[Vote] (6-72) Change Requirements For Pledge of Protection

Include in VP?

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Lost the game
Jul 17, 2018
Current Pledge of Protection requirements:
Must have higher or equal military power than the median of the world.
Must fulfill one of the following:
  • Allied with the CS
  • Can trade with the CS
  • Is already trading with the CS
The military power requirement is binary: you either don't fulfill it for all City States making all pledges impossible, or you meet the requirement for all of them enabling you to pledge to protect all CS within range and allies.
Suggestions have been made to count nearby military only, but it's extremely troublesome having to dedicate an army to stay near a CS. Worse if there isn't space for it.

Proposed requirements:
Get the player's nearest city to the CS, and the plot distance.
Divide the player's military power by the plot distance, and do it for every player.
Sort the results of every player, and the ones with a number higher than the median can pledge and keep the pledge.
Player also CANNOT pledge to protect the CS if they have bullied the CS in the past 30 turns (same as how long the recently bullied modifier lasts). An existing pledge with the CS is immediately annulled if the player bullies it. Clarification: Unless you have the Tyranny tenet.

Having a big army doesn't mean you can automatically pledge everything. You need to settle a city nearby too, which naturally requires you sending an army to defend it.
This also makes tribute and pledge mutually exclusive, so you can't use your military for both.

Complex Proposal: DLL + UI + Database Changes
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I don't think this is a real counterproposal. Both proposal can stand on their own imo.
I added a note that if your proposal passess then my small addition of range limiting will be overriden with your rework.
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A little detail regarding tribute and PoP being exclusive : I think that restriction should be ignored with the "Tyrant" diplomatic tenet from Autocracy.

As a reminder, that tenet :
  • remove malus from opinion for tribute acceptance (old feature, since now opinion no longer reduce tribute acceptance),
  • remove influence penalty from demanding tribute,
  • Increase your actual influence by 10%, and reduce others influence by 10%,
  • easy tribute (if I remember correctly)
easy tribute (if I remember correctly)
That's on Total War.

I don't think a CS would value a bully's pledge of "protection" very much.
Is the shortest path from a city to a civ cached? If not, it's not slower to calculate plot distances between every CS and every player city (O(1) each), over grabbing an equal amount of cached paths.
Seems really weird to have a favoured PoP value to an inaccessible but otherwise close CS (eg. over a mountain range). Even the current mechanic doesn't allow this unless you're allied.

Does any other mechanic use plot distance?
Plot distance has the advantage of being transparent to the player. You can easily calculate the plot distance and use that to gauge where to settle, if necessary.

The current mechanic is weird for not allowing cross-domain access anyway.
Proximity is using plot distance, as well as the forward settle range.
I'd like to see how this plays out and probably modify the formula in a future congress. I suspect, especially on large maps, that this is going to make every major civ the king of their own little set of city-states that realistically, only they can protect. At least until well into the mid game.
I'd like to see how this plays out and probably modify the formula in a future congress. I suspect, especially on large maps, that this is going to make every major civ the king of their own little set of city-states that realistically, only they can protect. At least until well into the mid game.
That's more realistic than pledging a CS deep inside another continent.
Timestamp post to arrange all the threads in a neat order.
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