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- Aug 24, 2018
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Original Proposal here.
Counterspies get the following options to pick from:
For all the options above, missions will scale (if possible) according to how long the spy has been operating. For example, if a siphon mission gave 300
Gold for 20 turns, the mission gives 150
Gold if the Spy only operated for 10 turns.
Spy capture is determined through Progress which is affect by Security Level and Spy Resistance. The idea is that, once Progress reaches 100%, then the spy is captured.
Security Level determines the base Progress through the equation: Security Level / 5. Therefore, higher Security Level Cities starts with higher Progress which speeds up spy capture.
Spy Resistance then either increases or decreases Progress each turn depending on if it's positive or negative. The higher the Spy Resistance in a City, the faster enemy spies can be captured.
Let's say we have a City with Security Level of 40 and Spy Resistance of 5. Then, the base Progress will be 8 and the spy will be captured after 19 turns. 19 turns will be shown to the player on the UI as the player decide upon what mission to pick. This 19 turns won't change even if the City gained or lost Security Level and Spy Resistance between mission start and mission end.
If the mission is shorter than the projected turns or Spy Resistance is negative, then the spy won't ever be captured.
Spies will go into Retirement as a way to "reset" their level.
Once a spy hits level 3, then it will have a Retirement counter of 5. Once the spy has been captured 5 times, then the spy will be forced to retire and a level 1 spy will be the replacement.
- Spies can no longer be killed. Instead, they are captured if there is a counterspy in the City.
- Once you capture a Spy, you get options to pick from. More options are unlocked behind buildings and Policies. (More details below)
- The level restrictions for counterspy missions are removed, giving more options to use also low-level spies defensively (same as the original proposal).
Spoiler Options for counterspy upon capturing enemy spies :
Counterspies get the following options to pick from:
- Let the spy flee (Captured spy returns to owner and can be redeployed afterwards)
- Imprison the spy (Captured spy is unavailable to the owner for [5 * X] Turns where X is the Spy Rank of captured Spy and there's a diplomatic malus with the spy owner)
- Release Spy after ransom is paid (Must have Constabulary. City owner gains GPT while spy owner loses the same GPT for 10 turns. GPT is { [1
Gold per Turn, scaling with Era] * X } where X is the Spy Rank of captured Spy)
- Release Spy after intelligence has been gathered (Must have Police Station. City owner gains [100 * X]
Science where X is the Spy Rank of captured Spy.)
- Make Spy into a Double Agent (Must have Double Agents Tenet. Gain 1
Science per turn in all Cities for [3 * X] turns where X is the Spy Rank of captured Spy. {can stack})
- Make effective propaganda with Spy (Must have Police State Tenet. +10%
CS to all military Units for [5 * X] turns where X is the Spy Rank of captured Spy. {can stack})
For all the options above, missions will scale (if possible) according to how long the spy has been operating. For example, if a siphon mission gave 300

Spoiler Spy Capture :
Spy capture is determined through Progress which is affect by Security Level and Spy Resistance. The idea is that, once Progress reaches 100%, then the spy is captured.
Security Level determines the base Progress through the equation: Security Level / 5. Therefore, higher Security Level Cities starts with higher Progress which speeds up spy capture.
Spy Resistance then either increases or decreases Progress each turn depending on if it's positive or negative. The higher the Spy Resistance in a City, the faster enemy spies can be captured.
Let's say we have a City with Security Level of 40 and Spy Resistance of 5. Then, the base Progress will be 8 and the spy will be captured after 19 turns. 19 turns will be shown to the player on the UI as the player decide upon what mission to pick. This 19 turns won't change even if the City gained or lost Security Level and Spy Resistance between mission start and mission end.
If the mission is shorter than the projected turns or Spy Resistance is negative, then the spy won't ever be captured.
Spoiler Spy Retirement :
Spies will go into Retirement as a way to "reset" their level.
Once a spy hits level 3, then it will have a Retirement counter of 5. Once the spy has been captured 5 times, then the spy will be forced to retire and a level 1 spy will be the replacement.
- Kill chance relies on RNG. By removing kill chance, Level 3 Spies don't get "reset" but they are now double-edged swords where you can potentially make your opponent stronger.
- Makes counterspy missions feel similar to spy missions. You get options upon enemy spy capture and pick one that benefits you instead of just delaying your competition.
- Capital of Tall Civilizations won't feel as punished by all the spies sent their way because there can be gains from killing enemy spies with the right building and policy tree or ways to delay them.
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