Choose which components you want to see for France!
Proposer: @pineappledan
Sponsor(s): @axatin
New Unit - SPAD S.VII (replaces Triplane):
available at Flight
800 Production Cost
no Unit Supply
Does not Require Oil
45 RCS, 6 attack range, 7 Intercept Range
"Air Logistics" (can attack twice per turn)
New Building - Salon (replaces Museum):
available at Architecture
650 Production Cost
4 Gold Maintenance
+3Science, +3 Culture, and +3Tourism
+1 Culture and Tourism for every 4 Citizens in the City
Great Works gain +1Tourism
-1 unhappiness from Boredom
+5 when themed
+3Science and +10%Great Person Generation for each active Theming Bonus in the City.
Proposer: @DoveCDog
Sponsor(s): @axatin
New Unit - SPAD S.VII (replaces Triplane):
available at Flight
800 Production Cost
no Unit Supply
Requires Oil
46 RCS, 6 attack range, 7 Intercept Range
"Air Logistics" (can attack twice per turn)
New Building - Salon from base proposal
Proposer: @hokath
Sponsor(s): @axatin
New Unit - SPAD S.VII from above proposal 16a
New Building - Salon (replaces Gallery):
available at Architecture
600 Production Cost
0 Gold Maintenance
+3 Science, +5 (from +2) Culture, and +3Tourism
Great Works gain +1Tourism
+33% Great Artist Rate
+3Science and +10%Great Person Generation for each active Theming Bonus in the City.
2 slots for Art/Artifact
+5 when themed
The following possible themes (all Must be Art)
+2/+2 for both French
+4/+4 for same Era and French
+4/+4 for both same Foreign Civ
+8/+8 for both same Foreign Civ and same Era
(8-16) 4UC France
This is a thread for discussing the addition of 2 more unique components to the French civilization. Note, the most recent congress added an extra :tourism: to all cities per 10 military units on the UA
Sponsor(s): @axatin
New Unit - SPAD S.VII (replaces Triplane):
available at Flight
800 Production Cost
no Unit Supply
Does not Require Oil
45 RCS, 6 attack range, 7 Intercept Range
"Air Logistics" (can attack twice per turn)
New Building - Salon (replaces Museum):
available at Architecture
650 Production Cost
4 Gold Maintenance
+3Science, +3 Culture, and +3Tourism
+1 Culture and Tourism for every 4 Citizens in the City
Great Works gain +1Tourism
-1 unhappiness from Boredom
+5 when themed
+3Science and +10%Great Person Generation for each active Theming Bonus in the City.
(8-16a) 4UC France Alternative Current: available at Flight 800 :c5production: Production Cost no :c5war:Unit Supply Does not Require Oil 45 :c5rangedstrength: RCS, 6 :c5rangedstrength: attack range, 7 Intercept Range "Air Logistics" (can attack twice per turn)...
Sponsor(s): @axatin
New Unit - SPAD S.VII (replaces Triplane):
available at Flight
800 Production Cost
no Unit Supply
Requires Oil
46 RCS, 6 attack range, 7 Intercept Range
"Air Logistics" (can attack twice per turn)
New Building - Salon from base proposal
(8-16b) 4UC France Alternative + Salon Change
On the France proposal of This is an augmented form of So first the SPAD should require Oil. Very much agree. Current: available at Flight 800 :c5production...
Sponsor(s): @axatin
New Unit - SPAD S.VII from above proposal 16a
New Building - Salon (replaces Gallery):
available at Architecture
600 Production Cost
0 Gold Maintenance
+3 Science, +5 (from +2) Culture, and +3Tourism
Great Works gain +1Tourism
+33% Great Artist Rate
+3Science and +10%Great Person Generation for each active Theming Bonus in the City.
2 slots for Art/Artifact
+5 when themed
The following possible themes (all Must be Art)
+2/+2 for both French
+4/+4 for same Era and French
+4/+4 for both same Foreign Civ
+8/+8 for both same Foreign Civ and same Era
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