[Vote] (8-16) France

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Oct 3, 2013
Choose which components you want to see for France!

Proposer: @pineappledan
Sponsor(s): @axatin

New Unit - SPAD S.VII (replaces Triplane):
available at Flight
800 :c5production: Production Cost
no :c5war:Unit Supply

Does not Require Oil
45 :c5rangedstrength: RCS, 6 :c5rangedstrength: attack range, 7 Intercept Range
"Air Logistics"
(can attack twice per turn)

New Building - Salon (replaces Museum):
available at Architecture
650 :c5production: Production Cost

4 :c5gold: Gold Maintenance
+3:c5science:Science, +3 :c5culture:Culture, and +3:tourism:Tourism

+1 :c5culture: Culture and :tourism:Tourism for every 4 :c5citizen: Citizens in the City
:greatwork:Great Works gain +1:tourism:Tourism
-1 :c5unhappy: unhappiness from Boredom
+5:c5culture: when themed
+3:c5science:Science and +10%:c5greatperson:Great Person Generation for each active Theming Bonus in the City.

Proposer: @DoveCDog
Sponsor(s): @axatin

New Unit - SPAD S.VII (replaces Triplane):
available at Flight
800 :c5production: Production Cost
no :c5war:Unit Supply

Requires Oil
:c5rangedstrength: RCS, 6 :c5rangedstrength: attack range, 7 Intercept Range
"Air Logistics"
(can attack twice per turn)

New Building - Salon from base proposal

Proposer: @hokath
Sponsor(s): @axatin

New Unit - SPAD S.VII from above proposal 16a

New Building - Salon (replaces Gallery):
available at Architecture
600 :c5production: Production Cost

0 :c5gold: Gold Maintenance
+3 :c5science:Science, +5 (from +2) :c5culture:Culture, and +3:tourism:Tourism
:greatwork:Great Works gain +1:tourism:Tourism
+33% Great Artist Rate
+3:c5science:Science and +10%:c5greatperson:Great Person Generation for each active Theming Bonus in the City.
2 slots for Art/Artifact
+5 :c5culture: when themed

The following possible themes (all Must be Art)
+2/+2 for both French
+4/+4 for same Era and French
+4/+4 for both same Foreign Civ
+8/+8 for both same Foreign Civ and same Era
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Would love to see more civs with Theming Bonus interactions. I think before there was something about unique theming bonus, new texts and stuff like that. That would be neat
More theming bonuses don't make more yields. The proposed Gallery Salon themes are mostly obsolete (all except the +8 one) once Museum unlocks.
8-16b is weakened by the addition of the extra theme bonuses. They are bloat; as @azum4roll pointed out they functionally obsolete when museum unlocks.

Hopefully we can slim the building down in the following congress if the Gallery replacement passes
What are you talking about "bloat"?
You mean the building doesn't need theming bonuses to function fine -- yes maybe.
But the ability to theme Art at Architecture is a feature of the base proposal is a feature of the base proposal. I have not added it as "bloat", I have conserved it to respect that part of the original design.
But the ability to theme Art at Architecture is a feature of the base proposal is a feature of the base proposal. I have not added it as "bloat", I have conserved it to respect that part of the original design.
If you feel the theme bonus is important to the salon you should make it the building that gives the GArt/Artifact theme. Ie. you should have kept it as a museum. If you feel it should be a gallery then it shouldn’t have a theme, because there is already a building that does that.

Given that you changed it to a gallery and changed little else, it seems you think that is the most important thing, but are trying to have your cake and eat it too. I think if you want to change it to a gallery you should do that, and not try to turn a gallery into a museum.
I think it's better if the theme is replaced by an extra +3 :c5culture: per theme in the city.
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