(5-05) Statue of Zeus Change

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Aug 9, 2017
Alberta, Canada
Current Statue of Zeus, as of Congress #4
Cost: 185 :c5production:
Culture: 1:c5culture:
Faith: 1:c5faith:
Policy requirement: 2
Free Barracks in the City in which it is built.
Free Worker appears near the City.
All Units gain +25% :c5strength: Combat Strength when attacking Cities.
-1 :c5unhappy: Unhappiness from :c5food:/:c5production: Distress in this City.

Current Terracotta Army
Cost: 200 :c5production:
Culture: 1 :c5culture:
Unlocked at Masonry
Number of policies required: 4

Tile improvement construction speed increased by 25%.
+10 :c5culture: Culture when you destroy an enemy unit in battle, scaling with Era.
Increases :c5war: Military Unit Supply Cap by 5.

Status of Zeus
Remove free worker on completion
Add "Workers do not suffer a reduced improvement rate when captured (ie. immune to prisoner of war debuff)"

Statue of Zeus already gives a free Barracks. also giving a free worker on top is too much free hammers. 2 free things is also boring.
If SoZ made captured workers immune to the -50% improvement speed plague then that would fit better with SoZ's pre-existing offensive theme
SoZ also already gives a free unique promotion, so all that is required is to add a plague immunity to that promotion and give that promotion to workers.
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Looking from a purely coding perspective, wouldn't adding the plague immunity to promotion shield all units from plagues ? That's detail, but worth clarifying.
I like this idea. It still allows for more bang for the buck than the old SoZ but you have to work a bit more it (aka the warmongers way). I think its a good change.
Looking from a purely coding perspective, wouldn't adding the plague immunity to promotion shield all units from plagues ? That's detail, but worth clarifying.
plagues has special assigned plagueID types.
Plague immunity only gives you immunity to a defined plague type.
So for instance, the anti-boarding resistance on Boarding Party II only protects against the boarding plague.
Military units don't get the PoW debuff plague, so if they get immunity from it... okay. It doesn't matter.
Also, with the exception of legions, military units don't have build speeds, so even if their promotion made them resistant to PoW it wouldn't matter.
Similarly, this proposal effectively gives workers +25% vs cities. But since they don't can't attack, once again it doesn't matter.
Pretty sure this debuff isn't a plague, anyway. It's just a timed promotion.
Pretty sure this debuff isn't a plague, anyway. It's just a timed promotion.
Makes sense, since plagues are applied via attacks from units. the PoW is applied on capture, so it's not strictly the same.

still, we could assign it a plagueID and see if plagueImmunity can cancel it. Just because it's not a plague yet doesn't necessarily mean we can't make it one, and then have it cancelled out as one.

Needs to be tested. Hopefully this doesn't require new code and can just be done via existing SQL.
Timestamp post to arrange all the threads in a neat order.
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