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5 in 1 (mystery SG with twists) - Emperor


Aug 5, 2004
I need 5 sign-ups.

The variant you may ask? Each person has their very own Variant to this game. I will send a PM to one person and tell them their Variant. They ARE NOT ALLOWED to tell anyone what their variant is. Then, they send a pm to the next person in the list and tell them their variant.

I.E. Say BOB signs up. I send him a PM telling him on his turns he may NEVER build artillery. BOB then tells TOM he has to make at least one city during his turns.

Variants could include things like no building wonders on your set of turns, have to declare war on at least one person you are currently at peace with, not allowed to attack anyone, etc.

EDIT: 3 variants per person (preferably a variant that specifically targets 3 of the 4 ages). Now, if we all tell eachother no going to war or attacking, then it looks like we have a cultural victory at hand.


Map Pangea
Small or Standard sized map
Random for %/Climate/Age etc
Barbs Random

Civilization = Inca
Enemies = random
Culture flips = on
Scientific Great Leaders = on

PLEASE!!! I need a 2nd SG to play. :)

Any victory is allowed. Depending on how each person has a variant, we may have to do a certain victory.

Double Edit: At the end of the game when it is either won or lost, we all get to tell eachother our variants.
This is not a sign up yet. I don't know if I will have the time for this SG.

But to get things clear for me... Could it be something like: 'You always have to be at war with the world'? Or shouldn't it be that extreme?

Also: should you try to get variants that compliment each other (although you have to guess because you know only the ones given to you), should our goal be a win or a nice and freaky game?

I can imagine that variants can be against the interest of the game. If I would have the variant to always declare war on a civ and we have deals with everyone I have to break our rep. So they should be choosen with great care. Otoh you don't want to have cop-out variants like: 'you have make a deal with at least one AI'.

What do you mean with: every player has 3 variants? Can the player choose which one to play for the next ten turns?
Well, I was hoping for a somewhat type freakish game that does end in a win. I should have explained the 3 variant thing better. When you send the PM you give them the following:

One Major Variant: must always be at war with the world
One Moderate Variant: Cannot use artillery (or choose a specific unit)
One Minor Variant: When the chance arises to use the UN, you must hold a vote.

All three of these have to be used each turn, but as you can see, the UN cannot be used until the UN is built, therefore, that is invalid for the time being. Same with the artillery until mathematics is discovered.

Yea, you would want them to compliment eachother somewhat. Which can actually be done to a degree. Using the three above, if I send them to you, then you know at least one person (you) in this game has to be at war always. Now, you can choose the next person to always at war with you or not. Then hopefully they will make a decision based on that and choose a somewhat close or maybe they go completely opposite.
Thanks. It's already clearer for me. My only problem now is that I don't know if I will be able to finish this. My holiday may be postponed for 6 weeks, but it is also possible that I will have to step out of this SG after 20 days..
If I can get more than 5 people which in return makes it a more casual game, then you really wouldn't be missing too many turns.

5 people is roughly 10 days to get through one rotation.
If I get 7-8 people it would be around 14/15/16 days for a rotation.

At worst you would only be missing 3 turns and at the very least 2. This is all on the assumption that your "I could be enjoying a holiday in Australia from September 2nd to October 2nd" statement is true (1 month).

Anyways, be great to have you in the rotation if you want to. The holiday situation is no big deal considering I've seen enough SG's where people have suprise holidays.
I have seen SG reach the industrial age and finish in a month. I think that you are conservative regarding the rotation. My experience is more like 5 people is 5 days per rotation.

I indeed intend to be away for a month. I'm interested, but you'd better have an extra player. I must say that 8 players sounds like a bit too much for an SG. 5/6 is mostly the optimal number.

EDIT: I have been forced to leave SG's in the past, but I don't like it at all. And when I see it coming that I can't finish a SG I'd better not join. But this is an exciting concept and I hope that others join it to try this out.
I might be interested, provided you put me before Aggie. :D

We are not allowed to mention the variant in our turnlog throughout the game, right? That sounds interesting, like "what the heck did you declare on Maya?".

Do we tell the next player all 3 variants at the beginning of the game, or can we change at will (but still only 3) as we play?

I'll be gone for one week at end of this month though.
Nope, not allowed to mention your variant. If someone asks why you did something, you either don't answer or give them a fake reason. If your variant is to declare war, I would suggest lying and saying they started the war.

No changing the variants throughout the game and all three must me told at the beginning.

EDIT: If it means you joining the team Microbe, you can go before Aggie.
Locomotive said:
Nope, not allowed to mention your variant. If someone asks why you did something, you either don't answer or give them a fake reason. If your variant is to declare war, I would suggest lying and saying they started the war.

:lol: Interesting! So not only we don't tell, we must hide any possible hint. Got it! I would suggest anyone that gets his told variants figured out should get an F in the end.

EDIT: If it means you joining the team Microbe, you can go before Aggie.

Yes please. :)
Alright, good to have you Tim. Even though this isn't quite the variant to learn considering there will be many restrictions.
I will know today if my holiday will be postponed. If not you'd better find another 5th player :)

EDIT: I will go to Australia in September :D This means that it makes no sense for me to join. I really hope you will get one or two extra players. This idea deserves it!
Aww...come on Microbe. You can give me variants if you want, like:


Or the best one EVAR:
You must let me play a 'bad apple' turn in the middle of your turn set.

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