(8-09) 4UC Carthage: Alternate UU2 and Tophet Ability

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Lost the game
Jul 17, 2018

UU2 - Numidian Cavalry (replaces Skirmisher) - model by Danrell, icon by mikeburnfire, included in this mod
Unlocked at Mathematics
Standard costs
No experience penalty when purchased
Can move after purchase

12 :c5strength: 10 :c5rangedstrength: (+1)
No Defensive Terrain Bonuses
Can Move After Attacking
City Attack Penalty
Naval Target Penalty
Skirmisher Doctrine
Withdraw Before Melee

Suffet, whether staying as two transforming units or one unit that can boost both land and naval even when embarked, requires work on unit AI and may not be getting a sponsor.
Numidian Cavalry can synergize with the UA to have more XP when purchased than produced, and while having no additional bulk (historically they have no armor), they have a one-time immunity from melee per turn.

UB - Tophet (replaces Shrine)
Unlocked at Agriculture
Standard costs and maintenance (none)

+1 :c5culture: +2 :c5faith:
Gain :c5culture: Culture on Unit Purchases (Faith or Gold) equal to 15% of the Unit's :c5gold: Gold or :c5faith: Faith cost
When a new :c5citizen: Citizen is born, gain :c5culture: Culture equal to 5% of the required :c5food: Food

Spoiler Culture gained when growing to x population :



Like Stele, Tophet's main power lies on the extra yield on the building itself. Tophet has 1 less yield, so instead of a whatever +25% faith during golden age bonus, it gets a bonus that scales well into the mid game, giving you a trickle of culture every time a city grows.
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Those tophet numbers are way too low, and don't add anything to the civ gameplay. The current mechanic could be toned down but not axed altogether.

I approve on getting rid of the Suffet instead, mostly due to AI inability to make good use of it. I'd love to see war elephants back as a civ UU though.
Those tophet numbers are way too low, and don't add anything to the civ gameplay.
It gives whole turns of culture during the first 30 turns. It's strong enough to outclass Monument as the first building.
In the first 30 turns I see myself getting to pop 6 at most and then start making settlers, so 20ish culture. And that's at the time it matters the most. Not worth a unique component, the +1 base culture becomes the main selling point and it's ok only because it comes with the first building.
The +1 base culture is indeed its main selling point. Otherwise we might as well move the ability to the UA, saving a component slot.
New Building_YieldFromBirthRequiredFood table:
BuildingType, YieldType, Yield

Yield is the percentage of required food for growth gained as YieldType.

Doesn't replace the FoodKept column as this is an instant yield.
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