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[Vote] (7-23) Council of Elders Rebalance

Include in VP?

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Oct 3, 2013
Current: The founder belief Council of Elders reads "When a City adopts your Religion for the first time, gain 20 Science and Production in your Holy City, scaling gradually based on the number of Cities following your Religion (bonus caps at 25 Cities). [unlocks Holy Council]"
Note: for the scaling part, the code has a comment which reads "scaler = +(X^2)% where X is the number of cities following the religion"
I understand this to mean that when you have all 25 Cities, you will get 145 yields, up from 20.
Some numbers would be:
5 cities---25
10 cities--40
15 cities--65
20 cities--100

Proposal: It now will read "When a City adopts your Religion for the first time, gain 5 Science and Production in your Holy City for every City following your Religion (max 10 Cities), scaling with era. [unlocks Holy Council]"

Discussion: I have beef with this belief. I took it last game and it gave me next to nothing for my missionary output. The belief is very all-or-nothing. If you get 25 cities and convert the world, you get nice yields. If you keep converting a city here and there the whole game you get barely anything. What is more the lack of era scaling means the yields are mostly worthless later in the game, which is not true for other founding beliefs. Compare, for example, Ceremonial Burial, which gives 10 faith/culture upon GP birth for every city (up to 25) and scales with era.

The change attempts to retain as much of the current feel of the belief---converting other cities for instant yields---as possible while making it less "swingy". By having a 10 city max scaling, converting your own cities right after founding doesn't supercharge you. When you have 10 cities you get 50 yields, around the same as before. Then, when Medieval hits and you get the first era scaling, you are up to the 20 city bonus. This has the effect of preventing runaway yields in the classical when you found quick next to non-religious civs. The continued era scaling hits 25 cities in the Renaissance, then continues to keep the belief relevant (but not crazy) as the game progresses.

Happy to have a discussion about numbers.

Complex Proposal: DLL + Database Changes, hokath will assist with database changes
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I like it, though, sometimes it may be worth to wait for the next era, before converting a city... Which is maybe not a bad thing.
The only values I really glanced at were Currency, Engineering, etc which are around 300 science, while Physics etc. is closer to 600.
Then I assumed the "low city" numbers were already roughly correct.

Do you think it should be more like 6 or 7 per city, or that the cap should be higher? (or both?)
How about no limit at first and then introduce the limit when the believe is OP? Or change the scaling value. In general, I'm slightly against arbitrary limits.
The problem for me is that this pushes back the yields from the belief even further back....and that is a big weakning. The whole point of Elder right now is it gives you a real shot in teh arm of yields early on....but then drops off a cliff. This one last longer but the initial bonus is so feasible its barely worth talking about.
The proposed limit "(max 10 Cities)" is easily reached on Standard and maybe even Small sizes.
Indeed. I am using it to delay the yields. Other founding beliefs scale with how many followers/cities, whereas (to my way of thinking) this one is about the converting itself. Does that make sense? In principle the cap could come down even further.

This one last longer but the initial bonus is so feasible its barely worth talking about.
Maybe 10 (or a bit more) per city, capping at 5 cities, is a better balance?

The whole point of Elder right now is it gives you a real shot in teh arm of yields early on....but then drops off a cliff.
The proposal is to change this dynamic. If you like it then you should vote against &/or propose some other change.
I know VP's balanced around Standard size, speed and Continents-styled maps, but the difference between Pangaea/Continents, Standard/Marathon and Standard/Huge are all too large for this belief. We're not supposed to completely disregard other size/speed/map balance, are we?
I know VP's balanced around Standard size, speed and Continents-styled maps, but the difference between Pangaea/Continents, Standard/Marathon and Standard/Huge are all too large for this belief. We're not supposed to completely disregard other size/speed/map balance, are we?
Don't we, though? For the sake of balance on the most standard settings.

Other settings could have different values for the believe.
What is more the lack of era scaling means the yields are mostly worthless later in the game, which is not true for other founding beliefs.
Most of them do not scale with era. Only two of them do. Era scaling is not the norm.
Holy Law, for instance, is very nice if you get a lot of followers during medieval. If your faith game was amazing it's possible get a free medieval tech off it when you unlock a policy. But after that it falls off a lot. Even with maxed out follower counts, you're only getting 10% of a modern era tech.
I get very good result out of this belief ; if I'm not aiming for a specific founder (like Hero Worship for warmonger), it is a very strong belief if you are first to found and thus got an edge in the religion game.
Its bonus to science helps research faster and the production bonus is great to rush WW. It really can make wonders when played well.
I get very good result out of this belief ; if I'm not aiming for a specific founder (like Hero Worship for warmonger), it is a very strong belief if you are first to found and thus got an edge in the religion game.
Its bonus to science helps research faster and the production bonus is great to rush WW. It really can make wonders when played well.
In my experience, CoE isn’t garbage but I have drifted away from it more as I play. It’s window of effect is just so damn small, and meanwhile you have wonders like holy law just shooting yields your way the whole game
I disagree with the foundational rationale for this change. To change how founder beliefs scale is to misunderstand their function.

With the exception of Transcendence, Founder beliefs plateau in power, because they specifically do NOT scale with era. Founder beliefs are meant to only scale with the size of your religion up to a point, and to decline sharply in relevance with religious mechanics as a whole in the mid-late game. This is why missionary units etc. become so expensive as well.
Transcendence violates this convention because it is TRANSCENDANT.
Council of Elders base number should be increased to 25:c5science::c5production: per city, but how it scales should not be touched, IMO.
With the exception of Transcendence, Founder beliefs plateau in power
Ceremonial burial scales. As does Hero Worship.
Further, the ones that give +% yields (Theocratic Rule, Divine Inheritance) continue to increase in raw yields also, and therefore do not become irrelevant.
As you mention, Transcendence scales.

So in fact it is the ones that do not scale that are in the minority. No?

To change how founder beliefs scale is to misunderstand their function.
:cowboy:Fightin' talk:cowboy:
Ceremonial burial scales. As does Hero Worship.
Yes, things I would be fully in support of changing so it's in line with the other 9 beliefs.

I've been criticizing Hero Worship for years, because not only does it scale weird for a founder, it also is identical to Crusader Spirit.
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You said Monks were suck with three k's. We're not even close to even. I still owe you for those other two k's :p
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