(6-NS) Make Stealth Bombers and Jet Fighters Immune to Interception from Triplanes

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Jan 18, 2022
Currently Triplanes can intercept Stealth Bombers and Jet Fighters. This is thematically terrible, as IRL a Triplane wouldn't be able to see, catch up to, or even fly within 25,000 feet elevation of a modern Stealth Bomber or Jet Fighter. It is strategically bad as well because there is little incentive to upgrade your triplanes if you just have them set to intercept, as upgrading them is only a marginal improvement in their interception performance for a high cost. It also means that opponents that are literally 3+ tech levels ahead still run the risk of losing planes to interception, something they can do little about.

Proposal: Make Stealth Bombers and Jet Fighters immune to interception from Triplanes when performing airstrikes.

Complex Proposal: DLL and database changes
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While I get the idea, at the end of the day this is just the way the civ model works. Later era units can lose to earlier era ones in situations that would never happen in real life.

In this case, honestly triplanes still don't do well against jet fighters, while they can intercept they take a lot of damage in the process. A few airsweeps from jet fighters can take them out. Stealth bombers are mostly immune to interception due to their stealth promotions, they are rarely that hingered by triplanes.
Timestamp post to arrange all the threads in a neat order.
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