far off. ;)
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