(4-11c) Great Admiral +2 Luxuries Moved To Imperialism With No Other Change

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Baller Magnus
Dec 31, 2005
Counterproposal to :
  • Free Thought's (Rationalism) Great Admiral expenditure aspect moved to Regimental System (Imperalism)

Rationale: The original proposal did the same move, but also gave Free Thought some added visibility. I don't think this is necessary, as Rationalism loses almost nothing from this change and remains a strong tree. The visibility is a bit "out there" and doesn't feel like a thing for Rationalism to have, and may actually be a strong buff in certain cases that is not needed for the tree.
Proposal sponsored by Legen.
@Legen Before you sponsor this!!!!!

Rationalism is extremely broken. As your testing definitely also showed, if you're going Autocracy, you are warring, and if you're warring, you have deep unhappiness.

Any policy from the Autocracy ideology, even the one focused on solving unhappiness (look into buffing this, guys!) doesn't do nearly as much as just simply putting points in rationalism. Seriously, I went from 23% unhappiness to 37% just for putting 2 policies into rationalism while in the modern era!

Seriously, Autocracy (for the vassal permanent policy) is pretty much a given because you need it so vassals don't constantly ask for freedom and then you have to deal with a puny civ acting like a barbarian sending units into your remote cities every 40 turns until you can make them capitulate again (defeating them would be too much effort and a diplomatic nightmare)

,so you have to get your happiness back somehow.

I vote that you remove the happiness buff entirely, as science civs are ahead and don't need happiness.
Timestamp post to arrange all the threads in a neat order.
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