(8-08a) 4UC Byzantium: Dromon Changes and New UI

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Lost the game
Jul 17, 2018

UU2 - Dromon (replaces Liburna)
Unlocked at Sailing
Standard costs

9 :c5strength: (+2)
19 :c5rangedstrength: (+3)
4 :c5moves: / 1 Range
Can Move After Attacking
Naval Inaccuracy
Shallow Draft
Oceanic Perils
Splash Damage I
Greek Fire
(Inflict the On Fire status on Enemy Units when attacking, increasing their Damage taken from all sources by 20% for 1 turn.)
(On Fire: +20% Damage taken from all sources. Lasts for 1 turn.)

Note: this plague works on land units as well. A UnitPromotion_PlaguePlacements table (PromotionType, PlaguePromotionType, DomainType, PlagueID, AttackOnly) will be made for this.

Reducing max HP temporarily is only useful if you can go for the kill. On the other hand, it's a sure kill against units at 20HP or below, no matter how strong they are.
This new plague is similar to the Dazed status inflicted by Waraq'Ak, but is a damage amplifier rather than a nerf bat. It only lasts 1 turn for being a much stronger effect.

Splash Damage I is removed since it's very unlikely to be used well at the time of coastal naval combat, plus it's a repeat of Ship of the Line.

Hippodrome: removed

UI - Aplekton
(replaces Fort by blocking the Build action) - same model/art as here
Unlocked at Engineering
Must not be adjacent to another Aplekton
Removes features
Can be built on resources
(does not connect them)
Build time: 500 (+200, 6 turns)

+2 :c5food: +2 :c5production: +1 :c5science: +1 Border Growth Points
+50% tile defense
Blocks this tile from being stolen by culture bombs and tile purchases (disabled when pillaged)
Contains Fortifications
Contains Canal

Chemistry: +2 :c5science:
Military Science: +1 :c5food: +1 :c5production: +2 Border Growth Points
Stealth: +4 :c5science:
Electronics: +2 :c5food: +2 :c5production: +4 Border Growth Points

Colonialism: +2 :c5science: +1 :c5culture:
Civil Society: +4 :c5food:
Five-Year Plan: +3 :c5production:
Military-Industrial Complex: +3 :c5science:

PillageGold: 14 (+3)

Their kit is supposed to be flexible, yet Hippodrome adds extra triggers and benefits of WLTKD.
The new UI instead acts as a spammable defensive structure that can be built anywhere and also provides reasonable yields, unlike Forts.
It blocks the tile from being stolen, so can be used to safely hold choke points.

EDIT 1: Lowered Aplekton yields and removed sight range.
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+3 :c5food: +3 :c5production: +1 :c5science: +1 Border Growth Points
8 yields on unlock in classical is too much. This is more yields than the Kasbah which comes 1 tech level later.
Provides vision within a 2-tile radius
This can be dropped. Your borders already give vision of the adjacent unowned tile, so this only extends vision by 1 tile when placed optimally. The benefit it almost non-existent.

This ability works a lot better on the Feitoria because you can plant those in land not owned by you, so its vision is not stacked with your borders.
Blocks this tile from being stolen by culture bombs and tile purchases (disabled when pillaged)
Blocking culture bombs is fine, but hard-countering America specifically is unacceptable. There are already reasonable limits on America's purchases, like not being able to purchase outside his working radius, and enemy units blocking purchase. America can purchase Citadels, a GPTI, so why should a UI be off-limits? We should not invent abilities to just delete other civs' abilities.
We should not invent abilities to just delete other civs' abilities.
That works both ways. Being able to buy the tile overriding the blocking abilities fits this statement too.
This can be dropped. Your borders already give vision of the adjacent unowned tile, so this only extends vision by 1 tile when placed optimally. The benefit it almost non-existent.
My first thought is that it can still act as a watchtower, but then you're almost always going to have a unit on it that has 2 sight range. So yes I'm dropping it.
8 yields on unlock in classical is too much. This is more yields than the Kasbah which comes 1 tech level later.
Dropping it to 6 yields. One is BGP so it's actually like 5.1.

Proposal edited.
Plague stuff is handled by (8-15a).
New plague tables, replacing old plague columns (this is a new big version, we can do that):
UnitPromotions_Plagues - PromotionType, PlaguePromotionType, DomainType, ApplyOnAttack (boolean, default false), ApplyOnDefense (boolean, default false), ApplyChance (integer, default 100)
Stored as a map of PlaguePromotionType, PlagueInfo in CvPromotionEntry, where PlagueInfo is a struct of the other columnsUnitPromotions_PlagueImmunities - PromotionType, PlagueID
Stored as a set of PlagueID in CvPromotionEntry
This should support one promotion placing two plagues on different conditions, and/or being immune to multiple plague IDs. I'm not sure if we should keep the ApplyChance. Does any mod use non-100% chance?
Civilopedia should show all these in the bottom panel, but that's not mandatory for now.
EnemyUnitPanel.lua needs to be updated to support the new plague placement conditions and multiple plague placement.

New column in UnitPromotions:
DamageReduction - integer

New column in Improvements:
BlockTileSteal - boolean
Proposal sponsored by prior agreement from @azum4roll.
Timestamp post to arrange all the threads in a neat order.
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