[Complex] (7-NS) New artillery and aviation features

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Apr 9, 2024
Add the function of artillery, it is also possible aviation, destroying the improvement of a tile when a unit located on this tile is destroyed.

This will add realism to the war, as artillery shells and rockets destroy all buildings around. It will also make it possible to destroy strategic resources deep inside the enemy without entering his territory.
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As for destroying strategic/luxury resources, I like this part. Crippling the enemy supplies from far away sure would make a more strategic decision and make war more interesting for the offenders.
But I usually keep an improvement intact so that I can pillage them when needed. This would also make Bombers have other meaningful purposes than bombarding cities.
Add the function of artillery, it is also possible aviation, destroying the improvement of a tile when a unit located on this tile is destroyed.
This will add realism to the war, as artillery shells and rockets destroy all buildings around. It will also make it possible to destroy strategic resources deep inside the enemy without entering his territory.
For reference, this is currently activated via LUA as a special ability for the 4UC Germany UU (Krupp Gun).
For reference, this is currently activated via LUA as a special ability for the 4UC Germany UU (Krupp Gun).
This person is trying to propose this to be implemented as a core gameplay element of VP, so not using any Lua trickery. So I've told this person to propose if they want to see if people like the idea.
This person is trying to propose this to be implemented as a core gameplay element of VP, so not using any Lua trickery. So I've told this person to propose if they want to see if people like the idea.
Yes, I know.
It's very desirable feature to me -- this sort of remote pillaging of improvements was a very satisfying feature in some of the past civ games. Also I've never found siege units to really be distinguished enough from archer units, this could very well be the missing piece.

I think here we'd need to balance carefully, that's all. Having it only apply to where combat is taking place anyway, as the OP seems to propose (rather than bombing an empty plot), might be an ai-friendly way to accomplish this. I haven't used this MUC unit previously so have no hands on experience.

Maybe only some improvements and not others should be destroyed though, as further balancing attribute. I'd like it to include railroads for thematic reasons but this may be too far gameplay wise.
Cant we just integrate 4UC rather than shaking it down for parts? :crazyeye:

From my own experience, this undermines one of the main roles of late game recon units. With their ability to ignore ZOC and then their ability to paradrop, they are often sent in to pillage a recently cleared defensive tile. If this is done automatically by siege units this lowers the value of the scout line.
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Cant we just integrate 4UC rather than shaking it down for parts? :crazyeye:

From my own experience, this undermines one of the main roles of late game recon units. With their ability to ignore ZOC and then their ability to paradrop, they are often sent in to pillage a recently cleared defensive tile. If this is done automatically by siege units this lowers the value of the scout line.
Recon units can only do their job if the tiles are undefended and can only paradrop from friendly tiles. Once they pillaged a tile, they have to go back to the nearest friendly tiles to do their job again, which is a tedious task. I rather use Recon for pushing my armies forward, as they have better capabilities on defense.
I guess this ability should also apply to naval Units. It would be great if they could pillage land tiles adjacent to water. Some kind of landing crew.
Then there's no way to protect any of your tiles.
A unit on the tile -> siege unit will pillage it
No unit on the tile -> recon unit will pillage it

The spy mission should be the only exception...
Тогда невозможно будет защитить ни одну из ваших плиток.
Отряд на плитке -> осадный отряд разграбит его.
Ни один отряд на плитке -> разведывательный отряд не разграбит его.

Шпионская миссия должна быть единственным исключением...
This is the meaning of this idea, in real life, no unit will be able to protect a building or a complex of buildings from artillery shells. Any artillery has collateral damage. Looting the tile with artillery is not the main idea, since for this you still need to destroy the squad, and this will not work the first time, the idea is precisely in realism. But aviation can also rob tiles in the far rear, where the reconnaissance unit, if it gets there, will not return, significantly reducing the enemy's production capabilities and weakening it before the attack.
This is a game. Balance comes before realism.

There's in fact a way to protect an important tile, and that is to leave a civilian there (so no recon can paradrop onto it) and surround it with military units. Very gamey.
This is a game. Balance comes before realism.
How is this a balance problem? Artillery would become OP? It's not that obvious to me.
There's in fact a way to protect an important tile, and that is to leave a civilian there (so no recon can paradrop onto it) and surround it with military units. Very gamey.
Civilian units can be targeted too.
In my personal opinion, this will not upset the balance of the game. In any war, buildings on the front line are practically destroyed. And protection from aviation is anti-aircraft units.
Civilian units can be targeted too.
AI won't do that when there are military units in range.
How is this a balance problem? Artillery would become OP? It's not that obvious to me.
Human-AI balance. It's easily exploited to pillage tiles your units can't get to, or can't risk to get to. At that point of the game, your siege units have longer range than AI's sight, so they won't know the stationed unit is in danger and retreat it.
On the other hand, you can just leave a civilian on the tile to save your strategics.
AI won't do that when there are military units in range.

Human-AI balance. It's easily exploited to pillage tiles your units can't get to, or can't risk to get to. At that point of the game, your siege units have longer range than AI's sight, so they won't know the stationed unit is in danger and retreat it.
On the other hand, you can just leave a civilian on the tile to save your strategics.
All of this is just AI problem that is not yet adjusted to this proposal. Why would it be?
All of this is just AI problem that is not yet adjusted to this proposal. Why would it be?
Unless the proposal states that AI sponsor is required, it's a valid concern that it won't be implemented with that in mind.
Если в предложении не указано, что требуется спонсор ИИ, есть обоснованное опасение, что оно не будет реализовано с учетом этого.
Please forgive me, I'm new to the forum, how do I indicate this?
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