[DLL] (7-NS) Military units consume gold on healing

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There are too many changes in gold management just by starting a war. It's just exhausting and not fun at all. If to solve the problem, gold acquisition is increased, players have too much gold when peace.
I think it's a very cool idea because it would make economic warfare with passing sanctions, plundering trade routes, etc a lot more exciting.

But I would not make it cost much. It would not be fun to have to stockpile gold 24/7 in case a strong civ declares war on you. Maybe something like 20% of production cost to heal from 1HP.
You can make a counter proposal where the cost of healing is, for example, always 2% of unit's cost, meaning a full heal in neutral territory costs 20% of unit's base cost. Then, medics, friendly land and really any healing bonus becomes more effcient for gold => hp.
The problem here is that you can't opt out of healing your unit. As soon as your unit does nothing for the turn and is damaged, it heals and spends your gold, whether you want it to or not.
Good point. It's prefererable of units heal only when command too. Luckily, we already have a command for that.
This conflict with the March promotion... I think the rework proposition I made here would be better in that regard, but probably modmod territory.
Timestamp post to arrange all the threads in a neat order.
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