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[Vote] (4-34) Change Population Requirement Of National Wonders

Approval Vote for Proposal #34 (instructions below)

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Lost the game
Jul 17, 2018
Voting Instructions
Players, please cast your votes in the poll above. Vote "Yea" if you'd be okay if this proposal was implemented. Vote "Nay" if you'd be okay if this proposal wasn't implemented.

You can vote for both options, which is equivalent to saying "I'm fine either way", but adds to the required quorum of 10 votes in favor.

All votes are public. If you wish, you can discuss your choice(s) in the thread below. You can change your vote as many times as you want until the poll closes.

VP Congress: Session 4, Proposal 34

Current formula of population requirement:
Population required = P * (1 + N * C%) * OCC, where
P = NationalPopRequired​
N = number of cities​
C = NumCityCostMod​
OCC = 0.5 if One City Challenge, 1 otherwise​


1. Scrivener's Office doesn't require more population with more cities.
2. America's extra UNW don't have population requirements, but Venice's have.
3. Population requirements are not consistent with their respective tech tier. Printing Press require 10 less population than Ironworks and East India Company, one tech tier earlier. Piazza San Marco requires 5 less population than Royal Library while both unlock at Writing.

Tall often has troubles building NWs when their techs are researched, while wide rarely has that problem. This can be made more balanced by reducing NationalPopRequired and increasing NumCityCostMod.

1. Remove population requirements from Unique National Wonders
You're incentivized to beeline the tech and rush build your unique building, but you often end up not having the required population to start it (very common with Assyria and England).​
2. Increase NumCityCostMod to 25 uniformly across all non-unique NW.
3. Generally lower NationalPopRequired across all non-unique NW, consistent with their respective tech tiers.

Heroic Epic12
Scrivener's Office12
School of Philosophy15
National Monument15
Circus Maximus15
Oxford University19
Grand Temple19
East India Company22
Printing Press25
International Finance Center40
Palace of Culture and Science40
Foreign Bureau40
Hall of Honor40
National Intelligence Agency50
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Why not just drop the mechanic entirely? If someone wants to tech rush a NW as a part of their strat, is that really a problem?
Not a bad idea but in this case it would be necessary to moderate the production cost which is 125 for all NW unless I am mistaken.
Not a bad idea but in this case it would be necessary to moderate the production cost which is 125 for all NW unless I am mistaken.
Why? Again the production cost isn’t really a “cost” NW now with wide, only tech. NW rarely take more than a few turns to build.

If we don’t think Tall should have an extra delay in NW compared to wide, then we should just remove the mechanic and be done with it. And if we do think it should…we don’t approve this proposal.
I think dropping the requirements without adjusting the tech quickly leads to beelining them because they are the strongest buildings in the game. But they always (I think) come with the tech that gives the prequisite building. The pop requirement adjusted for city number disables beelining them. If it were just dropped the optimal play would probably be beelining the science NWs and probably Heroic and I guess that works better with Tradition.

I agree with the proposal that wide player should struggle more, especially becaue they get the most value of them.

I disagree that UNWs should not require pop because it makes them so much more powerful and throws of balance.
I think dropping the requirements without adjusting the tech quickly leads to beelining them because they are the strongest buildings in the game.
I'd counter that in that most NW when I play wide effectively have no pop requirement today. When I go for them, they are ready to build, its as simple as that. This is my point, effectively wide already plays like this to me, and its not considered OP. If we want Tall to play the same way, easiest way to do that is just remove the mechanic.

Beeling techs in this game already has a lot of trade off. Beeline Oxford University.....you are sacrificing a lot of military strength. Beeline Heroic Epic, giving up a lot of nice yield boosters and wonders in the north side of the tree, etc.
Hasn't been like this in my experience. I guess maybe is that because wide needs a lot of production for settlers and units and the low prio of councils. Its still just my guess but i would probably beeline them, especially with tradition,because I would go for those techs anyways.

Following your logic it would buff tall play and do we want that?

Although this proposal would nerf wide too so nevermind
It is not at all difficult for high empires to send food caravans to their cities.
By turn 100, there are 3 technology caravans and 2 more can be taken from Wonders - Petra, Colossus (something else?). And even research Currency, which will give +1 caravan.

With 3 cities, it's easy to feed your population, causing explosive growth.

Wide empires require caravans with hammers to quickly rebuild many cities, otherwise they will fall into unhappines. On the contrary, you slow down population growth by sending citizens to forges, libraries or markets. I do not build Granaries with 5 cities until turn 100, so as not to get extra citizens by accident.
Why? Again the production cost isn’t really a “cost” NW now with wide, only tech. NW rarely take more than a few turns to build.

If we don’t think Tall should have an extra delay in NW compared to wide, then we should just remove the mechanic and be done with it. And if we do think it should…we don’t approve this proposal.
They should have an equal delay, optimally. The population requirement is basically a time gate. This should only punish science-heavy civs/builds who beeline specific NW.

UNWs are just UAs that unlock later. I think a tech gate works better than a time gate here, so the civ can choose to unlock their full UA earlier if desired.

Please do submit a counterproposal if you don't approve of this so the erroneous requirements can at least be corrected.
I disagree, only America's lack of a population requirement on its UNW was an oversight especially when Independence Hall has a requirement.

I also made a Production Cost table since NumCityCostMod does affect this
0 (Capital Only)12345678910
10% (Current)125137.5150162.5175187.5200212.5225237.5250
25% (azum4roll)125156.25187.5218.75250281.25312.5343.75375406.25437.5

I do dislike the table given in OP since it's not apparent what gets changed. So I made two tables for you to compare.
Spoiler ACTUAL azum4roll's proposal :

National Building with azum4roll's changesUnused Base1 (Capital)2345678910
Heroic Epic1215182124273033363942
Scrivener's Office1215182124273033363942
School of Philosophy1518.7522.526.253033.7537.541.254548.7552.5
National Monument1518.7522.526.253033.7537.541.254548.7552.5
Circus Maximus1518.7522.526.253033.7537.541.254548.7552.5
Oxford University1923.7528.533.253842.7547.552.255761.7566.5
Grand Temple1923.7528.533.253842.7547.552.255761.7566.5
East India Company2227.53338.54449.55560.56671.577
Printing Press2531.2537.543.755056.2562.568.757581.2587.5
International Finance Center405060708090100110120130140
Palace of Culture and Science405060708090100110120130140
Foreign Bureau405060708090100110120130140
Hall of Honor405060708090100110120130140
National Intelligence Agency5062.57587.5100112.5125137.5150162.5175

Spoiler Current National Population Requirement :

Current National BuildingUnused Base1 (Capital)2345678910
Heroic Epic2022242628303234363840
Scrivener's Office (Does not have scaling)2020202020202020202020
School of Philosophy2527.53032.53537.54042.54547.550
National Monument2527.53032.53537.54042.54547.550
Circus Maximus2527.53032.53537.54042.54547.550
Oxford University3538.54245.54952.55659.56366.570
Grand Temple3033363942454851545760
East India Company4044485256606468727680
Printing Press3033363942454851545760
International Finance Center40465258647076828894100
Palace of Culture and Science60667278849096102108114120
Foreign Bureau60667278849096102108114120
Hall of Honor60667278849096102108114120
National Intelligence Agency7077849198105112119126133140

2. Increase NumCityCostMod to 25 uniformly across all non-unique NW.
Religion National Wonders currently are at 15 NumCityCostMod. They need to be looked at too!
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I play wide and I get pop blocked on circus maximus, school of philosophy and iron works (which I tend to beeline) but these are the only ones.
How much depends, usually its a combo with low happiness that also make growth a slight problem.
I dont know if the AI is affected at all.
Religion National Wonders currently are at 15 NumCityCostMod. They need to be looked at too!
Do they? They don't have a population requirement, so it only affects their production cost, which is fine.
I sponsor this.
Proposal sponsored by azum4roll.
I like where this is headed.

I won’t hazard any opinion about what those requirements should be, other than I think we should have some.
Timestamp post to arrange all the threads in a neat order.
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