Voting Instructions
Players, please cast your votes in the poll above. Vote "Yea" if you'd be okay if this proposal was implemented. Vote "Nay" if you'd be okay if this proposal wasn't implemented.
You can vote for both options, which is equivalent to saying "I'm fine either way", but adds to the required quorum of 10 votes in favor.
All votes are public. If you wish, you can discuss your choice(s) in the thread below. You can change your vote as many times as you want until the poll closes.
VP Congress: Session 4, Proposal 2
Proposal: Swap the city gold steal and withdraw from melee abilities on the Blockade and Piracy (Naval melee promotions). New promotions would be:
Piracy: Gain 100% of the CS of defeated enemies as gold. Steal gold equal to 100% of damage inflicted on a city, capping out at city strength x 10.
Blockade: +25% CS when defending vs ranged attacks. +50% chance to withdraw from melee combat.
Rationale: Both of promotions are very niche in the promotion line, and frankly are almost always dwarfed by other promotions. With this swap, with focus the abilities more. Piracy is now the ultimate "steal gold" promotion, giving you multiple ways to snag gold. Blockade becomes a strong overall defensive promotion, giving you resistance to both ranged and melee attacks.
Players, please cast your votes in the poll above. Vote "Yea" if you'd be okay if this proposal was implemented. Vote "Nay" if you'd be okay if this proposal wasn't implemented.
You can vote for both options, which is equivalent to saying "I'm fine either way", but adds to the required quorum of 10 votes in favor.
All votes are public. If you wish, you can discuss your choice(s) in the thread below. You can change your vote as many times as you want until the poll closes.
VP Congress: Session 4, Proposal 2
Proposal: Swap the city gold steal and withdraw from melee abilities on the Blockade and Piracy (Naval melee promotions). New promotions would be:
Piracy: Gain 100% of the CS of defeated enemies as gold. Steal gold equal to 100% of damage inflicted on a city, capping out at city strength x 10.
Blockade: +25% CS when defending vs ranged attacks. +50% chance to withdraw from melee combat.
Rationale: Both of promotions are very niche in the promotion line, and frankly are almost always dwarfed by other promotions. With this swap, with focus the abilities more. Piracy is now the ultimate "steal gold" promotion, giving you multiple ways to snag gold. Blockade becomes a strong overall defensive promotion, giving you resistance to both ranged and melee attacks.
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