(6-NS) Nuclear Non-Proliferation Forces Everyone To Declare War When Nukes Are Used, then Repeals Itself

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Sep 13, 2022
Counter proposal to:

In addition to the original proposal, after the world declares war on the Nuke user, automatically repeal the Nuclear Non-Proliferation resolution. This allows other players that have stockpiled nukes to use them in retaliation. Doing so will still incur a diplomatic penalty, but will not force the entire world to also turn on these players.

The modern sense around holding onto nuclear weapon stockpiles is the air of mutually assured destruction. The proposed change gets at this by adding an effect where the world turns on you if you violate this agreement. However, you are not allowed to retaliate against this nuclear threat with your own weapons, or the same will happen to you. In the absence of a "casus belli" style system, the best analog we have to nuclear retaliation is to repeal the Non-Proliferation resolution after the first offender strikes.

Complex Proposal: DLL + Database Changes
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Hm, it feels like of weird that this means that the guy who doesn't want to follow the agreement can force it to be repealed. It comes at a cost, but still.
How about making the repeal temporary?
A temporary repeal would probably be new code? But maybe it's all new code so it doesn't matter.

At that point I'd probably just prefer something like "using nukes against people who haven't used nukes for 20 turns triggers the war". So the resolution never repeals, but you still have the ability to hit just the offending force as retaliation.
Timestamp post to arrange all the threads in a neat order.
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