(7-60) Decolonization Resets Consecutive Rigging Counter

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Jul 24, 2022
Proposal: When a Decolonization passes, the bonus for successfully rigging previous elections is reset for all spies.

Rationale: It's imbalanced that Decol resets the current influence for all players but spies keep getting a high amount of influence for rigging an election. Thematically, a Decol is a complete reset of relationships between city-states and major civs, so spies shouldn't keep bonuses based on what happened before the decol.
honestly my experience with this is....once decols start hitting I don't find CS rigs all that impactful as much. Sure you can get a pretty nice reclaim on the next rig but the AI can put out the kind of influence that I don't find its a major deal.

If you reset the rig....your basically saying that no spy should do CS rigs after a decol, as there just isn't enough time to get their numbers back to a point where it really matters.
Timestamp post to arrange all the threads in a neat order.
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