(8-15a) 4UC Ethiopia: Change Mehal Sefari To Oromo Cavalry, Simplify Monolithic Church

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Lost the game
Jul 17, 2018

Mehal Sefari: removed

UU1 - Oromo Cavalry
(replaces Cuirassier) - Sponsor needed for unit model, flag, and icon
Unlocked at Metallurgy
Standard costs
Requires 1 Horse

28 :c5strength: (+1) 24 :c5rangedstrength: (+2)
No Defensive Terrain Bonuses
Can Move After Attacking
City Attack Penalty
Naval Target Penalty
Skirmisher Doctrine
Zemene Mesafint (+20% :c5strength: Combat Strength against Units from :c5unhappy: Unhappy Empire.)
Field I (+10% :c5rangedstrength: Ranged Combat Strength. +10% :c5rangedstrength: Ranged Combat Strength when attacking Units in Open Terrain.)

Chewa and Mehal Sefari are on the same unit line, and we shouldn't have both unique units on the same line. Chewa is the more interesting unit so it stays.
The unique promotion focuses on beating up enemies while they're unhappy, and is the first of its kind. I originally wanted to double the "empire unhappy" malus on the enemy unit, but this is similar enough and easier to interpret.

UI - Monolithic Church
Can be built on hills or Stone resource, improving the latter
Everything is the same as the original proposal, but a Monolithic Church on Stone cannot be adjacent to a Monolithic Church on hills.
This unnecessitates cloning the improvement like Polders, and may be easier for the AI.

Minor change: Make Chewa's Maim actually work on attack only.
DLL part:
Maim is a plague so I don't know if it can be only on attack without DLL changes
I don't see the +20% :c5strength: Combat Strength against Units from :c5unhappy: Unhappy Empire. in the UnitPromotions table, but someone correct me if this exists

Artwork part:
Maim is a plague so I don't know if it can be only on attack without DLL changes
It's intended to make a new table for plagues. Needed for Dromon too.

If nobody can sponsor a model, there could be usable ones (that replaces cuirassier) in the Ethnic Diversity mod?
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If nobody can sponsor a model, there could be usable ones (that replaces cuirassier) in the Ethnic Diversity mod?
Unlikely, since the cuirassier unit is added by VP. Ethnic diversity never had to add a renaissance era ranged unit to every civ, because the only ranged mounted units are UUs in vanilla
Ethnic Diversity for VP seems to be using the Maara-weyn model for Cuirassier in Africa, Central Asia, and South Asia.
Looks like the Hashemite raider from the icon?
If so that's good since all the Arabia proposals that aren't base remove it
IIRC Scythed Chariot is using War Chariot model since the original one broke, so it's ok to repeat?
DLL part:
Maim is a plague so I don't know if it can be only on attack without DLL changes
I don't see the +20% :c5strength: Combat Strength against Units from :c5unhappy: Unhappy Empire. in the UnitPromotions table, but someone correct me if this exists

Artwork part:
New plague tables, replacing old plague columns (this is a new big version, we can do that):
UnitPromotions_Plagues - PromotionType, PlaguePromotionType, DomainType, ApplyOnAttack (boolean, default false), ApplyOnDefense (boolean, default false), ApplyChance (integer, default 100)
Stored as a map of PlaguePromotionType, PlagueInfo in CvPromotionEntry, where PlagueInfo is a struct of the other columns​
UnitPromotions_PlagueImmunities - PromotionType, PlagueID
Stored as a set of PlagueID in CvPromotionEntry​

This should support one promotion placing two plagues on different conditions, and/or being immune to multiple plague IDs. I'm not sure if we should keep the ApplyChance. Does any mod use non-100% chance?
Civilopedia should show all these in the bottom panel, but that's not mandatory for now.
EnemyUnitPanel.lua needs to be updated to support the new plague placement conditions and multiple plague placement.

New column for bonus against unhappy: VsUnhappyMod (integer, default 0)
EnemyUnitPanel.lua needs to support this.
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I was using a model that had legit scythes on the chariot wheels and everything and people were reporting crashes. The model exists if we can figure out what went wrong.
Timestamp post to arrange all the threads in a neat order.
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