(8-23a) 4UC Iroquois - Better Way To Generate Tadodahos

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Aug 9, 2017
Alberta, Canada
UA - Gain 15% progress towards a Tadodaho in your Capital when you Adopt a Policy.

Prowler and Tadodaho: same as @ma_kuh 's proposal:
Spoiler More UC details :

UM - Prowler (replaces Musketman):
available at Metallurgy
325 :c5production: Production Cost
22 :c5strength: CS, 32 :c5rangedstrength: RCS​
2 Range​
2 :c5moves: Movement​
"Can Move After Attacking" (lost on upgrade)
"Infiltrators" (carried forward on upgrade)

UGP - Tadodaho (replaces Great Diplomat)
Receive a free Tadodaho whenever you complete a policy tree.
Can construct Embassies​
+1 Paper resource when expended​
Can be expended in City-State Territory for a large sum of :c5influence: Influence for you, and all other Civilizations lose :c5influence: Influence​
Resting :c5influence: Influence increased by 45 When expended for a Diplomatic Mission (up from 35)​
"Reciprocity" - When expended for any action, all yields from the tile the Tadodaho occupied are permanently added to your :c5capital:Capital

Identical @ma_kuh 's proposal, but changes the new UA bonus from a free Tadodaho when you complete a policy to 15% completion per policy
There are 6 policies per branch, so that gives 90% completion of a Tadodaho, and it will increase the cost of future Tadodahos unlike the free ones.
However, giving % completion per policy allows players to mix policy branches, and the bonus will continue to work with ideologies.
Trait_GreatPersonProgressFromPolicyUnlock already exists, so this is also less new code.

Overall, this UA change is easier to implement, more flexible and doesn't expire compared to the original proposal.
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