Choose which components you want to see for the Japan!
Proposer: @pineappledan
Sponsor(s): @axatin
New Unit - Yamato Class (replaces Battleship)
available at Nuclear Fission
2000 Production Cost (+200 more)
65 CS, 80 RCS
3 Range
6 Movement
"Taikan Kyohosyugi" (Unit gains Great Admiral Points on Kill)
"Armor Plating I"
600 GAP on Construction
Enemies receive 400 Culture and 400 GAP for sinking a Yamato
requires Iron
New Building - Kabuki Theater (replaces Opera House):
available at Acoustics
600 Production Cost
Requires an Amphitheater
+5 Culture
+5% Culture
+33% Great Musician Points
+1 Gold to all Musicians, Artists and Writers Guilds
1 Great Work of Music Slot
Great Works in City gain +1 Tourism
50 Culture Whenever an Internal Trade Route To or From this city is completed, scaling with Era
When a Great Musician is born in this City, Faith equal to your Tourism per turn as an instant yield
When a Great Writer is born in this City, gain Gold equal to 5% of that Writer's potential Culture from Writing a Political Treatise
When a Great Artist is born in this City, gain Science equal to 2% of that Artist's potential Golden Age Points from triggering a Golden Age
No changes but for reference because there are lots of variation below:
Old Building - Dojo
Old Unit - Samurai
Proposer: @Hinin
Sponsor(s): @axatin
UA Change - +1 Culture and Faith from Defense Buildings. When a Great General or Great Admiral is born, gain 50% progress towards a Great Artist, Writer and Musician in your Capital. Units always fight at full strength when wounded.
New Building - Kabuki Theater :
- replaces the bonus Culture from internal Trade Routes with "Gain Culture from Experience gained in Combat for Units born in the City" ;
- change the bonus from Great Musician birth to "Gain Production equal to a value increased by the number of Great Works of Music in the Empire".
Formula : Production gained = 75 + 75 x number of GWMusic in Empire.
New Unit - Yamato from base proposal
Old Unit - Kondei (replaces Heavy Skirmisher)
Unlocked at Physics
175 Production / 300 Faith cost
Unlocked at Physics
Requires Horse
17 CS / 17 RCS / 1 Range (+0 / +3 / +0)
5 MP / 2 Vision
Great General II
Kobudo (dummy promotion) - Can fortify and benefit from Terrain Defensive bonuses. Has no Attack malus against Cities and Naval Units. Lost upon upgrade.
Can move after attacking
Skirmisher Doctrine
Cannot melee attack
Attack malus against Naval Units
Attack malus against Cities
No Terrain Defense
Old Building -> Improvement - Torii
Can be built by expending a Great Writer / Great Artist / Great Musician
Can be built on Land and Coastal tiles, and not next to another Torii
3 Culture / 3 Faith / 3 Tourism
+1 Culture per Building providing Merchant specialists in the City (Market / Customs House / Bank / Stock Exchange)
+1 Faith per Building providing Engineer specialists in the City (Forge / Workshop / Windmill / Factory / Coaling Station)
+1 Tourism per Building providing Scientist specialists in the City (Library / University / Observatory / Public School / Research Lab)
Has no technology bonus
Proposer: @Pipiskus
Sponsor(s): @axatin
UA Change "Bakufu":+1 Culture and Faith from Defense Buildings. When a Great General or Great Admiral is born, gain 50% progress towards a Great Artist, Writer and Musician in your Capital. Units always fight at full strength.
New Improvement - Torii
Can be built by expending a Great Writer / Artist / Musician
Can be built on Land and Coastal tiles
6 Culture, 6 Tourism, 1 Faith
+1Culture, 1 Tourism, and 1 Faith for each adjacent Mountain
+3 Culture at Drama and Poetry
+3 Tourism, 1 Faith at Guilds
+3 Culture, 3 Tourism at Acoustics
+3Culture, 3Faith at Radio
All GPTI and Unique Improvement Bonuses from policies and buildings apply
New Unit - Yamato from base proposal
Old Building - Dojo
Remove 8 Bushido Promotions
Gain 50 in city whenever an internal Trade Route to or from this city is completed, scaling with era
Old Unit - Kondei (replaces Heavy Skirmisher)
Unlocked at Physics
175 Production / 300Faith cost
Requires 1 Horse
19 CS / 15 RCS / 1 Range (+1 / +1 / +0)
5 MP / 2 Vision
Great General II
Kobudo (dummy promotion) - Can fortify and benefit from Terrain Defensive bonuses. Has no Attack malus against Cities and Naval Units. Lost upon upgrade.
Can move after attacking
Skirmisher Doctrine
Cannot melee attack
Attack malus against Naval Units
Attack malus against Cities
No Terrain Defense
Proposer: @Legen
Sponsor(s): @axatin
UA Change: Melee attacking Land Units start with the Eight Virtues of Bushido promotion. When a Great Engineer, General or Admiral is born, gain 34% progress toward a Great Writer, Artist and Musician in your Capital.
Eight Virtues of Bushido -- loses the 10 HP heal on kill; the valid classes for "melee attacking" are: Recon, Melee, Gunpowder, Mounted Melee, Armor
New Building - Kabuki Theatre from base proposal
New Unit - Yamato from base proposal
Old Building - Tatara (replaces Forge):
Unlocked at Bronze Working
Cost: 110
Maintenance: -1
Iron: +1
+2 Culture and +2 Science (from +1 Science)
+1 Culture and +1 Production from Engineers in the City.
2 Engineer slots (from 1)
Unlocks access to 3 variations of Hokora, an inexpensive building with 2 slots for a certain type of Great Work.
Nearby Iron: +1 Production, +1 Gold
Nearby Copper: +2 Gold
+1 Production from Mines worked by this City.
Old Unit - Samurai (replaces Longswordman)
Unlocked at Steel
Obsoletes at Rifling
Cost: 160
25 CS (from 22 )
Movement: 2
Quick Study (+50% XP from combat)
Great Generals II (+100% Great General Points from combat)
Warrior Poet (When this Unit gains Experience through combat, receive Science and Culture equal to 140% of the gained Experience)
requires Iron
Proposer: @azum4roll
Sponsor(s): @axatin
New Improvement - Torii
Can be built by Great Writer, Great Artist, and Great Musician
Can be built on resources and connects them
Removes features (Jungle, Forest, Marsh)
+5 +1 +3
+1 +1 +1 for every adjacent Mountain
Drama and Poetry: +3 +2
Theology: +1 +1 +1
Acoustics: +1 +2
Archaeology: +2 +4
Radio: +5 +5 +1 +9
Civil Society: +4
Five-Year Plan: +3
Military-Industrial Complex: +3
New Deal: +6
New Unit - Yamato from base proposal
Old Unit - Kondei
Unlocked at Physics
Standard costs
Requires 1 Horse
17 15 (+1)
No Defensive Terrain Bonuses
Can Move After Attacking
City Attack Penalty
Naval Target Penalty
Skirmisher Doctrine
Great Generals II (Generates 100% more Great General Points from combat.)
(8-24) 4UC Japan
This is a thread for discussing the addition of 2 more unique components to the Japanese civilization.
Sponsor(s): @axatin
New Unit - Yamato Class (replaces Battleship)
available at Nuclear Fission
2000 Production Cost (+200 more)
65 CS, 80 RCS
3 Range
6 Movement
"Taikan Kyohosyugi" (Unit gains Great Admiral Points on Kill)
"Armor Plating I"
600 GAP on Construction
Enemies receive 400 Culture and 400 GAP for sinking a Yamato
requires Iron
New Building - Kabuki Theater (replaces Opera House):
available at Acoustics
600 Production Cost
Requires an Amphitheater
+5 Culture
+5% Culture
+33% Great Musician Points
+1 Gold to all Musicians, Artists and Writers Guilds
1 Great Work of Music Slot
Great Works in City gain +1 Tourism
50 Culture Whenever an Internal Trade Route To or From this city is completed, scaling with Era
When a Great Musician is born in this City, Faith equal to your Tourism per turn as an instant yield
When a Great Writer is born in this City, gain Gold equal to 5% of that Writer's potential Culture from Writing a Political Treatise
When a Great Artist is born in this City, gain Science equal to 2% of that Artist's potential Golden Age Points from triggering a Golden Age
No changes but for reference because there are lots of variation below:
Old Building - Dojo
Old Unit - Samurai
(8-24a) 4UC Japan - Less Katanas, More Reworks
Current : See pineappledan's recap of the current 4UC version for Japan here. Proposal : - Move a part of the Dojo unique promotion to the UA (return to base Civ V) UA - Shogunate +1 :c5culture: Culture and :c5faith: Faith from Defense Buildings. When a :c5greatperson: Great General or Great...
Sponsor(s): @axatin
UA Change - +1 Culture and Faith from Defense Buildings. When a Great General or Great Admiral is born, gain 50% progress towards a Great Artist, Writer and Musician in your Capital. Units always fight at full strength when wounded.
New Building - Kabuki Theater :
- replaces the bonus Culture from internal Trade Routes with "Gain Culture from Experience gained in Combat for Units born in the City" ;
- change the bonus from Great Musician birth to "Gain Production equal to a value increased by the number of Great Works of Music in the Empire".
Formula : Production gained = 75 + 75 x number of GWMusic in Empire.
New Unit - Yamato from base proposal
Old Unit - Kondei (replaces Heavy Skirmisher)
Unlocked at Physics
175 Production / 300 Faith cost
Unlocked at Physics
Requires Horse
17 CS / 17 RCS / 1 Range (+0 / +3 / +0)
5 MP / 2 Vision
Great General II
Kobudo (dummy promotion) - Can fortify and benefit from Terrain Defensive bonuses. Has no Attack malus against Cities and Naval Units. Lost upon upgrade.
Can move after attacking
Skirmisher Doctrine
Cannot melee attack
Attack malus against Cities
No Terrain Defense
Old Building -> Improvement - Torii
Can be built by expending a Great Writer / Great Artist / Great Musician
Can be built on Land and Coastal tiles, and not next to another Torii
3 Culture / 3 Faith / 3 Tourism
+1 Culture per Building providing Merchant specialists in the City (Market / Customs House / Bank / Stock Exchange)
+1 Faith per Building providing Engineer specialists in the City (Forge / Workshop / Windmill / Factory / Coaling Station)
+1 Tourism per Building providing Scientist specialists in the City (Library / University / Observatory / Public School / Research Lab)
Has no technology bonus
(8-24b) 4UC Japanese Medley Proposal
Proposal : - Move a part of the Dojo unique promotion to the UA (return to base Civ V) UA - Bakufu +1 :c5culture: Culture and :c5faith: Faith from Defense Buildings. When a :c5greatperson: Great General or Great Admiral is born, gain 50% progress towards a :c5greatperson: Great Artist, Writer...
Sponsor(s): @axatin
UA Change "Bakufu":
New Improvement - Torii
Can be built by expending a Great Writer / Artist / Musician
Can be built on Land and Coastal tiles
6 Culture, 6 Tourism, 1 Faith
+1Culture, 1 Tourism, and 1 Faith for each adjacent Mountain
+3 Culture at Drama and Poetry
+3 Tourism, 1 Faith at Guilds
+3 Culture, 3 Tourism at Acoustics
+3Culture, 3Faith at Radio
All GPTI and Unique Improvement Bonuses from policies and buildings apply
New Unit - Yamato from base proposal
Old Building - Dojo
Remove 8 Bushido Promotions
Gain 50 in city whenever an internal Trade Route to or from this city is completed, scaling with era
Old Unit - Kondei (replaces Heavy Skirmisher)
Unlocked at Physics
175 Production / 300Faith cost
Requires 1 Horse
19 CS / 15 RCS / 1 Range (+1 / +1 / +0)
5 MP / 2 Vision
Great General II
Kobudo (dummy promotion) - Can fortify and benefit from Terrain Defensive bonuses. Has no Attack malus against Cities and Naval Units. Lost upon upgrade.
Can move after attacking
Skirmisher Doctrine
Cannot melee attack
Attack malus against Cities
No Terrain Defense
(8-24c) 4UC Japan - Changes To Base Components, New Tatara UB (Dojo Replacement)
Original proposal: (8-24) 4UC Japan Incompatible with: (8-24a) 4UC Japan - Less katanas, more reworks (8-24b) Japanese medley proposal (8-24d) Japan: just Kondei + Torii, change nothing else Proposal UA receives the following adjustments: Loses the "+1 :c5culture: Culture and +1 :c5faith...
Sponsor(s): @axatin
UA Change: Melee attacking Land Units start with the Eight Virtues of Bushido promotion. When a Great Engineer, General or Admiral is born, gain 34% progress toward a Great Writer, Artist and Musician in your Capital.
Eight Virtues of Bushido -- loses the 10 HP heal on kill; the valid classes for "melee attacking" are: Recon, Melee, Gunpowder, Mounted Melee, Armor
New Building - Kabuki Theatre from base proposal
New Unit - Yamato from base proposal
Old Building - Tatara (replaces Forge):
Unlocked at Bronze Working
Cost: 110
Maintenance: -1
Iron: +1
+2 Culture and +2 Science (from +1 Science)
+1 Culture and +1 Production from Engineers in the City.
2 Engineer slots (from 1)
Unlocks access to 3 variations of Hokora, an inexpensive building with 2 slots for a certain type of Great Work.
Nearby Iron: +1 Production, +1 Gold
Nearby Copper: +2 Gold
+1 Production from Mines worked by this City.
Spoiler :
Hokora (writing)
1 of 3 Mutually Exclusive Unique Japanese Buildings.
Cost: 10
Contains 2 slots for Great Works of Writing. +4 Faith if Themed.
Hokora (art)
1 of 3 Mutually Exclusive Unique Japanese Buildings.
Cost: 10
Contains 2 slots for Great Works of Art or Artifacts. +4 Faith if Themed.
Hokora (music)
1 of 3 Mutually Exclusive Unique Japanese Buildings.
Cost: 10
Contains 2 slots for Great Works of Music. +4 Faith if Themed.
Theming requires 2 Works of the same type and from your Civilization, any Era.
+4 base theming bonus
1 of 3 Mutually Exclusive Unique Japanese Buildings.
Cost: 10
Contains 2 slots for Great Works of Writing. +4 Faith if Themed.
Hokora (art)
1 of 3 Mutually Exclusive Unique Japanese Buildings.
Cost: 10
Contains 2 slots for Great Works of Art or Artifacts. +4 Faith if Themed.
Hokora (music)
1 of 3 Mutually Exclusive Unique Japanese Buildings.
Cost: 10
Contains 2 slots for Great Works of Music. +4 Faith if Themed.
Theming requires 2 Works of the same type and from your Civilization, any Era.
+4 base theming bonus
Old Unit - Samurai (replaces Longswordman)
Unlocked at Steel
Obsoletes at Rifling
Cost: 160
25 CS (from 22 )
Movement: 2
Quick Study (+50% XP from combat)
Great Generals II (+100% Great General Points from combat)
Warrior Poet (When this Unit gains Experience through combat, receive Science and Culture equal to 140% of the gained Experience)
requires Iron
(8-24d) 4UC Japan: Just Kondei + Torii, Change Nothing Else
Sponsor(s): @axatin
New Improvement - Torii
Can be built by Great Writer, Great Artist, and Great Musician
Can be built on resources and connects them
Removes features (Jungle, Forest, Marsh)
+5 +1 +3
+1 +1 +1 for every adjacent Mountain
Drama and Poetry: +3 +2
Theology: +1 +1 +1
Acoustics: +1 +2
Archaeology: +2 +4
Radio: +5 +5 +1 +9
Civil Society: +4
Five-Year Plan: +3
Military-Industrial Complex: +3
New Deal: +6
New Unit - Yamato from base proposal
Old Unit - Kondei
Unlocked at Physics
Standard costs
Requires 1 Horse
17 15 (+1)
Can Move After Attacking
Naval Target Penalty
Skirmisher Doctrine
Great Generals II (Generates 100% more Great General Points from combat.)
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