(7-VT) Embarked units have standardized

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Dec 9, 2017
Counterproposal to:

Current: Embarked units defend with combat strength equivalent to their base combat strength when on land. They deal no damage

Proposed: All embarked units have the same combat strength (unless they have an embarked modifier promotion. This combat strength changes with every era.

In most cases, naval units come at the middle/end of the era, so frequently ships from the previous era will be attacking ships in the current era. The goal is for the previous era of ships to be dealing around 55 damage to embarked units (before experience from combat kicks in), allowing naval units to two-shot embarked units.
EraEmbarked Unit Combat StrengthNaval Melee Unit Base CS
New Naval Unit CS with Military Buildings
(assume +15% per building)​
Damage dealt to Embarked Unit fromon EraDamage dealt to Embarked Unit from previous Era
Ancient51212 (+0%, barracks on wrong side of tree)64.8n/a
Classical81818 (+0%, barracks on wrong side of tree)59.539.0
Medieval122528 (+15%, barracks probably achieved)62.439.0
Renaissance234052 (+30%, armory comes before naval units)59.833.5
Industrial325571 (+30%, military academy at end of tree)58.541.8
Modern4570101 (+45%, military academy achieved)59.340.7
Information6590144 (includes additional 15%)58.445.7

UGH Accidental post before it was finished, currently editing
But counterproposal phase is over :/
MAGI: This was put in after the counterproposal phase is over. This is VETOED.
Timestamp post to arrange all the threads in a neat order.
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