This is one of a series of proposed tweaks to the Spy system to polish the new version.
Current: Spies gain XP equal to teh Network Point cost of the mission / 50.
Proposal: Make XP = NP Cost / 25 (aka double the current value).
Rationale: Currently spies level up too slowly in the game. Right now a good spy generates ~30 NP per turn, so gains about 1.6 XP per turn (or ~63 turns to level) assuming you spend all of your points on missions. With this change, it will be 2.2 XP per turn (~46 turns to level).
Current: Spies gain XP equal to teh Network Point cost of the mission / 50.
Proposal: Make XP = NP Cost / 25 (aka double the current value).
Rationale: Currently spies level up too slowly in the game. Right now a good spy generates ~30 NP per turn, so gains about 1.6 XP per turn (or ~63 turns to level) assuming you spend all of your points on missions. With this change, it will be 2.2 XP per turn (~46 turns to level).