(8-18) 4UC Greece

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As currently implemented on standard speed it is 1.25 x the number of friends and allies, rounding down

Not a lot.
As currently implemented on standard speed it is 1.25 x the number of friends and allies, rounding down

Not a lot.
It was worth more when the Klepht was ranged. They could attack every turn. Twice with logistics. And they could rotate on a road network like skirmishers. Pretty sweet.
IMO, Philhellenism could just give the same bonus as the UA: +5% for each allied CS on empire, up to 25%

That would be a perfectly respectable and flavourful bonus.
I don't like putting the same UA bonus on the UU. Huns already has that, and now there's a proposed England with the same thing (despite gunpowder units don't get the UA bonus), and then this.
there's a proposed England with the same thing (despite gunpowder units don't get the UA bonus)
Well in that case your "despite" is exactly the point. Gunpowder units don't get it, but the UU does. This is a good example of repeating the effect.
Having the UU with double the UA bonus is completely different. I also see no reason against it.
Yeah I see no problem with giving a UU 2x the UA combat effect. That just reinforces the design; makes the UU “your UA is a 2x power for this era”, and that’s cool.
Klepht needs this UnitPromotion_YieldFromFightPerCSFriendOrAlly table
Proxenos promotion needs to give +2 gold to capital on use... not sure how to do that one, something like UnitPromotions_CapitalYieldsFromTradeMission
Why is it +2 gold in the capital and not in the city the Parthenon is built in? What happens if the capital is conquered?
That is a typo. It should go to the Parthenon.
If the city with Parthenon is captured the player keeps their progress if they rebuild it, as it is implemented now.
Why is it +2 gold in the capital and not in the city the Parthenon is built in? What happens if the capital is conquered?
That's harder. Promotions don't store where the source building is from. Either you make the promotion a dummy and the building give the yields instead (please don't), or make the yields go to the origin city of the unit.

Latter means UnitPromotions_YieldChangesFromTradeMission (PromotionType, YieldType, Yield). Still not intuitive what this does though (tying "promotions" with "yield changes").
Could just have the yields accumulate without the use of a promotion. No dummy needed.
So just make a Building_YieldChangesFromTradeMission (BuildingType, YieldType, Yield) table?
If that is easier. The promotion was used because that was easier to implement via lua. If a better method can be done without the need for a promotion then there is no reason to have it.
So just make a Building_YieldChangesFromTradeMission (BuildingType, YieldType, Yield) table?
That would be doable. It would count Great Merchants.

Or we call it something like Building_YieldChangesPerDiplomaticMission and have the effects given only for trade missions with Influence > 0.
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