(6-NS) War Elephants Use New "Elephant" Strategic Resource

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Aug 12, 2016
This is a counter-proposal to 'Make War Elephant Only Gifted By City-States', but NOT a counter to other ivory-related proposals with same numbering.

Keep the ivory/elephant combo as a resource/unit pairing rather than a CS-only gift unit, but convert it to make use of the strategic resource system

  • The ivory/elephant unit function adds both interesting thematic and gameplay flavor. Its a long-standing, vanilla-origin feature that many civ 5 players are used to (and civ 4 for that matter); having familiar vanilla-like functionality is good for newcomers to the mod.
  • The CS-gift roster is already full of interesting units, adding 1 more does not improve the CS-gift feature of VP: we are only removing a fun feature via 6-36a
As outlined by the other proposals in this category, the current implementation of elephant/ivory has some shortcomings. None of these really even approach any kind of game-breaking imbalance, but some undesirable functionality does exist:
  • ivory is an odd duck, and AI cannot easily assess its value in early-game, when elephant units are a factor.
  • player can make unlimited elephants as long as they have access to ivory
  • losing access to ivory does not affect already-built units
  • (note that this proposal does not seek to modify the frequency of ivory resource itself, though this is an additional known issue)
Implementation Details:
  • the current direct link between elephant and ivory is broken, ivory becomes just a standard lux resource
  • new building, the "Khedda":
    • requires trapping
    • can only be built if city has local ivory resource (ie same gating mechanism as stoneworks w/ stone/marble, stable with horses/sheep etc.)
    • obsoletes when current elephant unit obsoletes (chivalry iirc)
    • no maintenance
    • same cost as 1st tier ancient era buildings
    • provides 1 copy of strategic resource: "captive elephant"
  • new strategic resource, "Captive Elephant"
    • does not appear on map, only given by khedda
    • obsoletes when current elephant unit obsoletes (chiv...)
    • monopoly bonus: none
  • War Elephant unit
    • no longer requires ivory resource directly
    • costs 1 "Captive Elephant" strat resource
    • all other attributes unchanged
I think I've captured most of the required theorycrafting here, but I'm sure I've missed a few details... subject to change til proposal round closes

Complex Proposal: Database Changes and new Artwork for the Building and the Resource
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You wouldn't need to make a monopoly unless 6-15 passes.
I think the issue with this is that you have a building and resource that only exist for 1.5 eras. It would be a weird anomaly. Buildings don't obsolete, and strategics take a long time to obsolete (and don't fully obsolete)
Buildings don't obsolete, and strategics take a long time to obsolete

there's a 'TechObsolete' field in the 'Resources' table, and an 'ObsoleteTech' field in the 'Buildings' table -- we don't use 'em elsewhere in VP, but they are there and do function. I haven't tried the resource version in VP 3.x+, but last I did, these just disappear from UI when they obsolete -- perfect for this purpose.
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oh I don't mean that it isn't *possible*, I just mean that it would be an anomaly
oh I don't mean that it isn't *possible*, I just mean that it would be an anomaly
yes, agreed. Full disclosure, if this gets community support I'd like to use it as a model for further limited-appearance resource-based special units, 1 per era til industrial is kinda what I have in mind: we have a number of units locked away behind CS gifts that might be fun to bring out of hiding, a few nice but unused art/models on these forums and in civ 5 scenarios, as well as some retired VP veterans (zep) that imo should be present in limited quantities.

Considered on its own, it would be an anomaly, but the existing ivory/elephant is an anomaly already so I'm not proposing any new anomalies :D
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The main reason I didn't propose making Ivory strategic is it's nearly as odd a strategic as it is a luxury. Yes, it would technically fit better among strategics due to the War Elephant tie in, but then:

1. It should spawn like a strategic, not like marble.
2. The AI will probably disproportionately value it in trade, compared to it's utility.
3. It's only useful as a strategic for a single unit, while most (all?) other early strategics have several units tied to them. It's not viable to create other units based on Ivory, at least not without getting very creative and outside the box (working/entertaining elephants)
4. War Elephants aren't all that great according to this one guy on Discord.

That said, I would love to bring Zeppelins back into the game. They had a short run in the real world, but that needn't have been the case. They're actually having a resurgence now as flying luxury cruiseliners.

I'm actually fascinated how much interest the ivory distribution proposal has generated. The mechanic has been around forever, and it never really seemed to be a problem before. I just wanted to see it in action a bit more.
but to your proposal:

1. Adding a building prerequisite on Military Theory delays the production of War Elephants further, which makes an already questionable unit further delayed.
2. I feel like the Kedda would be underpowered compared to other buildings of the era (it could give a bonus to nearby ivory, but due to distribution that's almost guaranteed to be just 1 ivory per city).
3. The Kedda would effectively become useless after War Elephants are replaced with knights.
4. Would "Captive Elephants" be tradeable strategic resources?
5. What happens if the city loses the tile with the ivory (eg if America buys it or it gets citadeled?)
6. I'd suggest increasing the amount of Captive Elephants granted to 2 or 3. 1 feels too weak compared to what other strategics grant. Although, I can see the case for 1, since in it's timeline, it's uniquely strong and a civ with 3 War Elephants by the late ancient era would be extremely powerful. Imagine if that civ got 2 ivory?
7. This is still a wonky mechanic compared to most (all?) other luxuries, it's just wonky with more steps. It does solve for the AI's valuation of Ivory somewhat, but would the AI recognize there isn't any value in Captive Elephants after the classical era?
8. It's a little odd that Ivory could still be traded, while the Kedda would still be providing Captive Elephants. Not super odd, but still feels strange.

In keeping with your idea, I might suggest the following:

1. Move Kedda to trapping, so that it can be built as soon as camps on elephants can be built. This eases the timeline for getting War Elephants out.
2. War Elephant should still require a barracks, so it's not something that can be spammed immediately at trapping. I'm not sure how I feel about War Elephant effectively requiring two buildings, but we're already into odd territory here.
Good feedback!
It should spawn like a strategic, not like marble.
Here I'm proposing that the strategic resource is only accessible via the building. Currently ivory spawns very rarely, less than most other strategics and luxuries, so on this proposal alone, these units will be a relatively rare occurrence (even rarer than they are now, really). I assume everyone voting on this one will also vote on the ivory frequency proposals, and align their choices accordingly. Can always adjust this aspect in future rounds or other proposals; here I want to restrict scope just to focusing on moving the existing luxury elephants into the strategic system in the most palatable way possible, changing only whats necessary.

3. It's only useful as a strategic for a single unit, while most (all?) other early strategics have several units tied to them. It's not viable to create other units based on Ivory, at least not without getting very creative and outside the box (working/entertaining elephants)
4. War Elephants aren't all that great according to this one guy on Discord.
Assuming the 'obsolete' flag still works as it once did, this strategic will disappear from UI as soon as chiv is researched. I don't think its necessary to have it behave like other strategics, from player perspective it just won't exist once it no longer has a purpose. There ARE a few other elephant models out there in other mods, I think thematically maybe there's room for one additional elephant unit, but this kind of thing is out-of-scope for this proposal. As you note they weren't the best weapons of war, though they did make some notable appearances on the battlefield in the eras they're present in civ.

1. Adding a building prerequisite on Military Theory delays the production of War Elephants further, which makes an already questionable unit further delayed.
1. Move Kedda to trapping, so that it can be built as soon as camps on elephants can be built. This eases the timeline for getting War Elephants out.
Good idea, adjusted OP

4. Would "Captive Elephants" be tradeable strategic resources?

5. What happens if the city loses the tile with the ivory (eg if America buys it or it gets citadeled?)
khedda will remain in losing city, and will continue to function normally. It won't be able to build one if it hasn't already. America's city will be able to build one. Will work the same way as when city with stable loses its horse tile, or stone works loses its stone ie building itself unaffected. While thematically imperfect, I don't anticipate this to have an unbalancing effect. If you really want to disable opponent's elephant production, you can still capture city and sell/destroy khedda

6. I'd suggest increasing the amount of Captive Elephants granted to 2 or 3. 1 feels too weak compared to what other strategics grant. Although, I can see the case for 1, since in it's timeline, it's uniquely strong and a civ with 3 War Elephants by the late ancient era would be extremely powerful. Imagine if that civ got 2 ivory?
not against this necessarily, but I think its also possible that 1 player could build 2 cities close to a single ivory and get 2 kheddas out of it. Even if it were only 2 strats per khedda, suddenly we're getting 4 elephant units out of a single ivory tile. Player w/ 2 ivories could get a lot of elephants. Strikes me that these kind of quirks are less concerning if its 1 strat per khedda. I envision elephant as remaining a relatively rare unit.

7. This is still a wonky mechanic compared to most (all?) other luxuries, it's just wonky with more steps. It does solve for the AI's valuation of Ivory somewhat, but would the AI recognize there isn't any value in Captive Elephants after the classical era?
8. It's a little odd that Ivory could still be traded, while the Kedda would still be providing Captive Elephants. Not super odd, but still feels strange.
I suppose this wonky strangeness issue is somewhat subjective, but yes I understand what you mean. imo its tolerably wonky: though we're implementing things in a different way than anything else in VP, this is only a problem if its a problem, and all of the moving parts here are robust, work fine. I see it this way: effectively we're keeping the existing mechanism, but limiting elephant units to 1 (maybe 2 in rare cases) per ivory plot, and giving the AI a way to value the luxury component and the strategic component separately, rather than all bundled. We are also adding a small production or trade premium to each player's first elephant (ie the cost of a 1st tier building or of trading for the resource) -- theoretically we could have the building auto-built when the ivory improvement is complete, though this would bring this proposal out of database-change-only paradigm. Human will understand how this works as its fairly close to existing mechanism, just with an extra step as you say; AI understands all these mechanisms too, arguably better than it understands the status quo ivory/elephants. Ultimately the kheddas and elephants will remain entirely optional, as elephants are now; can just skip 'em w/o losing out on anything important.

2. War Elephant should still require a barracks, so it's not something that can be spammed immediately at trapping. I'm not sure how I feel about War Elephant effectively requiring two buildings, but we're already into odd territory here.
agreed; but it'll just feel a little odd at first I think. And odd is fine, its broken we don't want.
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1 player could build 2 cities close to a single ivory and get 2 kheddas out of it
As far as I know you can't do that, only the city which claimed the tile can build the building. Simply swaping tiles won't do.
As far as I know you can't do that, only the city which claimed the tile can build the building. Simply swaping tiles won't do.
You may be correct -- these kind of fine details tend to be forgotten unless i'm in-game, testing directly. What happens if two cities are 3 tiles apart, and the middle tile has a stone? only 1 city can build stoneworks? anyway khedda will rely on same mechanism with ivory, whatever it is. If indeed its restricted to 1 city then i'd feel better about bumping khedda to 2 strats
You may be correct -- these kind of fine details tend to be forgotten unless i'm in-game, testing directly. What happens if two cities are 3 tiles apart, and the middle tile has a stone? only 1 city can build stoneworks? anyway khedda will rely on same mechanism with ivory, whatever it is. If indeed its restricted to 1 city then i'd feel better about bumping khedda to 2 strats
Yes, only one of them can build the stoneworks.
okay, lets revisit the number of copies this proposal should have then... sounds like we'll relatively consistently get 1 khedda building per ivory, so how many strategic resources should the building generate? i'm still leaning to a lower number ie 2.

Do you have a building icon for the Kedda?
There's a 'khedda' in a mod on these forums, i haven't checked it out yet to evaluate quality, but if its no good and this passes I can make one pretty quick. What icon should we use for the strat resource? I was thinking just a recoloured ivory icon might be fine
We have artist's permission to use this as basis for the resource icon; its a little on the fantasy-side when blown-up big, but zoomed out to icon size should work nicely:

Spoiler :
I don't get it. It just adds additional layer between Ivory and Elephant units, so what is the change? You still need an Ivory, you still can have unlimited units (the only change is the time you need for the construction of Khedda).
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