(8-12) 4UC Denmark

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Aug 9, 2017
Alberta, Canada
This is a thread for discussing the addition of 2 more unique components to the Danish civilization.

Spoiler Full kit with 4UC changes :


Spoiler Description of new components and changes to existing kit, differences from base component are underlined: :

UM - Longship (Langskib) (replaces Caravel):
available at Physics
150 :c5production: Production Cost
22 :c5strength: CS
4 :c5moves: Movement​
"Can move after attacking"

UB - Andelsbevægelse (replaces Agribusiness):
Unlocked at Fertilizer
1250 :c5production: Production cost
does not require Horses
+5 :c5food: Food, +3 :c5production: Production and 3 :c5gold: Gold
+2 :c5food: Food +2 :c5production: Production and +2 :c5gold: Gold to Farms and Pastures​
+1 :c5food: Food to Grassland and Plains tiles
+10% :c5production: Production when constructing buildings
10% of :c5food: Food in city is converted to :c5gold: Gold​
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Overall grade: B-
There is a debate that needs to happen as to whether Denmark is really “Denmark” or if they’re just “the Viking civ”. The 4UC team ultimately split the difference with viking and 1 non-viking component. I think we did well enough, but I could be convinced otherwise with respect to the UU if people preferred we went another direction for the UU.

- B. Another viking thing. Is that okay? I don’t know. We could have opted for something a little later in Medieval and gone for a Likedeeler caravel replacement instead, or something else entirely. As long as it’s not the ski infantry.
Mechanics - B. Another early unlock UU? Here the early unlock is meant to allow you earlier deep ocean exploration in the vein of Leif Erickson et al, but that’s more Icelandic and not specifically Danish. The move after attacking is a perfect fit for the longship, which were bidirectional so they could be beached for an attack and then pulled back out to sea without turning.
Uniqueness - B. It gets a pass because it’s a boat, mainly. The moving after attack, early unlock, and city bonus are not particularly interesting new toys

Theme - A.
I have it on good authority from our former resident Dane that this is a very Danish institution and a very good thematic fit, which is why he was so motivated to add it himself.
Mechanics - C. Pretty much just lots of yields and no strategic resource requirement. The food on terrain mirrors the extra sea food bonus on runestone. Otherwise, it’s not particularly interesting.
Uniqueness - B. Not many other Industrial UBs and no other Agribusiness.
Timestamp post to arrange all the threads in a neat order.
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