[Vote] (4-22) Remove Great Work Slots From Religious Buildings

Approval Vote for Proposal #22 (instructions below)

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Aug 9, 2017
Alberta, Canada
Voting Instructions
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VP Congress: Session 4, Proposal 22

The great work screen currently looks like this:
Spoiler :


This screen gets bloated with 1-slot GW buildings that make it harder to find themes and manually optimize great works. This whole system has received complaints as busywork, and I think one of the contributing factors is that we have a lot of useless buildings bloating this screen. If we can add enough GW slots to common buildings (horizontal columns), I see no reason to have so many other buildings polluting the rows on the list and creating a long scroll list.

Each religious building, which are given sometimes with wonders, or are selected with religions, adds another line to the Great Works menu.
There are also a handful of national wonders that have 1-2 GW slots for no discernible purpose.

Also note that the Cathedral appears in the horizontal list. That building appears there even if you don't have any Cathedrals on empire. The horizontal list is organized by all common buildings in the order of their tech unlock. The broadcast tower is the last tech-unlocked building, and since it runs out of common buildings with prereq techs, it starts to fill the list with belief buildings, because they have no maximum number of buildings allowed on empire (like guilds and national wonders), but they are the first "common building" with prereq tech = 'NULL', alphabetically.

Remove free GW slots from all religious buildings:
Cathedral, Stupa, Mandir, Cathedral, Church, Mosque, Synagogue, etc.

We might also discuss removing slots from some early national wonders, but those ones are causing less of a problem (they only exist in 1 city) and they are arguably more necessary.
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Those slots are barely used anyway, just some additional visual pollution on the overview.
This could also improve Optimize button performance probably, as there are fewer slots to calculate.
The Optimize button always goes for themes first, actually.
Your custom civs require your player to pick specific beliefs in order to function?
If it’s a serious constraint I would recommend your mod add more slots to national wonders, so they aren’t shackled to specific beliefs.
If it’s a serious constraint I would recommend your mod add more slots to national wonders, so they aren’t shackled to specific beliefs.
I'm not sure I understand your suggestion. It is still necessary to have a National wonder as a unique building.
I would rather add 3 slots this way :
  • Monument : slot for GW of Art
  • Shrine : slot for GW of Music
  • Council : slot for GW of Literature
and effectively
Remove free GW slots from all religious buildings:
Cathedral, Stupa, Mandir, Cathedral, Church, Mosque, Synagogue, etc.
We currently have:
GW music on temple
GW art on castle
GW literature on amphitheatre.

If that’s not early enough there are also:
GW Art on national monument and palace
GWriting slot on national epic and school of philosophy.
You could increase the slots on those national wonders and give them themes if you wanted.
You could increase the slots on those national wonders and give them themes if you wanted.
Maybe add that to your proposal?
It could be a solution even if I find the addition to early buildings can be more elegant.
  • national monument : 2 slots of GW Art
  • national epic : 2 slots of GW Writing
  • Temple : 2 slots of GW Music
No, I’m just saying you should feel at liberty to add those general rule changes to your mod. Unmodded VP has no need for a theming bonus on temples.

I haven’t seen your Ireland design, but if it needs more than 1 GW of all kinds per city in classical era then it sounds a bit unbalanced and awkward.
I haven’t seen your Ireland design, but if it needs more than 1 GW of all kinds per city in classical era then it sounds a bit unbalanced and awkward.
This is not the case.
No, I’m just saying you should feel at liberty to add those general rule changes to your mod.
I don't think it's very elegant. But I will think about solutions if the proposal passes and if the need arises :sad:. Which should happen, I think, because your proposal solves a lot of the Culture Overview problems. It is fair, as often in the VP Congress, without compromise.
Proposal sponsored by N.Core.
I counter-sponsor this.

Remove this screen entirely, and make it so the game presses the "Swap & Optimize" button automatically at the start of each turn. That way we don't need to look at this bloated screen as dan put it.
I counter-sponsor this.

Remove this screen entirely, and make it so the game presses the "Swap & Optimize" button automatically at the start of each turn. That way we don't need to look at this bloated screen as dan put it.
You can't do anything in this phase. Also, it's not easy to fix the "Swap & Optimize" button.
You also don't want to automatically swap & optimize each turn, since it will ruin some theming in some cities.
I counter-sponsor this.

Remove this screen entirely, and make it so the game presses the "Swap & Optimize" button automatically at the start of each turn. That way we don't need to look at this bloated screen as dan put it.
Btw sponsoring means "I'm a dev and I'm ok to implement it if it passes".
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