(8-24c) 4UC Japan - Changes To Base Components, New Tatara UB (Dojo Replacement)

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Sep 13, 2015
Original proposal:
(8-24) 4UC Japan

Incompatible with:
(8-24a) 4UC Japan - Less katanas, more reworks
(8-24b) Japanese medley proposal
(8-24d) Japan: just Kondei + Torii, change nothing else

Spoiler Japan's current kit :
UA - Shogunate
+1 :c5culture: Culture and :c5faith: Faith from Defense Buildings. When a :c5greatperson: Great Admiral or :c5greatperson: Great General is born, gain 50% progress toward a :greatwork: Great Artist, Writer, and Musician in your :c5capital: Capital.

UB - Dojo (replaces Armory)
Unlocked at Steel
Cost: 300 :c5production:
Maintenance: -2 :c5gold:
+5 :c5science: Science, +3 :c5culture: Culture (from +2 :c5science: Science)
+25 XP for all Units (from +20 XP)
+2 Military Supply (from +1 supply)
All Melee, Mounted Melee, Gunpowder, and Armored Units trained in this City receive the Eight Virtues of Bushido Promotion.
When Units created by this City gain Experience through combat, receive :c5science: Science and :c5culture: Culture equal to 140% of the gained Experience.

-1 :c5unhappy: Unhappiness from :c5food: and :c5production: Distress.

UU - Samurai (replaces Longswordman)
Unlocked at Steel
Obsoletes at Rifling

Cost: 160 :c5production:
25 :c5strength: CS (from 22 :c5strength:)
Movement: 2
Quick Study (+50% XP from combat)
Great Generals II (+100% :c5greatperson: Great General Points from combat)
requires Iron

  • UA receives the following adjustments:
    • Loses the "+1 :c5culture: Culture and +1 :c5faith: Faith from Defensive Buildings."
    • Gains "Melee Land units start with the Eight Virtues of Bushido promotion", with the following adjustments:
      • Each of the eight virtues lose the heal on kill.
      • Valid unit types: Recon, Melee, Gunpowder, Mounted Melee, Armor.
    • Can now also trigger the :greatwork: GWAM progress from :c5greatperson: Great Engineer birth, but the :greatwork: GWAM progress is lowered to 34%.
Spoiler Japan's adjusted UA :
UA - Shogunate
Melee Land Units start with the Eight Virtues of Bushido promotion. When a :c5greatperson: Great Engineer, :c5greatperson: General or :c5greatperson: Admiral is born, gain 34% progress toward a :greatwork: Great Writer, Artist and Musician in your :c5capital: Capital.

Spoiler Example of how a virtue will be :
+15% :c5strength: Combat Strength when attacking.
+1% :c5strength: Combat Strength for every 3 HP below maximum health.
Eliminate combat penalties for being Wounded.

  • Dojo component replaced by the Tatara, a Forge replacement with the following additions:
    • Provides 1 free Iron.
    • +2 :c5culture: Culture and +1 :c5science: Science as extra base yields.
    • +1 :c5culture: Culture and +1 :c5production: Production from Engineers in the City.
    • An extra Engineer slot.
    • Unlocks access to 3 variations of Hokora (miniature Shinto shrine), a standalone building with the following characteristics:
      • Cost: 10 :c5production: Production.
      • Each version comes with 2 slots of a different type of :greatwork: Great Work (Writing, Art/Artifact, Music).
      • Each version is mutually exclusive with each other in the same city.
      • Theming requires 2 Works of the same type and from your Civilization, any Era.
      • +4 :c5culture::tourism: base theming bonus, and +4 :c5faith: Faith if Themed.
Spoiler Tatara's stats :
UB - Tatara (replaces Forge):
Unlocked at Bronze Working
Cost: 110 :c5production:
Maintenance: -1 :c5gold:
Iron: +1
+2 :c5culture: Culture and +2 :c5science: Science
(from +1 :c5science: Science)
+1 :c5culture: Culture and +1 :c5production: Production from Engineers in the City.
2 Engineer slots
(from 1)
Unlocks access to 3 variations of Hokora, an inexpensive building with 2 slots for a certain type of :greatwork: Great Work.
Nearby Iron: +1 :c5production: Production, +1 :c5gold: Gold
Nearby Copper: +2 :c5gold: Gold
+1 :c5production: Production from Mines worked by this City.

Hokora (writing)
1 of 3 Mutually Exclusive Unique Japanese Buildings.
Cost: 10 :c5production:
Contains 2 slots for :greatwork: Great Works of Writing. +4 :c5faith: Faith if Themed.

Hokora (art)
1 of 3 Mutually Exclusive Unique Japanese Buildings.
Cost: 10 :c5production:
Contains 2 slots for :greatwork: Great Works of Art or Artifacts. +4 :c5faith: Faith if Themed.

Hokora (music)
1 of 3 Mutually Exclusive Unique Japanese Buildings.
Cost: 10 :c5production:
Contains 2 slots for :greatwork: Great Works of Music. +4 :c5faith: Faith if Themed.

  • Samurai gains the Dojo's yields from earning experience in combat as a new promotion ("Soul of the Samurai").
Spoiler Samurai's stats, with new promotion in bold :
UU - Samurai (replaces Longswordman)
Unlocked at Steel
Obsoletes at Rifling

Cost: 160 :c5production:
25 :c5strength: CS (from 22 :c5strength:)
Movement: 2
Quick Study (+50% XP from combat)
Great Generals II (+100% :c5greatperson: Great General Points from combat)
Soul of the Samurai (When this Unit gains Experience through combat, receive :c5science: Science and :c5culture: Culture equal to 140% of the gained Experience)
requires Iron

  • Kabuki and Yamato added as they are in the original (8-24) 4UC Japan proposal.
Spoiler Kabuki and Yamato from the original proposal, copied here for convenience :
UM - Yamato Class (replaces Battleship)
available at Nuclear Fission
2000 :c5production: Production Cost (+200 more)

65 :c5strength: CS, 80 :c5rangedstrength: RCS
3 Range

6 :c5moves: Movement
"Taikan Kyohosyugi" (Unit gains Great Admiral Points on Kill)
"Armor Plating I"
600 :c5goldenage: GAP on Construction
Enemies receive 400 :c5culture: Culture and 400 :c5goldenage: GAP for sinking a Yamato

requires Iron

UB - Kabuki Theater (replaces Opera House):
available at Acoustics
600 :c5production: Production Cost
Requires an Amphitheater

+5 :c5culture: Culture
+5% :c5culture: Culture
+33% :c5culture: Great Musician Points
+1 :c5gold: Gold to all Musicians, Artists and Writers Guilds
1 :greatwork: Great Work of Music Slot
:greatwork:Great Works in City gain +1:tourism: Tourism
50:c5culture: Culture Whenever an :trade: Internal Trade Route To or From this city is completed, scaling with Era
When a Great Musician is born in this City, :c5faith:Faith equal to your :tourism: Tourism per turn as an instant yield
When a Great Writer is born in this City, gain :c5gold:Gold equal to 5% of that Writer's potential :c5culture: Culture from Writing a Political Treatise
When a Great Artist is born in this City, gain :c5science:Science equal to 2% of that Artist's potential :c5goldenage: Golden Age Points from triggering a Golden Age


This proposal mainly tweaks the UA for an additional focus on Engineers, and replaces the Dojo for the Tatara, one of the oldest recorded structures in Japan and known for using ironsand as a viable source of iron. These changes take inspiration from the cultural importance of their blacksmiths, with some of the most skilled producing blades that are today considered national treasures, and inspiring myths and tales that remain relevant in Japan's popular imagination. This offers historical ground for these smiths (as Engineers) to act as a trigger for the :greatwork: GWAM progress, and for a dedicated UB around them.

These changes make Japan's early game more flexible and varied. An old complaint was that Japan is pigeonholed into Authority for its :c5greatperson: Great General :c5faith: Faith purchase; adding :c5greatperson: Great Engineers means Tradition (which unlocks :c5greatperson: Engineer :c5faith: Faith purchase) has just as much merit. Similarly, the tweaked UA and the Tatara open synergies with more pantheons (God of Fire, Goddess of Beauty, Goddess of Wisdom, Tutelary Gods) than the current UA, which pigeonholes Japan towards Goddess of Protection.

These changes also address an old complaint regarding :greatwork: GWAM triggers in the early game, and during peacetime. Because Japan currently lacks unique military bonuses before Steel, the military :c5greatperson: GP trigger is often gated to Medieval Era, especially in higher difficulties. Having the "Eight Virtues of Bushido" in the UA means that going early for military :c5greatperson: GPs is more reasonable (and more friendly to AI Oda's Conqueror personality). And adding one economic :c5greatperson: GP workable in Ancient Era addresses both the early game and the peacetime issues, giving Japan something to work towards when not at war.

The unlocked Hokora, a type of miniature Shinto shrine common in Japan, has 2 slots for :greatwork: Great Works, with a variation for each type of slot: writing, art/artifact and music. This borrows from Venice's Piazza San Marco's mechanic, and is meant to address the possibility of Japan triggering the UA faster than they can unlock buildings with the needed slots for :greatwork: Great Works, regardless of type.

On the martial side, most of the Dojo's abilities are redistributed to the UA and the Samurai. The "Wounded Units fight with additional strength" that was originally in the UA, many versions ago, had gone to the Dojo (with some tweaks, a.k.a. "Eight Virtues of Bushido") to open space for an experimental UA (Sakoku), which essentially gated Japan's kit to Steel. As explained before, moving it back to the UA means the :greatwork: GWAM trigger is less gated by technology. And the Samurai gets the the yields from combat, so that the UU's current playstyle and feel are largely preserved. The rationale is that, in practice, the Samurai's playstyle comes mainly from the Dojo's abilities due to both unlocking at the same time. As such, it makes sense to transfer the Dojo's abilities to the UA and the Samurai, and let the (new) UB focus on something else.

Notably, these changes should interact better with the new 4UC components. Because the Tatara asks for more reliance on specialists (including an extra Engineer slot), you have a strong incentive to run :trade: Internal :c5food: Food trade routes, which steers Japan towards the same isolationist theme that the Kabuki promotes. And having :greatwork: Art/Music theming before Industrial/Modern Era can power up the Kabuki's yields on :greatwork: GWAM birth. Meanwhile, the Yamato benefits from the extra :c5production: Production that comes with a longtime focus on Engineers to cover her additional :c5production: cost.

The Tatara's free iron and the unlocked Hokora are based on historical elements, and aren't expected to help in Ancient Era. The Tatara was an unique type of furnace that existed since the 6th century and is remarked for being capable of producing iron from ironsand, an abundant resource in Japan that was largely untapped in the rest of the world; the West would first invent a method of doing so in the 18th century. It was efficient enough to play an important role in their economy, complementing the iron supply from the "mochi tetsu" (a native iron ore of similar quality to Swedish ores) and foreign imports. In game, the Tatara's free iron is expected to act roughly the same: not enough to dismiss iron tiles as a low priority, but complementing them enough that Japan's UUs aren't fully crippled by bad map RNG.

That the Tatara unlocks the Hokora, a miniature shrine with a :c5faith: Faith theming bonus, is also meant to represent a key aspect of why swords play such an important role in Japanese culture: their smiths were normally also Shinto priests, with the making of a sword having mandatory rituals and sometimes forged as an offering to a Shinto shrine, even nowadays. This is the basis on how swords came to be treated as objects of art and worship in Japan. The Tatara won't provide immediate :c5faith: Faith that helps with founding, as it very hard to get two :greatwork: Great Works of the same type in time for that, and Japan doesn't exactly need to found in order to use their kit. Nonetheless, it has synergies with certain pantheons that may help indirectly; for instance, Tutelary Gods can generate 1 extra :c5faith: Faith in a city if you get to use the Tatara's extra Engineer slot.

Amendment 1
  • Proposal no longer changes the UA's name
  • Tatara no longer has 2 slots for :greatwork: Great Works of Art/Artifact. Instead, it unlocks access to three variations of an inexpensive building (Hokora) that has 2 slots for a different type of :greatwork: Great Work each, and the same theming conditions and yields that the Tatara had.
  • Rationale adjusted accordingly.
Amendment 2
  • UA grants the "Eight Virtues of Bushido" (without the heal on kill) to Melee Land units, instead of "Wounded Units fight with additional strength" to all units.
  • Samurai gets only the yields from earning experience in combat as a new promotion.
  • Rationale adjusted accordingly.
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Love it. My comments:
  • Do you have a Tatara icon?
  • I like how your proposal addresses so many things in the Japanese kit that feel very limiting right now I also like how this opens up the tech tree.
  • The GWArt slots on the Tatara cover the slot problem generated by the GGeneral births for GArtists, but Musicians are still without slots for a long time. This is why I like the ⛩️Torii, because it addresses the problem of early GW slots by adding a unique improvement instead. Have you considered swapping the ⛩️Torii for the 👺Kabuki?
  • The UA name change makes me want to steal the declaration of independence.

If I could pick and choose different proposals to put together, I would combine the Tatara, move the TR completion bonus onto it and remove the GW slots, and replace the 👺Kabuki with the ⛩️Torii.
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UA - National Treasures
Wounded Units fight with additional strength. When a :c5greatperson: Great Engineer, :c5greatperson: General or :c5greatperson: Admiral is born, gain 34% progress toward a :greatwork: Great Writer, Artist and Musician in your :c5capital: Capital.
Wounded Units fight with additional strength should definitely be on the UA, I agree.
National Treasures is already the flavor text on the Independence Hall theming. PDan will be distraught, you know how much he likes theming flavor text (jk)
Freeing up the Ancient Era Policy decision with the Great Engineer is nice idea.

edit: damn he beat me to it :S
replace the 👺Kabuki with the ⛩️Torii.
Yes it's a difficult choice between these two proposals for me atm.
Do you have a Tatara icon?
I don't, and I'm not familiar with the tools to make the art in the style of VP's icons.

The GWArt slots on the Tatara cover the slot problem generated by the GGeneral births for GArtists, but Musicians are still without slots for a long time. This is why I like the ⛩️Torii, because it addresses the problem of early GW slots by adding a unique improvement instead. Have you considered swapping the ⛩️Torii for the 👺Kabuki?
I really dislike the Torii proposals so far, mainly for thematic/historic mismatch.

Thing is, Torii are entrances to Shinto shrines; if you're building a Torii somewhere, you're also building a place of worship there, as it is not something that the Japanese people just build around for aesthetic reasons. Ubisoft has recently received criticism in Japan because, among many reasons, they had placed a Torii in the entrance of a village, with no shrine in sight, in the trailer of their upcoming Assassin's Creed title that they were marketing as being historically accurate. The game is now being boycotted in Japan and there are even demands for its cancellation. So, if we're adding a Torii UI, it really should have some high :c5faith: Faith output and, if we're doing that, we're basically steering Japan to be a Religious civ, which I don't intend to.

Moreover, I'm not aware of any historical reason for why artists would be setting Shinto shrines around, which I find necessary to justify its proposed mechanics.

National Treasures is already the flavor text on the Independence Hall theming. PDan will be distraught, you know how much he likes theming flavor text (jk)
Yeah national treasures isn’t the best name…
I'm not married to this name, I just think it is somewhat an improvement over "Shogunate" after these changes. If someone has a better suggestion, I'd love to hear.

Currently, I'm considering names like "Land of the Rising Sun" for its relatively poetic tone, and "Chrysanthemum and the Sword" for how it was used by Ruth Benedict to describe the dual and seemingly contradictory nature of the Japanese people, including being "both militaristic and aesthetic". The first is too generic and without any explanation of the UA's mechanic, though, and the latter is not without academic criticisms on Benedict's work.
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Wounded Units fight with additional strength should definitely be on the UA, I agree.
Why does everyone agree to this when it completely obsoletes part of the Imperialism finisher?
Because Japan already has it as part of their UB promotion.
Which is on land units only and doesn't overlap with the policy.
Which is on land units only and doesn't overlap with the policy.
Why didn't you actually ask what you meant instead of just assuming everyone immediately understood what you were implying?
Now I know that you are objecting specifically to the recent addition of the promotion to naval units when it used to be restricted to land only.
The Imperialism policy used to give +20% defense to ships. Maybe it could just be reverted to that.
I'm pretty happy to consider policy bonuses downstream of civ kits.
The Imperialism policy used to give +20% defense to ships. Maybe it could just be reverted to that.
I'm pretty happy to consider policy bonuses downstream of civ kits.
Probably a good idea.

@Recursive, @Stalker0, @hokath, @ichris22 Question, is it ok for to propose changes to policies in this 4UC alongside the civ's changes? I'd like to add a change to Imperialism's finisher (back to Ironsides +20% defense) so that it doesn't rob the uniqueness of the UA that I proposed.
Amendment 1
  • Proposal no longer changes the UA's name
  • Tatara no longer has 2 slots for :greatwork: Great Works of Art/Artifact. Instead, it unlocks access to three variations of an inexpensive building (Hokora) that has 2 slots for a different type of :greatwork: Great Work each, and the same theming conditions and yields that the Tatara had.
  • Rationale adjusted accordingly.
Straight up giving the Samurai UU the Bushido promotion steps on Indonesia 's Kris Swordsman.
Amendment 1
  • Proposal no longer changes the UA's name
  • Tatara no longer has 2 slots for :greatwork: Great Works of Art/Artifact. Instead, it unlocks access to three variations of an inexpensive building (Hokora) that has 2 slots for a different type of :greatwork: Great Work each, and the same theming conditions and yields that the Tatara had.
  • Rationale adjusted accordingly.
Adding the Hokora is great! Makes the GWAMs a lot more manageable and makes the themes of the building considerably clearer.
Straight up giving the Samurai UU the Bushido promotion steps on Indonesia 's Kris Swordsman.
I'm considering the following then: the UA has the current Dojo's "Eight Virtues of Bushido" promotion on Land Melee units (Recon, Melee, Gunpowder, Mounted Melee, Armor), maybe without the heal on kill, and the Samurai itself gets the yields from experience in combat as a new promotion. This should also address @azum4roll 's point of the proposed UA overlapping with Imperialism's finisher.

Any thoughts?
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Amendment 2
  • UA grants the "Eight Virtues of Bushido" (without the heal on kill) to Melee Land units, instead of "Wounded Units fight with additional strength" to all units.
  • Samurai gets only the yields from earning experience in combat as a new promotion.
  • Rationale adjusted accordingly.
seems like you should just use the events system to prompt players for what shrine they want instead of making them build it.
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