This is a proposal from Pineappledan and DeAnno that passed the congress last time but will get implemented this time, but just in case I am proposing it again. I will sponsor it myself and the code is already done. Can read the passed proposal for its justification.
Imperialism Finisher
Counterproposal to
(EDIT/AMENDMENT: There was some confusion regarding a couple aspects of what existed already on one policy {cough Autocracy gets everything cough} and the coding directions that were intended with happiness scalers and even promotions. The proposal is changed a bit from the original, made in consultation with PD.)
Reading over the @pineappledan proposal here, it struck me that a city defense bonus might fit better on Freedom than on Autocracy. Then, when I looked at Their Finest Hour, the Freedom Policy, it struck me that a production boost to planes fit better on Autocracy than Freedom. Then I looked at Air Supremacy, and noticed it had a production boost anyway (because Autocracy gets everything I guess.) But it should have it instead of Freedom, surely, and Freedom should have the Defense boost. So leave that one alone.
TFH had a City Defense boost already, but it was a boring one that we can make more interesting and thematic by tying it to planes. That's the core of the idea.
For reference, these are the policies in question:
Current Imperialism Finisher:
Unlocks the Pentagon
Can buy Admirals with Faith
Naval units gain the Ironsides Promotion (Units become stronger as they take damage).
Each Air unit stationed in a city increases the City's Defense by 3, and reduces Unhappiness from needs by 3%.
Current Their Finest Hour Tenet
All Cities get +1 Air Unit slot and +33% Combat Strength.
+25% Production towards Air Units in all Cities, and can build B17 Bombers.
Let's get a better idea what that +33% CS means. I'm going to assume it applies before garrisons and after buildings: correct me if I'm wrong. Lets look at the two most basic cases in my eyes:
Hill City (8) + Walls (6) + Castle (8) + Bastion (10) + Arsenal (12) = 44 (33% is +15)
Hill City (8) + Walls (6) + Castle (8) + Bastion (10) + Arsenal (12) + Military Base (20) = 64 (33% is +21)
I think requiring Air Units to get the bonus should make it a little bit better, though being able to work on a city with no infrastructure is an advantage too, at least for the first 3 planes. Planes 4-7 would require an Airport to cram in, which is the same cost as a Military Base (but of course, you also need the Planes now!)
+3 CS is clearly kinda weak: at the end you're getting the same size bonus for way more effort. +5 CS could get way too ridiculous, giving a total of +35 bonus at the end. So one direction we might take is +4 CS: more effort for more return. But that's still a lot of defense indeed, even at +28. So what if instead we boosted another aspect of the policy: the Air Slots. Going from +1 to +2 is a big boost, but we do lose the production bonus too, so it's a justified boost.
As for the Imperialism Finisher, I thought the original proposal did fine with that at first, but PD was thinking we could apply the same "stronger when damaged" promotion to the planes too. I think this is a more thematic and unified option so I'm fine with that happening, and happy to include it in this proposal.
New Imperialism Finisher
Unlocks the Pentagon.
Can buy Admirals with Faith.
Air and Naval units gain the the Promotion which gives: 'Units become stronger as they take damage.' This promotion is renamed to 'Banzai!'
New Their Finest Hour Tenet
All Cities get +2 Air Unit slots.
Each Air Unit stationed in a City increases the City's Defense by 3.
Can build B17 Bombers.
Imperialism Finisher
- Unlocks the Pentagon (Unchanged)
- Can buy Admirals with Faith (Unchanged)
- Ironsides Promotion renamed to Banzai!
- Banzai! is also given to Air Units (Fighters and Bombers) and Navy Units.
- Removed Each Air unit stationed in a city increases the City's Defense by 3, and reduces Unhappiness from needs by 3%.
- Can build B17 Bombers (Unchanged)
- All Cities get +2 Air Unit slot instead of +1 Air Unit slot.
- Each Air Unit stationed in a City increases the City's Defense by 3.
- No longer provides +33% Combat Strength to Cities.
- No longer provides +25% Production toward Air Units in all Cities.
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