UI - Oppidum
Can be built by Great Merchant, Great Engineer, Great Scientist, and Great General
Must not be adjacent to another Oppidum
Can be built on resources and connects them
Removes features (Jungle, Forest, Marsh)
+2 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1+1
+100% tile defense
Contains Fortifications
+1 +1 to all adjacent tiles (Grassland, Plains, Desert, Tundra, Snow, Coast)
Metal Casting: +1
Physics: +1
Chemistry: +1
Architecture: +1
Railroad: +1
Fertilizer: +1
Flight: +1
Electronics: +1
Civil Society: +4
Five-Year Plan: +3
Military-Industrial Complex: +3
New Deal: +2
+10% Gold and WLTKD length from Great Merchant Trade Missions
+5% Production from Great Engineer Hurry Production
+5% Science from Great Scientist Discover Tech
PillageGold: 20
Base yield: Golden Age Point is removed for not being part of all yields and not being part of any existing GPTI yields. The adjacency yields make it good enough compared to the other GPTIs.
Fortifications: No follow up should be basic for tiles with big defense. It's not considered a canal though.
Adjacency: Simple yields on all terrain instead of different yields on each improvement. Also simpler than having to list every current and future improvement. Unimproved tiles are rarely worth working anyway.
Tech yield: These are mostly techs that already include boosts to existing GPTIs. Each GPTI gets around 12 extra yields from techs, so Oppidum gets 16 for being a unique one.
New Deal: As a hybrid of Manufactory/Town/Academy, it gets a mixture of yields from this policy.
Also, the hill start bias is removed. The UA and pantheon are supposed to be flexible and the bias makes some pantheons less pickable. It's only there because of the Highlander promotion of Pictish Warrior benefiting from hills, but hills are everywhere on the map (more common than say trees or desert).
UA, pantheons, and all other components are not changed.
EDIT 1: Added start bias removal.
(8-10) 4UC Celts
This is a thread for discussing the addition of 2 more unique components to the Celtic civilization.
(8-10b) 4UC Celts - Oppidum Change
OG Proposal New Proposal UI - Oppidum (Great Person Improvement): Can be built by Great Merchant, Great Engineer, Great Scientist, and Great General. Does NOT replace other GPTIs +2 :c5food: Food, +1 :c5faith::c5culture::c5gold::c5science::c5production::c5goldenage: all other yields +100%...
(8-10c) 4UC Celts - Oppidum Change Actual Oppidum : Proposal : Change all adjacency bonuses to : +1 :c5faith:/:c5production:. The Oil well, Offshore Platform and Village are excluded (same as original Oppidum). New Deal Tenet boost change to 2...
(8-WD) Celts - Kit Rework
Current : See pineappledan's original 4UC Celts thread for the current complete kit. Proposal : This proposal can clearly be separated into three parts : one with the UA and the UB, one with the two UUs and the third with the Oppidum name change (it's just flavor, no gameplay change here). That...
[DLL] - (8-NS) Celts - Change to Pictish Warrior: Bonus on Kill involves Pantheon
The large :c5faith: on kill from the "Druidism" promotion has an overlap with the Aztec UA and has questionable value for some of the proposed Celts UAs. In an effort to maintain the Celt's strong Ancient Era Infantry, I propose the following, which should be useful while being different from...
UI - Oppidum
Can be built by Great Merchant, Great Engineer, Great Scientist, and Great General
Must not be adjacent to another Oppidum
Can be built on resources and connects them
Removes features (Jungle, Forest, Marsh)
+2 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1
+100% tile defense
Contains Fortifications
+1 +1 to all adjacent tiles (Grassland, Plains, Desert, Tundra, Snow, Coast)
Metal Casting: +1
Physics: +1
Chemistry: +1
Architecture: +1
Railroad: +1
Fertilizer: +1
Flight: +1
Electronics: +1
Civil Society: +4
Five-Year Plan: +3
Military-Industrial Complex: +3
New Deal: +2
+10% Gold and WLTKD length from Great Merchant Trade Missions
+5% Production from Great Engineer Hurry Production
+5% Science from Great Scientist Discover Tech
PillageGold: 20
Base yield: Golden Age Point is removed for not being part of all yields and not being part of any existing GPTI yields. The adjacency yields make it good enough compared to the other GPTIs.
Fortifications: No follow up should be basic for tiles with big defense. It's not considered a canal though.
Adjacency: Simple yields on all terrain instead of different yields on each improvement. Also simpler than having to list every current and future improvement. Unimproved tiles are rarely worth working anyway.
Tech yield: These are mostly techs that already include boosts to existing GPTIs. Each GPTI gets around 12 extra yields from techs, so Oppidum gets 16 for being a unique one.
New Deal: As a hybrid of Manufactory/Town/Academy, it gets a mixture of yields from this policy.
Also, the hill start bias is removed. The UA and pantheon are supposed to be flexible and the bias makes some pantheons less pickable. It's only there because of the Highlander promotion of Pictish Warrior benefiting from hills, but hills are everywhere on the map (more common than say trees or desert).
UA, pantheons, and all other components are not changed.
EDIT 1: Added start bias removal.
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