6otM190 AAR


GOTM Staff
Nov 26, 2016
Welcome to the 6otM190 After Actions Report (AAR) thread.

STOP - Please do not continue reading this thread until you have completed and submitted your game.

In this thread you can post the results of your game. Please state your victory/loss turn/date (preferably in the post title) and describe your path to glory in this post! Please attach your victory save to your post. Players are encouraged to provide feedback on the game. Please use spoiler tags for any surprise details you'd like kept hidden. Thank you.

If this is a replay, please indicate 'REPLAY' at the top of your post. If you conduct regular restarts, please indicate 'RELOADS' at the top of your post. More posting helps us all get play better as we understand the methods of others, but want to clearly distinguish between a first run through without reloads and other submissions as it is much harder to recover in game from the mistakes we all make.

Some questions to consider answering.
- What was your plan for achieving the VC? What are the major steps you planned to take? What events, if any, changed the plan in execution and to what new plan? Any interesting decision points?
- Where did you settle your capital and first few cities?
- What were your initial 5-10 builds in the capital or other early cities?

- Early order for technology/civics? What did you prioritize for technology/civics?
- How did the leader bonus and civ unique ability impact your plan/play, if at all?
- How many cities did you settle and/or capture?
- What were key production/purchase focuses? Military units / Civilian units / Districts & city development / Wonders / Civ Unique Unit & Infrastructure? Most critical or interesting?
- Pantheon chosen and why? Religious beliefs chosen, and why?
- What governments did you select? What key policy cards did you use? Why?
- Which Governors were most important; when and why?
- Was diplomacy/trading useful? How? Relations with other civs?
- When did you have Dark/Golden ages?
- How did the map affect your gameplay?
- Any surprises/frustration/elations you ran into, how did you deal with it?
- Did you enjoy your game?
DV T226
So this was also a Krampus-game, right? :lol:

As supposed the terra-map was quite tricky... I settled in place and hoped the settler of the city state might get teleported to a proper spot to capture it but it just went trough the hole in the mountain range :(
After a few turns I saw myself boxed by the mountain range in the west, germany at the north and poland in the south. I was just able to settle a second city (Aigai) - then Poland fully charged into my capital. Additionally there spawned barbarians just left of my capital WITHIN the mountain range. A barely managed to defend (at least I earned a lot of promotions).
I also had to befriend germany to ensure they will not attack me. As thanks they just settled berlin in my face^^
I started a counterpush against poland with heterois and hypasist and the promoted units. I took several cities of them. At that time they (except of germany) initiated an emergency war...
The second time I was just barely able to defend. I finished off Poland, then Portugal and England. Then I was marching north for Norway and Germany (Two cities already flipped to me because of negative loyality).
My artillery was fully promoted and I finally got bombers. At the end I took my time and looked for the remaining cities of Norway so that I could conquer really all cities :)
At turn 226 I circumnavigated and finished of the last french city with ma cavlry.

Thanks for the setup, that was fine. Now I'm looking forward to play Civ7 - counting the days :love:


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DV 97
Spoiler t97 :


Fun game!

The start was pretty intense, Poland declared on me just as I was about to use my 3rd charge on the builder (getting precious Truffle). They took him and it actually delayed me quite a bit as I had less money and no State Workforce boost.

Poland attacked me with a stream of warriors, but fortunately the starting location was very fortified. I spent all of my gold to get two or three warriors of my own, and eventually pushed them back. Around that time I also got to Bronze and Iron Working, so I immedietely started marching towards their cities. Once I got the UU, Poland fell quickly. I also started getting all the Great Generals, as I have built 3 Encampents in my core cities. That same army went on to take Portugal and England, while I was upgrading them on the way.

In the meantime, another Melee army went for Norway, supported by Kabul levy. On the Swedish side, a small force of Knights and levied/upgraded Vilnus units started a push towards Stockholm. Ultimately, the second army circled around to take German capital, where I spent the rest of the money to reinforce it before going for the final capital of Paris.

Thanks for an action-packed game!


DV T132

The last Krampus challenge is more my play style, but since we're waiting for CIVVII, I could do for a little rush domination. Was a fun map! Alexander is perhaps a little too strong with the early unique units. Was tense in the beginning when Poland declared surprise war and a barbarian camp started spamming units just west of my capital, but since the capital's position is so strong and because of the domination goal I was already research archery, it quickly turned around and the little army I build for defending myself went to Poland and took over. That army continued on to conquer Portugal and England without much resistance. A second army that I build went north and fought Norway, their capital was in a tough spot though so I had to postpone and build a small navy. The northern army continued with Germany and France, and the southern army returned to conquer Sweden. All in all I think I wasn't too efficient with timing and army movement, most of my army hadn't returned from the west while I was already fighting Sweden in the east. My armies were too big as well, some units were just 'running after the troops'.

Thanks again for organizing the GOTM, always fun to do. Let's see if VII will be as much fun as VI, and who knows, play some GOTM for VII? Or maybe it's trash and I'll be back for more VI!
Religious Victory T144

It would have been possible to better beeline to Theocracy by about 10 turns, but first I went for Mercenaries early to do my upgrades cheaper. Only bought enough Missionaries early to convert the 6 cities to boost Reformed Church. After switching to Theocracy (T114) I used all my sizeable Faith to produce as much Apostles as possible and kept on producing them until the end of the game.
Poland attacked me early, so I had to take over her cities, the last 2 of them switched to me on their own. But not before bringing Kristina into an emergency war. That was all the warring...
I quickly converted first Portugal, then England, then Norway, at which point England founded the last religion, so I had to get back to them, while converting Germany, France and finally Sweden.
In the mean time I settled the new continent on a spot that reached 4 new luxuries, but there was no time to get them worked.

I go for religious victory extremely rarely, so I thought it was time... Thanks for the game!!!


RV 168

This was, I think, my 6th or 7th attempt of this challenge. All other attempts ended in either Poland killing me, Norway killing me, Sweden killing me, Germany killing me or a combination of Sweden/Poland. In this attempt Poland tried to do the same but I managed to fight back enough to get in the clear. During the entire game I got attacked several times, but it only helped propel me into Golden Ages.

I settled in place and then built one Builder and the settled a new city in the mountain range to the left. Then I rushed of a religion so that I got Work Ethics and Wat.

I had some luck and got into a Golden Age just as I started my religion and first converted Poland. Just when I finished, they started a religion in Lodz, but every time this happened for all other civilization, I rushed a Missionary to that city and stopped it in its track.

I converted Poland first, then Norway, Germany, Sweden, France. At this time, I solidified my beliefs to +1 Science per 4 people and 25/50% spread, which help to spread the word in Germany/Sweden/France so that I could focus on eradication the newly created beliefs of Portugal and England.

And then I suddenly one ;-).


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