It's a counterproposal for (6-51), (6-51a) and (6-51b).
In proposal 6-51b you can see similar idea of Canoe promotion suggested by @Anarcomu, but packed in between many other tree changes I don't like.
Complex Proposal: Database + Artwork Changes
In proposal 6-51b you can see similar idea of Canoe promotion suggested by @Anarcomu, but packed in between many other tree changes I don't like.
- Add new Canoe promotion for Scouting line (Pathfinder, Scout, etc.):
- allows unit to Embark everywhere; +1
Movement Point when Embarked; +10%
Defensive CS when Embarked
- available after getting Trailblazer I or Survival I
- Embarkation ability is dropped from Trailblazer III; instead it will get additional +5%
- allows unit to Embark everywhere; +1
- Move Frogman promotion from both current leaves to the new leaf and make it available after getting Canoe
- Frogman, as an end of line promotion will get additional bonus: +20%
on Marshes (the bonus will be given no matter if the proposal 6-51d passes or not)
- first I would like to say I don't like any of the reworks suggested before. They are much too complicated and move the scouting line in a wrong way;
- scouting line is heavily dependent on top tree techs allowing embarkation on certain maps. If you play on Archipaelago or Tectonics with many islands, then you can quickly get stuck with your Pathifinder early on, just because you cannot pass water tiles and you don't want to get these techs because you are an inland civ for example (it's possible) or you want to focus on techs allowing you to improve Quarries which are in the bottom of the tech tree. It's sad you have to research top techs only for your Pathfinder or Scout. In my opinion scouting line should be self-sufficient;
- change is pretty simple and does not interfere with current promotions, so you can still choose the stem you want to follow, but in the meantime decide to allow your scout to embark, and later if you want, even improve this ability without waiting for Trailblazer III or Survialism III promotions; both promotions (old and new one fit together thematically;
- additional movement point and defense when embarked is a bonus that you get even when you have researched the tech allowing embarkation; additional defense can be useful when you are surrounded by barbarians in no man's land and want to evacuate;
- Frogman as an end of line promotion needs a buff, and because it's a niche promotion focusing on water movement, with a @Phosphoraptor's idea we decided to add additional strength on Marshes;
- if proposal (6-51d) passes, Frogman promotion will be enhanced with +20%
on Marshes.
- remember you can vote yeah on these two proposals without a conflict!
Complex Proposal: Database + Artwork Changes
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