(8-24d) 4UC Japan: Just Kondei + Torii, Change Nothing Else

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Lost the game
Jul 17, 2018

UA - Shogunate: unchanged
UB - Dojo: unchanged
UU2 - Yamato: unchanged, maybe for a later congress

UU1 - Samurai changed to Kondei (replaces Heavy Skirmisher)
Unlocked at Physics
Standard costs
Requires 1 Horse

17 :c5strength: 15 :c5rangedstrength: (+1)
No Defensive Terrain Bonuses
Can Move After Attacking
City Attack Penalty
Naval Target Penalty

Skirmisher Doctrine
Great Generals II (Generates 100% more Great General Points from combat.)

UB2 - Kabuki changed to UI - Torii
Can be built by Great Writer, Great Artist, and Great Musician
Can be built on resources and connects them
Removes features
(Jungle, Forest, Marsh)
+5 :c5culture: +1 :c5faith: +3 :tourism:
+1 :c5culture: +1 :c5faith: +1 :tourism: for every adjacent Mountain

Drama and Poetry: +3 :c5culture: +2 :tourism:
Theology: +1 :c5culture: +1 :c5faith: +1 :tourism:
Acoustics: +1 :c5culture: +2 :tourism:
Archaeology: +2 :c5culture: +4 :tourism:
Radio: +5 :c5gold: +5 :c5culture: +1 :c5faith: +9 :tourism:

Civil Society: +4 :c5food:
Five-Year Plan: +3 :c5production:
Military-Industrial Complex: +3 :c5science:
New Deal: +6 :c5culture:

Base yield choices:
Each Great Work gives +3 :c5culture: +2 :tourism:, which means you're trading 1 :c5citizen: 2 :c5food: for 2 :c5culture: 1 :c5faith: 1 :tourism: plus whatever yields the tile has per Torii placed. Not a bad deal, especially when placed beside mountains.

Tech boost choices:
Drama and Poetry: 2 Great Works of Writing themed in an Amphitheater give an extra 6 :c5culture: 4 :tourism:. Any other themes are going to be better than this, but you can safely leave Amphitheaters unthemed and convert those would-be Great Works into Torii instead, at least for now.

Theology: This is around the time you unlock your second policy tree. You'll unlock the Heritage policy on the next tech tier which gives an extra 2 :c5culture: 2 :tourism: to an Amphitheater theme, but as a unique component the yields can come earlier and better.

Acoustics: Both Gallery and Opera House give +1 :tourism: to each Great Work. This tech boost gives an extra :c5culture: on top.

Archaeology: Each set of Museum Great Art is 13 :c5culture: 9 :tourism: on top of the yields from individual Great Works (3 :c5culture: 5 :tourism:). The tech boost makes Torii yields (12 :c5culture: 2 :c5faith: 12 :tourism:) 2.5 :c5culture: 2 :c5faith: 2.5 :tourism: better than Museum-themed Great Arts, and will also obsolete weaker wonder themes (like Parthenon and Notre Dame).

Radio: Each set of Broadcast Tower Great Music is 10 :c5gold: 21 :c5culture: 21 :tourism: on top of the yields from individual Great Works (3 :c5culture: 7 :tourism:). The tech boost makes Torii yields (5 :c5gold: 17 :c5culture: 3 :c5faith: 21 :tourism:) 3.5 :c5culture: 3 :c5faith: 3.5 :tourism: better than Broadcast Tower-themed Great Music. Great Work of Music being considerably rarer than Arts/Artifact and GWAM bulbs being weaker for not making as many Great Works cancel out each other in the consideration.

Policy boosts:
These are all standard. Nothing to be explained.

Rationale (compared to other proposals)
  • +1 :c5faith: Faith on a late ancient building is what I would consider a light religious edge, instead of a sure religion. Civs that absolutely need to found always have more :c5faith: Faith advantages than this, so there's no problem (unlike the current Bazaar that gives +2 :c5faith: Faith).
  • The "Fights Better Damaged" ability cannot be put back onto the UA without also changing the Imperialism finisher, or there's an overlap.
  • The Bushido promotions are very fun to play with, and are restricted to land melee so there's an incentive to produce more of these. Essentially this makes the late unlock of Yamato not a problem, since Japan already has a skirmisher UU and two unique unit lines (Melee/Gunpowder + Mounted Melee/Armored).
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