6otM 2024 Krampus Announcement


GOTM Staff
Nov 26, 2016
Welcome to Civ VI Game of the Month - 6otM 2024 Krampus
These games will allow new and old GotM fans to play Civ6 in a friendly competitive environment. Participants are encouraged to post questions, stories, advice, tricks and failures in the dedicated game threads (described below). Each game will specify the Civ you will play and the Victory Condition to strive for.

How to Play
1. Please read our Must Read Rules and Game Details sections below for important information before playing.
2. Consult our Other Useful Information section below and ask spoiler free questions in this thread before starting your game if needed.
3. Click the 6otMxxx.Civ6save file attachment at the bottom of this post to download the Civ6 savefile.
4. Move the Civ6 savefile from your ...\Downloads folder to your ...\Documents\My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization VI\Saves\Single folder. (This is the standard Civ6 install location so please let us know if yours is different or you can't find it)
5. Load the 6otMxxx.Civ6save file in Civ6 and play the game adhering to all our Rules and Victory Conditions specified below. (In game, click Single Player, Load Game, 6otMxxx should be at the top.)
6. Once finished, report your results in our After Actions Report (AAR) thread and attach your finished save game to your post.

Must Read Rules!
We would like to ask you to please abide by our most sacred rule: Do NOT replay any turns! If you make a mistake, accept it and try to recover. To ensure fair play and prevent results exclusions, please set your Autosaves to 1 turn. In the event of a computer crash while playing, just reload to the previous save and play it as closely to how you played it the first time. (Gifting of cities is an exploit in a religious VC as the AI can't see that it will lose if it accepts the cities.)
We also ask that you don't use any mods - in testing we found that 'display only' mod changes actually had an impact on AI behavior. In the interest of sharing and learning, if you 'must' play with mods please state their use at the top of your AAR thread post.

Game Details
Victory Condition: Score Victory after 200 turns (and only Science/Score VCs are enabled)
Alternate Victory Condition: Score at time of earlier Science victory
Player (You): Tamar - Georgia
: Deity
Game Speed
: Online
(including player): 6 / 12
Disaster Intensity:
Map Type/Size: Wetlands / Small Size
World Age: Old
Start Position: Legendary
Temperature: Hot
Rainfall: Arid
Sea Level: High
Game pace: Standard
Game Mode(s):
Apocalypse, Barbarian Clans, Dramatic Ages, Monopolies & Corporations, Secret Societies, Tech & Civic Shuffle
Game Options:
Start: Ancient Era
Enabled: Barbarians, Tribal Villages
Game Version: This game was created in Civ6 Gathering Storm version
Game Requirements: Vanilla version of Civilization VI with Rise & Fall and Gathering Storm expansions. All pre-NFP & NFP DLCs are required. New Leader Pass DLC required.

Starting Position
6otM2024Krampus start.png

Other Useful Information
Unique Attributes:

Spoiler Unique Attributes :

Leader: Tamar - Georgia

Leader Bonus: Glory of the World, Kingdom and Faith - Killing a unit provides Faith equal to 50% of its Combat Strength. Each Envoy sent to a city-state following Georgia's majority Religion counts as two Envoys.

Civ Ability Strength in Unity – Dramatic Ages only: While in a Heroic Age, gain an additional Wildcard policy slot in all Governments, and can use Dark Age policy cards. +50% Production towards walls.

Unique Unit: Khevsur – Replaces Man-At-Arms, Unlocked by Military Tactics
Common abilities: +5 Combat Strength vs. anti-cavalry units.
Special abilities: No Movement penalty in Hills; +7 Combat Strength when fighting in Hills.
Special traits: Higher Combat Strength (48 vs. 45).

Unique Infrastructure: Tsikhe – Replaces Renaissance Walls; Unlocked by Siege Tactics
Effects: Lower Production cost (260 vs. 300); +4 Faith; +200 Outer Defense Strength; +3 Combat Strength (Total of +9 Combat Strength from previous walls); +1 Housing under the Monarchy government. (Total of +3 Housing from previous walls); +2 Diplomatic Favor under the Monarchy government; Becomes obsolete with Steel, which automatically builds defenses in every city; Cannot be purchased with Gold; +3 Tourism (with Conservation. Total of +6 Tourism from previous walls. Total of +9 Tourism in a Golden Age); +2 Science with the Military Research Policy; +100% Tourism and Faith while in a Golden Age.

Thread information:
Spoiler Thread information :

Announcement thread (this one): This thread is used to announce the game and clarify the settings and rules (don't be afraid to ask questions). It's also used to discuss the game before you start, and post problems with opening the save. Once you have opened the save, DO NOT POST game-related information in the Announcement thread.

After Actions Review (AAR) thread: In this thread you can post the results of your game. Please state your victory/loss turn/date (preferably in the post title) and describe your path to glory in this post! Players are encouraged to provide feedback on the game. Some players like to replay the game - please state at the top if this is the case (replayed turns, 2nd/3rd/etc. attempt).
Internal staff coordination - @leif erikson @The_J @Blake00

Game Length:
This game runs for a month and ends 1 February 2025.


Additional Useful Information related to this Krampus Game.
Spoiler Dramatic Ages Info :

When you open the game, in the Civilopedia (? in upper right), the top entry is modes, then a description of Dramatic Ages. Worth the read if you haven't. Anything that is not accurate below is my fault for not reading, writing, or testing properly.

Key points to consider:
Only Dark or Golden Ages after first era :cool:
No Dedications (like standard mode), but more powerful Policies that can be placed in Wildcard slots.

Earning Era score:
Historic Moments (same as standard mode)
+1 for each Tech/Civic discovered
+1 for each unit promotion to 2d level or higher
Note: Era score is at end of the turn, so any era score you earn on the turn you transition from one era to the next era is credited to the new era.

Era Score required for Golden age:
Ancient Era -> Classic Era, always 20
If E = Era you are currently entering beyond Classic Era; C = # cities, not including capital; A = +5 for now entering Golden Age, -10 for now entering Dark Age, then:
Era Score needed for next age = (Era score as entering age) + 20 + 5E + 3C + A.

City loses during a Dark age:
In dramatic ages, you automatically have cities turn into free cities at the beginning of a Dark Age. Note: Free cities have their own influence and enough of them combined can flip other cities :crazyeye:; higher difficulty level, higher influence, 500% on Deity.
At Deity level, human players lose 40% of their cities!! :eek: AI only at 10% at Immortal level. Of note, your capital is always safe and you always lose at least one, but otherwise it is rounded down. :thumbsup:
So, if you enter a Dark Age by choice or not, you will lose the following number of cities:
If have 1 (capital only), lose 0. If have 2-4, lose 1. If have 5-7, lose 2. If have 8-9, lose 3. If have 10-12, lose 4...Etc.

Spoiler Scoring Info :

  • Empire
    • 5 points for each city owned.
    • 2 points for each district owned (4 points if it is a unique district).
    • 1 point for each building (including the Palace).
    • 1 point for each Citizen in the player's empire.
  • Great People
    • 5 points for each Great Person earned.
  • Religion
    • 10 points for founding a religion.
    • 2 points for each foreign city following the player's religion.
  • Civics
    • 3 points for each civic researched.
  • Technology
    • 2 points for each technology researched.
  • Wonders
    • 15 points for each wonder owned.
  • Era Score
    • Era Score points.

15 Dec update - Santa has arrive early with his own version of the game. Everything is the same, but on Prince level. :santa2:
On Prince level Dramatic Ages are FAR, FAR less impactful for the player.


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Question about the victory condition, does this mean we are only allowed to play a score victory after T200? Science victory must be done before T200? Never played a score victory before but you must go to T250 with online speed right?
Question about the victory condition, does this mean we are only allowed to play a score victory after T200? Science victory must be done before T200? Never played a score victory before but you must go to T250 with online speed right?
The game is set to end after T200 (normally online speed is 250 turns; shortened mainly as too long of a game can make score victory tedious). Score at T200...or if you decide to end early through science victory (may want to do this if you don't stop the apocalypse and the world is being destroyed), your score at that point.
This all applies also, yes, from 175 announcement thread?

Krampus Challege Mode - Peaceful always.
: You cannot declare wars nor joint wars, nor join military alliances, nor support a world congress special session emergency that would result in a war declaration. If war is declared on you, you may only attack into friendly and neutral territory (no attacks into enemy territory; hence, you may never capture enemy cities); you may also ask others to join the war (joint war) if attacked. Current free cities (not aligned to a civilization to include cities now free due to culture flip) are considered neutral territory and may be captured (note: unless they flip to or are captured by another civilization first).
This all applies also, yes, from 175 announcement thread?
No. Each Krampus has unique rules. Although would be interesting to try in this one and see the results! May be able to do it with flipping them.
No. Each Krampus has unique rules. Although would be interesting to try in this one and see the results! May be able to do it with flipping them.
Oh thank goodness! I was thinking it was going to be rather hard to manage losing 40% of cities in a Dark Age and the other game conditions to either get a SV or high score in 200 turns if "Krampus" meant "no warring against the AIs".
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