3d Empire of Thessalonike city set

Very nice..
I've been waiting for you to release these to comment -
Absolutely awesome! :eek: A fine achievement.

It's too bad you are leaving :(
All the best; I hope you come to visit from time to time.

The church (?) building in the centre of the city looks great, but is it a bit dark? Maybe it is in real life - I don't really know.

Nah. It was just my first reaction. It looks great, and gives detail to the otherwise white-walled buildings. And the city walls are wonderful :thumbsup:
There is an alternative design for a wall as well, which i might get around to completing for the six sets, although not anytime soon.

Would you say that this is better than the other one?

That has to be the best looking set of walls I've seen in a city set. :goodjob:

Have you considered doing other eras for your city sets?
Ε ρε πατριώτη.
Very nice graphics and realistic map
Varwnos θα μπορουσε να ξανακανετε τις βαλκανικες που, οπως στην πρωιμη μεσαιωνικη set με palisades, και ισως κανουν Pagan / Slavic μια Rob οτι μπορουν να χρησιμοποιησουν ;)

Varwnos could redo the Balkan set, as in early medieval set with palisades, and maybe do a Pagan/Slavic one that Rob can use ;)
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