(8-05b) 4UC Aztec Huey Teocalli Global Lake Bonus

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Mar 24, 2013
Base proposal
Spoiler Current Huey Teocalli :

UW - Huey Teocalli (replaces Grand Temple)

Available at Theology
does not require Temple
starts a :c5goldenage: Golden Age on on Construction
+6 :c5faith: Faith and +3:c5food: Food
(up from +6 :c5faith: Faith only)
+2 :c5faith: Faith and +1 :c5gold: Gold, and +2 :c5food: Food to all Barracks and Temples
+2:c5food: to Lakes

1 :greatwork: Great Work of Music Slot
-1:c5unhappy: unhappiness from Religious Unrest
Gain 1 :c5citizen: Population instantly when a :c5goldenage:Golden Age Begins
Gain 10 :c5faith: Faith and :c5gold: Gold whenever you kill an enemy unit during a Golden Age, scaling with Era

:c5production: Production cost scales with number of Cities

Proposed Huey Teocalli:

UW - Huey Teocalli (replaces Grand Temple)

Available at Theology
does not require Temple
starts a :c5goldenage: Golden Age on on Construction
+6 :c5faith: Faith and +3:c5food: Food
(up from +6 :c5faith: Faith only)
+2 :c5faith: Faith and +1 :c5gold: Gold, and +2 :c5food: Food to all Barracks and Temples
+2:c5food: to all Lakes on empire

1 :greatwork: Great Work of Music Slot
-1:c5unhappy: unhappiness from Religious Unrest
Gain 1 :c5citizen: Population instantly when a :c5goldenage:Golden Age Begins
Gain 10 :c5faith: Faith and :c5gold: Gold whenever you kill an enemy unit during a Golden Age, scaling with Era

:c5production: Production cost scales with number of Cities

No changes to other components.

For a building that you'll almost always want in your capital for the free population, the lake bonus can easily end up wasted. Making it empire-wide removes that risk and restores what IMO is one of current Monty's defining traits, making lakes actually useful post-Ancient. Plus further pushing Aztecs towards being the high-food warmonger.
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Please link to the base proposal in your post :)
It would also be helpful to specify what the other components will be. I.e. "everything else the same as the base proposal". Your proposal must be complete, i.e. we can't mix and match.
In an ideal world Aztecs would have a lakeside start like how Inca have a mountain bias. Give priority to Aztecs starting adjacent to at least 1 lake tile.
Timestamp post to arrange all the threads in a neat order.
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