[Vote] (8-25) Korea

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Oct 3, 2013
Choose which components you want to see for Korea!

Proposer: @pineappledan
Sponsor(s): @azum4roll

New Unit - Turtle Ship (replaces Caravel - Carrack in EE):
available at Compass
185 :c5production: Production Cost

32 :c5strength: CS
4 :c5moves: Movement
"Coastal Patrol" (Half :c5moves: Movement in Deep Ocean)
"Deck Spikes" (+25% :c5strength: CS vs Melee Units)

New Building - Chaebol (replaces Stock Exchange):
available at Electricity
1800 :c5production: Production Cost

+4 :c5production: Production and +5 :c5gold: Gold
+1 :c5gold: Gold per 2 :c5citizen: Citizens
+2 Gold to Towns and Villages near City
+4 :c5production: Production to Factory in City
+2 :c5gold: Gold, +2 :c5science: Science and +2 :c5culture: Culture to all Chaebols on Empire
cost of :c5gold: Gold Purchasing reduced by 25%

1 :c5gold: Merchant Specialist

Proposer: @azum4roll
Sponsor(s): @azum4roll

New Unit - Turtle Ship from base proposal

New Corporation - Chaebol
Unlocked at Corporations
Does not require a resource monopoly

+2 :trade: Trade Routes
Every Franchise in a foreign Civilization's Cities increase :tourism: Tourism with them by 2%
All Specialists produce +1 :c5gold: Gold and +1 :c5culture: Culture
+5 :c5production: Production for all Coaling Stations and Factories
+5 :c5gold: Gold for all Agribusinesses and Stock Exchanges
:trade: Trade Routes from Cities with a Chaebol Office to Cities with a Chaebol Franchise produce +50% additional :c5science: Science, and +10% :c5science: Science to the origin City
No franchise resource bonus

Chaebol Headquarters
1300 :c5production: (+ World Wonder production modifier)
Establishes the Chaebol Corporation on construction
Free Chaebol Office on construction

Chaebol Office
900 :c5production:
+2 :c5gold: Gold, +2 :c5science: Science, and +2 :c5culture: Culture for every Global Franchise

Chaebol Franchise
Automatically established with usual ways
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In many cases, I would rather have a corporation with all of its bonuses and the separate stock market UB on top.

Many people are already unhappy with the current state of the corporations. I expect the whole group of them will be undergoing reworks in the near future. Trying to Balance a unique monopoly in addition to that is going to create a headache.
In many cases, I would rather have a corporation with all of its bonuses and the separate stock market UB on top.
Are you comparing normal corporation + Stock Exchange UB with unique corporation + normal Stock Exchange? The latter should be better.
  • The unique corporation has the perks of Centaurus Extractors, Firaxite Materials, Giorgio Armeier, and Trader Sid's.
  • You should be in permanent golden age by then, so Civilized Jewelers only gives more GP and nothing else. GP modifier has diminishing returns, so a tall empire like Korea doesn't really benefit that much compared to the +10% science to capital per trade route.
  • I don't see how Korea would ever prefer Hexxon Refineries.
  • Which leaves TwoKay Foods. That comboing with Stock Exchange UB could be better, but you're only getting it ~1/7 of the time, or lower if you aren't the tech lead. Unique corporation has the privilege of not needing a monopoly.
I intend to propose my corporation changes at the next congress, but there's no reason why this new one can't also be adjusted.
Are you comparing normal corporation + Stock Exchange UB with unique corporation + normal Stock Exchange? The latter should be better.
and yet it's not.
The unique corporation has the perks of Centaurus Extractors, Firaxite Materials, Giorgio Armeier, and Trader Sid's.
It has some bonuses that overlap with those corporations in some places, but does not totally eclipse them.
  • The franchise bonus is strictly worse than what the Stock Exchange Chaebol offers. The SE Chaebol is faster to set up, and gives +2 :c5culture::c5science::c5gold:in all cities and you can have an entire franchise bonus on top of that.
    • For example, Korea with SE chaebols and Firaxite offices in every city would gain +2 :c5culture::c5science::c5gold: in all cities per city on empire AND +3 :c5science: in all cities per franchise
  • The proposed 50%:c5science: to trade routes is half as good as Firaxite's bonus, and the 10%:c5science: is identical to Centaurus. I would rather have the additional 5% :c5gold: discount on purchases and either centaurus or Firaxite.
  • The +1:c5culture::c5gold: is stronger than Armeier, but the big bonus on that corporation is the 10% :c5culture: to origin city anyways. The Korean UA already gives yields to specialist so this is overlapping and boring.
  • The increased building yields are comparable to what the base yield and factory boost of the SE stock exchange provides. No material difference there.
So, for no material gain in power, a Korean unique corporation will:
  • Be slower to set up, meaning Korea's late game component just got even later
  • Be harder to balance, and unstable/liable to change very soon, because the corporations system as a whole is unbalanced
  • Force Korea to give up the ability to choose a corp at all, making every game with Korea more homogenous.
And lastly, you don't have art for separate corporation offices and corporations logo for this. You should have secured art assets beforehand; why this is being permitted I will never know.
Do you guys at least have a concept for what this chaebol corporation look like or what it is going to be called? Also is it really going to be called “chaebol”, a common noun, when all other corporations use proper nouns (eg. dog vs. Lassie)?
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There cannot be any name for Chaebol other than person's name so i dont really see the problem with that naming, most people dont know what chaebol mean anyway so it becomes the name by itself just like with existing corporations.

Icon can be represented by Korean most popular corporations filled into the circle, so it would be Samsung, Hyundai, Lg, maybe smth else each one taking their part within the icon's circle
Something like this but in a circle and without words if its possible, just emblems
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I would make a logo like the LG one (red circle in the top left), i.e. some kind of pictogram, so it was in-keeping with the existing logos

I think "Sidsung" is a great name in line with the others heavy nod to real life corporation + civ related word as a pun
I agree that "Chaebol" is not really a fitting name
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